A shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of the Lancet recently published a statement declaring that a shocking amount of published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false, as in, fraudulent.
Horton declared, “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
To state the point in other words, Horton states bluntly that major pharmaceutical companies falsify or manipulate tests on the health, safety and effectiveness of their various drugs by taking samples too small to be statistically meaningful or hiring test labs or scientists where the lab or scientist has blatant conflicts of interest such as pleasing the drug company to get further grants. At least half of all such tests are worthless or worse he claims. As the drugs have a major effect on the health of millions of consumers, the manipulation amounts to criminal dereliction and malfeasance.
The drug industry-sponsored studies Horton refers to develop commercial drugs or vaccines to supposedly help people, used to train medical staff, to educate medical students and more.
Horton wrote his shocking comments after attending a symposium on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research at the Wellcome Trust in London. He noted the confidentiality or “Chatham House” rules where attendees are forbidden to name names: “’A lot of what is published is incorrect.’ I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules. We were also asked not to take photographs of slides.”
Other voices
Dr. Marcia Angell is a physician and was longtime Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), considered to be another one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. Angell stated,
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”
Harvey Marcovitch, who has studied and written about the corruption of medical tests and publication in medical journals, writes, “studies showing positive outcomes for a drug or device under consideration are more likely to be published than ‘negative’ studies; editors are partly to blame for this but so are commercial sponsors, whose methodologically well-conducted studies with unfavorable results tended not to see the light of day…”
At the University of British Columbia’s Neural Dynamics Research Group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Dr Lucija Tomljenovic obtained documents that showed that, “vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and health authorities have known about multiple dangers associated with vaccines but chose to withhold them from the public. This is scientific fraud, and their complicity suggests that this practice continues to this day.”
Lancet’s Dr. Horton concludes, “Those who have the power to act seem to think somebody else should act first. And every positive action (eg, funding well-powered replications) has a counter-argument (science will become less creative). The good news is that science is beginning to take some of its worst failings very seriously. The bad news is that nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the system.
Corruption of the medical industry worldwide is a huge issue, perhaps more dangerous than the threat of all wars combined. Do we have such hypnosis and blind faith in our doctors simply because of their white coats that we believe they are infallible? And, in turn, do they have such blind faith in the medical journals recommending a given new wonder medicine or vaccine that they rush to give the drugs or vaccines without considering these deeper issues?
Please check out our website www.lowcarbdiabetic.co.uk We created and maintain this site without any help from anyone else. In doing so, we do not receive direct or indirect funding from anyone. We do not accept money or favours to manipulate the evidence in any way. Please visit our Low Carb food and recipe blog www.lowcarbdietsandrecipes.blogspot.com
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Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Woman's Health - Menopausal Middle and Other Things

Meet Julia McPhee, pictured above, she is a fellow blogger who lives in New Zealand and has recently written this article below which I think many women may relate to ... hope you find it of interest.

" I love to watch and listen to people when I am out and about, and often make up stories about them; you know those ‘back stories’, we create about what’s going in other people’s lives. I doubt I am ever very accurate with my assumptions, until last month that is….. I heard some words being trumpeted across the departure lounge at the airport,
“I’m a nasty piece of work, I’m exhausted, insomniac, a horrible person, I’m anxious, I have fluid retention, I’m over weight, I’m angry and, a nasty piece of work”
(yes ‘that nasty piece of work’ was repeated several times). There was no mystery as to what was going on in this woman’s life. By my calculation she was mid 50’s and listening to her conversation, clearly menopausal.
To be honest, aside from a slightly thicker waistline than I would like, I have so far been spared unpleasant menopausal symptoms. I would like to credit this to healthy eating and my ‘quite’ active lifestyle, however as I look around and watch my peers suffering, I realise that the menopause story is more complex and less discriminate than I had hoped. I am also very aware that I may not have flown under the ‘menopausal radar’. There is still plenty of time for ‘mother menopause’ to serve me up among other things; some hot flushes, heart palpitations, maybe an anxiety attack or two. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be a ‘recipe’ for a pain or symptom-free menopause.
This lack of understanding around mid-age health isn’t helped by the absence of a consistent or definite age indicating the onset of menopause. Menopause is defined as the absence of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. This life stage is preceded by peri-menopause, and is characterised by menstrual irregularity, commencing when the menstrual cycle length changes from an established pattern to one less consistent than in previous cycles. For those of us who have endured irregular cycles for several decades, this doesn’t really help. It appears that from the moment we reach puberty we are effectively “pre-menopausal”!
It is assumed that a decrease in oestrogen is the primary cause of unpleasant symptoms of menopause (the ones my airport friend was so publicly suffering) such as hot flushes, mood swings, anxiety and impaired sleep to name a few. This theory however doesn’t account for those of us who are by the above definition menopausal, however not suffering those symptoms.
What we do know is this; weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, increases in post-menopausal women, commencing during peri-menopause. Metabolic disorders (diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease) in peri-menopausal and menopausal women are largely determined by weight status. So while my airport friend was suffering seemingly unsurmountable physical and emotional discomfort she is also in a life stage where her metabolic health is very likely compromised, putting her at risk diabetes, CVD and obesity.
As I have already said there is no recipe for a symptom free menopause. There is however a way to improve your metabolic health, at any age. You know where this is going…..

