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Tuesday 2 October 2012

Diabetes and the Internet

Where would our diabetic control be without the Internet? Imagine we had no reason to doubt the advice offered by the healthcare professionals. Do we believe our blood glucose levels would be under control? More likely we would be joining the 74% of diabetics achieving an HbA1c > 7.5% and well on the way to diabetic complications!

Even with the Internet it’s been a struggle. With constant pernicious carping from a small minority of posters undoubtedly creating doubt for newly diagnosed diabetics. Fortunately, there is also a small group of posters willing to factually illustrate the idiocy of the carping. With the likes of the HCPs and Bonkers this is easily done but the likes of Phoenix require a little more effort. She produces a long list of references purporting to support her case, only for newer references to be posted showing her to be wrong.

Of course with the small minority of carpers attempting to cover their track,s with post deletion and editing, it is difficult for the newly diagnosed to appreciate the scale of the problem. To the newly diagnosed I can only repeat the dreadful NHS statistics.

74% of diabetics achieving an HbA1c > 7.5%

This statistic has remained reasonably constant since 2004.

So when Noblehead and the other carpers suggest the newly diagnosed to consult and seek the advice of their HCP ask yourself “is that the advice which has brought about the outstanding success over the last eight years”.



Lowcarb team member said...

We must count ourselves extremely fortunate we joined the forum when people like Fergus, Dennis, diabetic geek, Trinkwasser, Timo, Dr. Katharine Morrison et al were regular posters. All worn down by the antis and moved on. Now there is a new breed of stalwart lowcarbers spreading the word. Of course the antis lead by phoenix and other Carboholics are still pushing the diet of failure and working as shills for big pharma. All but the newly diagnosed and dull of mind can see through these spreaders of misinformation.


Anonymous said...

Were they really worn down or just got fed up / ashamed to be associated with you Eddie!

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
Were they really worn down or just got fed up / ashamed to be associated with you Eddie!

I never could stand gutless and anonymous guttersnipes. Tell us your name, and I might have some respect for you. Even an anonymous forum name will do.

That won't happen of course, prove me wrong, make my day.


Anonymous said...

ah touched a nerve !! They have all gone because you caused so much disruption they were embaressed with the association. So where is your good mate Fergus and the good doctor who let her son eat rubbish! Do tell.