A diet based on green leafy and non starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and low in processed and carbohydrate based foods and of course sugar, is a way of eating that will reduce those insulin spikes that are responsible for weigh gain. As we approach menopause our metabolism predisposes us to weight gain so we need to do everything we can to lose weight and/or prevent weight gain. Ladies I am not talking supermodel slim, I am just saying, eat well, in the manner we have discussed (whether or not you need to lose weight) and you give yourselves the very best chance of a healthy menopause. You owe it to yourselves.
So back to the motivation for my airport story. For a start thank you my menopausal friend where ever you are!! It’s time we discussed menopause more often; loudly, proudly, painfully. How-ever menopause is treating you let’s talk about it. If you are under 40, female and think it doesn’t matter to you; well if you are lucky you will be 50 one day, so start preparing now. If you are male (most likely you have stopped reading by now), you most likely have a mother going through menopause, or a future wife who WILL go through menopause. We will all be impacted one way or another by it so let’s not be shy, share your experiences, make menopause ‘normal’. It’s not going anywhere that's for sure!"
Words and article above from Julia. Her original article also has other helpful links so please hop over here
All the best Jan
Anyone For Tennis, it's Wimbledon. Strawberries and cream for you ?
Well it's that time of the year when all tennis fans eyes and ears are pointed towards SW London and 'Wimbledon'.
Wimbledon championship, simply called Wimbledon, is the oldest and the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. The name of the tournament is derived from Wimbledon, a suburb of London, where it has been held since 1877.
Back in 1868, the All England Club was established on four acres of meadow-land outside London. The club was originally founded to promote croquet, another lawn sport, but the growing popularity of tennis led it to incorporate tennis lawns into its facilities. In 1877, the All England Club published an announcement in the weekly sporting magazine The Field that read: “The All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, propose to hold a lawn tennis meeting open to all amateurs, on Monday, July 9, and following days. Entrance fee, one pound, one shilling.”
The All England Club purchased a 25-guinea trophy and drew up formal rules for tennis. It decided on a rectangular court 78 feet long by 27 feet wide; adapted the real tennis method of scoring based on a clock face—i.e., 15, 30, 40, game; established that the first to win six games wins a set; and allowed the server one fault. These decisions, largely the work of club member Dr. Henry Jones, remain part of the modern rules.
Twenty-two men registered for the tournament, but only 21 showed up on July 9 for its first day. The 11 survivors were reduced to six the next day, and then to three. Semi-finals were held on July 12, but then the tournament was suspended to leave the London sporting scene free for the Eton vs. Harrow cricket match played on Friday and Saturday. The final was scheduled for Monday, July 16, but, in what would become a common occurrence in future Wimbledon tournaments, the match was rained out.
It was rescheduled for July 19, and on that day some 200 spectators paid a shilling each to see William Marshall, a Cambridge tennis “Blue,” battle W. Spencer Gore, an Old Harrovian racket player. In a final that lasted only 48 minutes, the 27-year-old Gore dominated with his strong volleying game, crushing Marshall, 6-1, 6-2, 6-4. At the second Wimbledon in 1878, however, Gore lost his title when his net-heavy game fell prey to a innovative stroke developed by challenger Frank Hadow: the lob.
In 1884, the Lady’s Singles was introduced at Wimbledon, and Maud Watson won the first championship. That year, the national men’s doubles championship was also played at Wimbledon for the first time after several years at Oxford. Mixed doubles and women’s doubles were inaugurated in 1913. By the early 1900s, Wimbledon had graduated from all-England to all-world status, and in 1922 the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, as it was then known, moved to a large stadium on Church Road. In the 1950's, many tennis stars turned professional while Wimbledon struggled to remain an amateur tournament. However, in 1968 Wimbledon welcomed the pros and quickly regained its status as the world’s top tennis tournament.
Wimbledon championship, simply called Wimbledon, is the oldest and the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. The name of the tournament is derived from Wimbledon, a suburb of London, where it has been held since 1877.
It was on July 9, 1877, that the All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club begins its first lawn tennis tournament at Wimbledon, then an outer-suburb of London. Twenty-one amateurs showed up to compete in the Gentlemen’s Singles tournament, the only event at the first Wimbledon. The winner was to take home a 25-guinea trophy.
Tennis has its origins in a 13th-century French handball game called jeu de paume,or “game of the palm,” from which developed an indoor racket-and-ball game called real, or “royal,” tennis. Real tennis grew into lawn tennis, which was played outside on grass and enjoyed a surge of popularity in the late 19th century.
Tennis has its origins in a 13th-century French handball game called jeu de paume,or “game of the palm,” from which developed an indoor racket-and-ball game called real, or “royal,” tennis. Real tennis grew into lawn tennis, which was played outside on grass and enjoyed a surge of popularity in the late 19th century.
The All England Club is the chosen venue for the Wimbledon tournament. Out of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments, Wimbledon is the only one played on grass courts, the others being played on hard as well as clay courts. Wimbledon is held for a period of two weeks, starting from late June until early July. Wimbledon championship is preceded by Australian Open (played on hard court) and French Open (played on clay court). U.S. Open tournament is held after Wimbledon.
Back in 1868, the All England Club was established on four acres of meadow-land outside London. The club was originally founded to promote croquet, another lawn sport, but the growing popularity of tennis led it to incorporate tennis lawns into its facilities. In 1877, the All England Club published an announcement in the weekly sporting magazine The Field that read: “The All England Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club, Wimbledon, propose to hold a lawn tennis meeting open to all amateurs, on Monday, July 9, and following days. Entrance fee, one pound, one shilling.”
The All England Club purchased a 25-guinea trophy and drew up formal rules for tennis. It decided on a rectangular court 78 feet long by 27 feet wide; adapted the real tennis method of scoring based on a clock face—i.e., 15, 30, 40, game; established that the first to win six games wins a set; and allowed the server one fault. These decisions, largely the work of club member Dr. Henry Jones, remain part of the modern rules.
Twenty-two men registered for the tournament, but only 21 showed up on July 9 for its first day. The 11 survivors were reduced to six the next day, and then to three. Semi-finals were held on July 12, but then the tournament was suspended to leave the London sporting scene free for the Eton vs. Harrow cricket match played on Friday and Saturday. The final was scheduled for Monday, July 16, but, in what would become a common occurrence in future Wimbledon tournaments, the match was rained out.
It was rescheduled for July 19, and on that day some 200 spectators paid a shilling each to see William Marshall, a Cambridge tennis “Blue,” battle W. Spencer Gore, an Old Harrovian racket player. In a final that lasted only 48 minutes, the 27-year-old Gore dominated with his strong volleying game, crushing Marshall, 6-1, 6-2, 6-4. At the second Wimbledon in 1878, however, Gore lost his title when his net-heavy game fell prey to a innovative stroke developed by challenger Frank Hadow: the lob.
In 1884, the Lady’s Singles was introduced at Wimbledon, and Maud Watson won the first championship. That year, the national men’s doubles championship was also played at Wimbledon for the first time after several years at Oxford. Mixed doubles and women’s doubles were inaugurated in 1913. By the early 1900s, Wimbledon had graduated from all-England to all-world status, and in 1922 the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, as it was then known, moved to a large stadium on Church Road. In the 1950's, many tennis stars turned professional while Wimbledon struggled to remain an amateur tournament. However, in 1968 Wimbledon welcomed the pros and quickly regained its status as the world’s top tennis tournament.
Words above taken from here and here
Break out the strawberries and cream ... it's traditional at Wimbledon to do this, and Wimbledon's strawberry bond:
1) 142,000 portions of English strawberries are sold during the tournament
2) £1.70 - price of a punnet in 1993
3) £2.50 - price of a punnet in 2015
4) 7,000 - the litres of cream that are poured over the fruit during the course of the championships
5) 10 - minimum number of berries per punnet
This year (2015) Wimbledon takes place from 29 June to 12 July, the number one seeded mens player is Novak Djokovic and number one seeded womans player is Serena Williams, both pictured below.

2) £1.70 - price of a punnet in 1993
3) £2.50 - price of a punnet in 2015
4) 7,000 - the litres of cream that are poured over the fruit during the course of the championships
5) 10 - minimum number of berries per punnet
Radish, watercress and mozzarella salad with mint and lemon plus Pork Kebabs

Serves 8
(1.6g carbohydrate per serving)
100 g blanched almonds
200 g radishes
220 g baby leaf watercress
1 green eating apple
juice of ½ large lemon, plus the zest of the lemon to serve
4 x 125g packs buffalo mozzarella
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
sea salt
2 tbsp shredded mint
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4.
2. Scatter the almonds on a small baking tray and toast them in the oven for 10 minutes or until lightly golden; cool, then roughly chop.
3. Trim and slice the radishes and pick over the watercress, discarding any tougher stalks; put them into a large bowl.
4. Shortly before serving, peel and core the apple and slice it into matchsticks, toss with a little of the lemon juice to prevent it from turning brown. Drain the mozzarella and tear it into bite-sized pieces.
5. Put the 2 tablespoons of oil, the remaining lemon juice and the apple into the bowl.
100 g blanched almonds
200 g radishes
220 g baby leaf watercress
1 green eating apple
juice of ½ large lemon, plus the zest of the lemon to serve
4 x 125g packs buffalo mozzarella
2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
sea salt
2 tbsp shredded mint
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4.
2. Scatter the almonds on a small baking tray and toast them in the oven for 10 minutes or until lightly golden; cool, then roughly chop.
3. Trim and slice the radishes and pick over the watercress, discarding any tougher stalks; put them into a large bowl.
4. Shortly before serving, peel and core the apple and slice it into matchsticks, toss with a little of the lemon juice to prevent it from turning brown. Drain the mozzarella and tear it into bite-sized pieces.
5. Put the 2 tablespoons of oil, the remaining lemon juice and the apple into the bowl.
Serve and enjoy with sliced meats or perhaps some pork kebabs?

Pork Kebab recipe idea here
Original Salad recipe idea here
Isn't summer a great season ...
All the best Jan
Monday, 29 June 2015
DCUK Kmans last thread buried off the coast at Beachy Head today.
Kmans last thread buried off the coast at Beachy Head today. A clearly shaken flog administrator said "When this charade became known to us via the low carb diabetic forum and blog we had to pull the plug" The admin refused to confirm flog mods have been ordered to check out the low carb sites to check out what was going on at their own forum. 

I believe this thread has run its course.
Things are getting a bit snipey and it's time to cut that off before things start to get hurtful. Kevin, I encourage you to start up a blog here on the forum - follow this link and you'll be able to get started with ease: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/blogs/
Further 'editions' of this thread will be deleted.
Warm regards,
Coconut and Mango Ice Cream - A Taste Of Summer Delight

For all those of you who love ice cream, but would rather it be lower in carbohydrates than your usual ice cream, may just want to give this super recipe idea a try. "It has a clean fresh taste,and with no sugar, preservatives or colourings," ... it's a hit ... why not give it a try and see what you think !
10 mins
5 mins
15 mins
A fresh low carb, dairy free ice cream for the summer. The sweetness of the mango and the rich coconut cream makes for a beautiful combination. Perhaps you wouldn't usually have mango's because they are higher in sugars than most fruit, but this is 50/50 with coconut cream so the carb count isn't too high.
Serves: 4-6
1 mango sliced and frozen
1 400ml can coconut cream frozen into ice cube trays
Take the frozen mango and coconut cream out of the freezer, and allow to slightly defrost for 10 minutes.
I use my Yonanas machine to churn them alternately through the chute and turn it into frozen 'ice cream'.
If you don't have a Yonanas machine, you can place the frozen mango and frozen coconut cream into a food processor with the blade attachment and pulse unit it resembles ice cream consistency.
Serve immediately.
A higher carb dessert, but dairy free, no added sugar, unprocessed and packed with vitamins A and C.
Sprinkle with dark chocolate chips and coconut flakes.
Serving size: 1 serve Fat: 14.4g Carbohydrates: 13.4g Sugar: 11.5g
This is a very nice recipe idea from Libby, some words and pictures are hers. As she points out it has a slightly higher carb content than some desserts. If you are a diabetic please bear this in mind and always test your blood sugar readings.
All the best Jan
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Rosemary Chicken with Oven-Roasted Ratatouille

Serves Four
1 aubergine, cut into chunky pieces2 courgettes, sliced into half-moons
3 mixed peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
2 tsp finely chopped rosemary, plus 4 small sprigs
2 large garlic cloves, crushed
3 tbsp olive oil
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
250g cherry or baby plum tomatoes, halved
1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. In a large roasting tin, toss together the aubergine, courgettes and peppers with half the chopped rosemary, half the garlic, 2 tbsp oil and some seasoning. Spread out the vegetables in an even layer, then roast in the oven for 20 mins.
2. Meanwhile, mix remaining rosemary, garlic and oil together. Slash each of the chicken breasts 4-5 times with a sharp knife, brush over the flavoured oil, season and chill for 15 mins.3. After veg have cooked for 20 mins, stir in the tomatoes. Make spaces in the roasting tin and nestle the chicken breasts amongst the vegetables. Place a rosemary sprig on top of each chicken breast. Return the tin to the oven for 18-20 mins, until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are lightly caramelised.
Helpful Tip:
HerbsIf you don't have fresh rosemary, use fresh thyme or a couple of pinches of dried rosemary. Dried herbs have a more intense flavour, so use less.
Original recipe idea here
Makes a great mid-week meal idea.
All the best Jan
All the best Jan
Thursday, 25 June 2015
David Perlmutter: Optimal Diet for Brain Health
It started with Grain Brain, but it is increasingly clear that a high-fat, high-fiber, low-carb diet is a scientifically validated and viable nutrition plain for not just brain health, but for total health. A diet with this makeup is one that fosters positive health in the gut, creating a microbial balance that sets the stage for a reduced risk for disease like Type 2 Diabetes. What does that diet look like in execution? Find out in today's video.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
And We're Off !
Yes, we are off on our travels ... taking some time out to visit family and friends.
We may do some gongoozling, with the grandchildren ...
We may go to the lakes, we like it there ...
We will definitely be enjoying a meal with Graham later ... the table is waiting at one of our favourite restaurants, where we know the food is just delicious and low carb too !
See you on our return
All the best Jan and Eddie
We may do some gongoozling, with the grandchildren ...

We may go to the lakes, we like it there ...
We will definitely be enjoying a meal with Graham later ... the table is waiting at one of our favourite restaurants, where we know the food is just delicious and low carb too !

See you on our return
All the best Jan and Eddie
Chicken Salad with Tarragon

2 cups chopped, cooked chicken meat*
1/4 cup dried cranberries, finely chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1-2 teaspoons dried tarragon (or 1-2 Tbsp fresh chopped tarragon)
Salt and pepper to taste
* Poach about 1 1/2 lbs of skinless chicken breasts and thighs, preferably bone-in (for flavor), in a quart of salted (2 teaspoons) water, for about 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from water, let cool, remove bones, chop the meat into 1/2-inch to 3/4-inch cubes.
Mix all of the ingredients together. Adjust seasoning. Serve with lettuce for a simple salad," ... (or other ideas of your choice to suit your lifestyle / dietary requirements) ... " in a tomato that has been cut open for a stuffed tomato, or with slices of bread for a chicken salad sandwich."
2 cups chopped, cooked chicken meat*
1/4 cup dried cranberries, finely chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1-2 teaspoons dried tarragon (or 1-2 Tbsp fresh chopped tarragon)
Salt and pepper to taste
* Poach about 1 1/2 lbs of skinless chicken breasts and thighs, preferably bone-in (for flavor), in a quart of salted (2 teaspoons) water, for about 20 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from water, let cool, remove bones, chop the meat into 1/2-inch to 3/4-inch cubes.
Mix all of the ingredients together. Adjust seasoning. Serve with lettuce for a simple salad," ... (or other ideas of your choice to suit your lifestyle / dietary requirements) ... " in a tomato that has been cut open for a stuffed tomato, or with slices of bread for a chicken salad sandwich."
(This bread is very tasty low carb and gluten free)
"French tarragon is a distinctive herb, with a slight anise or licorice aroma. We don’t use it that often; I grew some last year and don’t think we used it more than once or twice the whole season. But it does pair well with chicken. The dried cranberries add some sweetness to the chicken salad, and the lemon juice just enough acidity to brighten all the flavors."
With thanks to Elise at Simply Recipes, most words and picture are from her site here
With thanks to Elise at Simply Recipes, most words and picture are from her site here
All the best Jan
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
The Truth About Obesity
Two weeks ago, an article by Chris Snowdon appeared in the Spectator, entitled "The Big Fat Myths of our Obesity Epidemic". It suggested that the health risks and costs to healthcare of obesity have been over-stated, and that obese people dying younger would actually help. Nothing could be further from the truth. Last week a remarkably similar article appeared in The Scotsman, written by Allan Massie.
Snowdon, echoed by Massie, argued that "being fat is ... an issue of personal health and private behaviour". Obesity (like every disease) arises from genetic/epigenetic-environment interactions. Few elect to become obese. And our genes did not cause obesity until the last few years. The obesity epidemic (qua WHO, over 15% of the total population affected, therefore time for government intervention for prevention) is an extraordinary new phenomenon. It has only emerged over the past 40-50 years, coinciding with the massive expansion of marketing skills and budgets, principally to promote sales of 'added-value' foods and drinks, and their consumption outside normal meal-times. This is an inescapable truth. It is not possible to 'prove' causality, though highly probable. Tackling root-causes of obesity demands radical changes to behaviours which have become normalised across society. Lifestyle habits are not simply matters of personal choice and private behaviour, but arise through life-circumstances and have consistently proved resistant to education. They have been moulded by marketing, so their improvement has to involve curbing the 'normality' (availability, acceptability and affordability) of highly-promoted calorific foods and drinks. Notably, obesity is more marked, and its consequences more severe, among the more deprived, where its causes are least amenable to education.
Following a review of the evidence, the UK's Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has called for banning junk food advertising to children. At the 2013 British Medical Association Annual Representative Meeting, an overwhelming majority supported aban on the sale of junk food in hospitals. The sad fact that 50% of NHS employees are now overweight or obese is a clear example that education is ineffective when the food environment is working against you.
Medical consequences of obesity, accumulating gradually, mostly over the age of 40, affect every organ system of the body, precipitating and aggravating chronic illnesses (the most devastating being diabetes), CHD and several major cancers. More importantly for obese people, it leads to physical disabilities - breathlessness, asthma, fatigue, arthritis, back pain. Once obese, people commonly experience feelings of shame, self-reproach and inadequacy. Thus depression and anxiety compound the ill.
Snowdon critiques the 'wild predictions' of 'campaigners' that 75% of UK adults will be overweight or obese by 2030. It might actually be sooner: the figure is already 68%. By the age of 65, some 80% of UK adults currently become overweight, and almost 40% are obese. But BMI alone is not adequate to analyse obesity: it is a rather poor indicator of fatness. Waist circumference (alone) predicts total body fat, and multiple medical consequences of obesity consistently better than BMI. Surveys over the past 20 years have shown how weight and BMI increases most rapidly in early adulthood, and then tend to flatten out with age. Some recent surveys in UK and elsewhere have suggested modest reductions in the rampant rise in BMI, but In contrast, waists are still growing at around 8-10cm in each 10 years, right up into people's 70s. The reason for this is that as body fat accumulates in older people, muscle mass is gradually falling, so BMI fails to identify the excess fatness. Thus the epidemic is far from over. And worse, increasing body fat (bigger waists) but loss of muscle ('sarcopenic obesity') heralds more diabetes, with its complications, and more physical disability, falls and fractured hips in older people.
Snowdon's statement (echoed by Massie) that obesity saves money, because people die younger, is absurd. It is insulting to the intelligence of those who work to treat chronic diseases, and insulting to the obese people who struggle for years to try to control their problem. It depends on the premise that life is a burden: "It is longevity, not premature mortality, which places a burden on public finances". A Lancet analysis found that if rising life expectancy means years in good health then health expenditure due to ageing is only expected to increase GDP by 0.7% by 2060 in the European Union. But that is not true if longevity is accompanied by obesity and multiple medical consequences. Obesity brings a catalogue of unpleasant symptoms and expensive secondary chronic illnesses. Drug prescriptions to obese people are increased in virtually every prescription category, and total NHS healthcare costs rise incrementally with BMI, doubling as BMI doubles from 20 (normal) to 40 (severe obesity). Our research from Glasgow has shown that 40% of UK adults now become obese by age 65, and 70% of them already have secondary expensive chronic diseases. Using waist-circumference (a better indicator of total body fat and of chronic disease risks), the proportion affected is even higher: a staggering 47% of all Scottish women, and 29% of men, are in high-risk categories by waist so unhealthy older age will not be healthy, productive or cheap.
Health economic analysis worldwide, carefully checked by peer-review, have never produced any evidence that obesity is not a major burden on healthcare. In UK, obesity is directly costing the NHS close to £6billion per year. The additional indirect costs to the economy of diseases related to being overweight are colossal. Type 2 diabetes alone adds £20billion. These figures will rise and may double in the next twenty years if we fail to act. Only this week Diabetes UK released figures revealing that diabetes is at an all-time high, affecting 3.9million Brits, 90% of whom have type 2 which is entirely preventable, and largely correctable, through weight control.
NHS England's Chief Executive, Simon Stevens has called for 'wide ranging action - as families, as the health service, as government, as industry, using the full range of tools at our disposal' to combat the normalization of obesity. His calls are scientifically justified, and essential both for the sustainability of the NHS and for economic prosperity. Arguments to the contrary do not reflect the independent evidence, and reality, that obesity is a tremendous threat to public health.
DCUK Forum of flog member Kman still going strong !
Anyone who has frequented this blog, over the last year or so, or members of the forum of flog, must know about Kman. Around eighteen months ago he had days, maybe weeks to live. He was going down fast with multiple organ failure, brought about by diabetic complications. Such was the pain, he was on enough morphine to croak a carthorse. But, fear not my hearties, he still lives. Not only lives, but has been highly active on his "Terminal and. Scared - UPDATE !" thread. Clearly this is an up-dated thread, because his other maudlin and rambling threads of doom were deleted or locked.
Today we hear (43 pages on) he wished he had the money to go on a one way trip to Dignitas, but alas, insufficient funds kicked that morbid excursion into touch. To save an awful lot of money, and to put an end to the sane forum members suffering, might I be so bold as to suggest a trip up to Beachy Head. Cost effective and swift, and at this time of year, a very pleasant place.
Perhaps someone could pass this message on, maybe Kman would like to contact me, and we could arrange to photograph the epic finale event. I could flog off the photographs and donate the swag to help with the funeral costs. See, I have got a heart. Never let it be said I don't think of others.
Maldon and Steam Tug Brent
Maldon in Essex showing the Thames Barges. One of our favourite places.
As many followers of this blog may already know, we do like visiting Maldon in Essex, and the beautiful river Blackwater. If you get a chance do visit this great little town, it is home of the majestic Thames Barges and the old Steam Tug Brent. This old Tug is number three on the list of must be saved boats in England. A charity has been set up to save this great old boat, and you can read more about this below.
Steam Tug Brent one of the last of her kind...........
Built for the Admiralty as part of the War effort, the Brent was sold instead to the Port of London Authority to help maintain the Thames as a navigable waterway and to tow lighters and barges full of cargo between merchant ships and warehouses in the London Docks. She did this from 1945 until 1970.

What makes the Brent special?
Brent is the last surviving steam vessel of the Port of London Authority's fleet and one of only three steam vessels left, of many which were once in use on the River Thames and in the London docks' system.
She is one of only three steam TID class tugs left in Britain, of the 182 built for the Admiralty as part of the War Effort mostly by women, using pioneering all welded flate plate construction.
Brent is a classic smaller 'Lighterage' sized steam tug of which there were once hundreds working in the dockyards, rivers and tributaries around Britain. She is now one of only four of this class left in the U.K.
A lucky escape!
Sent for scrap in 1970 the Brent was rescued and restored by the Hall family of Maldon, Essex who used her as a holiday 'tug yacht' for nearly 40 years until the need for major repairs caused her to be laid up. She was donated by the family to us the Steam Tug Brent Trust a registered charity in 2011.
What next?
We are now trying to restore, preserve and display the Brent as a working example of maritime heritage for the public benefit of all. She needs a lot of work, specialist care and repairs, if she is to work again and survive.
We hope to...........
Help provide partnership training to apprentice heritage shipwrights, steam engineers and boiler makers whilst being restored and operated.
Celebrate the Docklands traditions of towage and lighterage on the Thames and allow public access on board to learn more about steam and maritime history.
Work with partners to provide heritage boat handling, steam and maritime experience for young people, students and specialist groups, along the Thames, East and South East coasts.

Brent in The Royal Albert Dock. 1963?
If we can raise enough funds and restore Brent back to working order in time..........
We hope to attend the 75th Anniversary of the D Day Landings in France in 2019.
The only chance for Brent and two other TID class steam tugs to help commemorate the sacrifices made by merchant and Admiralty sailors and the Royal Engineers who took part and the vital role that TID Tugs played at this event.
Registered Charity No.1139414

Exterior view taken in 2010.
Website and more details here
More about Maldon here
Of course at the end of a pleasant visit, whether you stay away or go back home, it's always nice to relax with a LCHF meal such as Dijon Chicken with mushrooms.

If you eat out at restaurants just cast your eye over the menu, and I'm sure you will find something to suit your lifestyle choice.
Thanks for reading ...
All the best Jan
Lamb Moussaka with tomatoes, peppers and Caerphilly cheese

Serves Four
1 tbsp olive oil
800 g lamb mince
2 onions, chopped
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 cloves garlic, crushed
4 tomatoes, roughly chopped
300 ml low-salt lamb or veg stock (such as Kallo), made with a cube
1 kg aubergines, cut into 1cm slices
3 red peppers, quartered and de-seeded
300 g readymade watercress sauce
2 large egg yolks
80 g Caerphilly cheese, crumbled
300 ml low-salt lamb or veg stock (such as Kallo), made with a cube
1 kg aubergines, cut into 1cm slices
3 red peppers, quartered and de-seeded
300 g readymade watercress sauce
2 large egg yolks
80 g Caerphilly cheese, crumbled
1 Preheat the oven to 220ĀŗC, fan 200ĀŗC, gas 7. Heat a large non-stick frying pan and cook the lamb on a high heat in batches, ensuring you get a good golden crust on the mince.
2 Transfer each batch to a bowl, then clean the pan. Sweat the onions for 10 minutes, covered. Add the cinnamon and garlic, and cook for a minute. Add the tomatoes and stock to the onions, then transfer the mixture to a saucepan. Cover and cook for 40 minutes. Leave to cool
3 Meanwhile, place the aubergines and peppers on 2 baking trays, brush with oil and season. Cook in the oven for 45 minutes, swapping the trays round halfway through.
4 Remove the aubergines and peppers from the oven and reduce the temperature to 200ĀŗC, fan 180ĀŗC, gas 6. Assemble the moussakas in 2 x 2 litre ovenproof dishes. Divide half the lamb mixture and all the tomato mixture between the 2, layer over the aubergines and peppers and spoon over the remaining lamb. Mix together the watercress sauce and egg yolks and drizzle over the top. Crumble over the cheese and bake one for 40 minutes.
5 To freeze the other dish, cool it completely and freeze for up to 1 month. Defrost and cook as before, or cook from frozen, doubling the cooking time. Check that it's piping hot in the middle before serving
Original recipe idea here
I hope all the family enjoy this low carb recipe ... of course, if preferred, you can always made a slightly smaller moussaka just amend the ingredients accordingly.
All the best Jan
Monday, 22 June 2015
Retrospective Analysis of Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes with American Diabetes Association Recommendations compared with Carbohydrate Restriction
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has increased dramatically over the last several decades. Following diagnosis, diabetes has historically been approached as a disease that will progress over time requiring increased oral medications and eventual insulin therapy. However, several recent studies indicate that diabetes improvement can occur with fewer medications with either significant calorie restriction or macronutrient manipulation.
This study was designed to retrospectively assess the effectiveness of the Indiana University (IU) Medical Weight Loss Program (IU-MWLP), which is based on carbohydrate restriction, to improve indices of metabolic health, compared to a standard of care program based on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diabetes management program.
IRB approved diabetic patient lists were obtained from the IU Health electronic medical record department who had either started the medical weight loss program or seen the diabetic dieticians in the first seven months of 2014. Patients were entered into the study in consecutive order as they met the inclusion criteria of available pre and post labs in a set time frame until a total of 50 patients in each group were obtained. Weight, BMI, hemoglobin A1c, serum transaminases, creatinine, and fasting lipid profiles were recorded along with diabetic medication use.
Over time, body weight, blood pressure, and serum triglyceride responses were different (p<0.05) between patients in the IU -MWLP vs. ADA groups (BW -8.8±1.1 vs. -1.1±0.7 kg; SBP -4.9±2.4 vs. 2.6±2.0 mmHg; DBP -5.4±1.6 vs. 1.8±1.6 mmHg; TG -10.9±12.0 vs. 51.5±29.4 mg/dL). Serum creatinine and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) showed statistically significant decreases in IU-MWLP, but not ADA. Hemoglobin A1c decreased in both groups (-0.54±-.16 vs. -0.51±0.18 %), with no difference in response between groups. Patients in the low carbohydrate group had a considerable number of medications removed or decreased compared to the ADA group.
Within the IU Health system, the IU-Medical Weight Loss Program more effectively reduced patient body weight and improved selected indices of metabolic health than an ADA-based diabetes management program. These findings provide a scientific foundation to continue to assess the effectiveness of this low carbohydrate nutrition plan for diabetes therapy, including both clinical and financial impact to care.
One of the authors of this study is Dr Sarah Hallberg who featured on the TEDx video "Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines" https://www.youtube.com/
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has increased dramatically over the last several decades. Following diagnosis, diabetes has historically been approached as a disease that will progress over time requiring increased oral medications and eventual insulin therapy. However, several recent studies indicate that diabetes improvement can occur with fewer medications with either significant calorie restriction or macronutrient manipulation.
This study was designed to retrospectively assess the effectiveness of the Indiana University (IU) Medical Weight Loss Program (IU-MWLP), which is based on carbohydrate restriction, to improve indices of metabolic health, compared to a standard of care program based on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diabetes management program.
IRB approved diabetic patient lists were obtained from the IU Health electronic medical record department who had either started the medical weight loss program or seen the diabetic dieticians in the first seven months of 2014. Patients were entered into the study in consecutive order as they met the inclusion criteria of available pre and post labs in a set time frame until a total of 50 patients in each group were obtained. Weight, BMI, hemoglobin A1c, serum transaminases, creatinine, and fasting lipid profiles were recorded along with diabetic medication use.
Over time, body weight, blood pressure, and serum triglyceride responses were different (p<0.05) between patients in the IU -MWLP vs. ADA groups (BW -8.8±1.1 vs. -1.1±0.7 kg; SBP -4.9±2.4 vs. 2.6±2.0 mmHg; DBP -5.4±1.6 vs. 1.8±1.6 mmHg; TG -10.9±12.0 vs. 51.5±29.4 mg/dL). Serum creatinine and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) showed statistically significant decreases in IU-MWLP, but not ADA. Hemoglobin A1c decreased in both groups (-0.54±-.16 vs. -0.51±0.18 %), with no difference in response between groups. Patients in the low carbohydrate group had a considerable number of medications removed or decreased compared to the ADA group.
Within the IU Health system, the IU-Medical Weight Loss Program more effectively reduced patient body weight and improved selected indices of metabolic health than an ADA-based diabetes management program. These findings provide a scientific foundation to continue to assess the effectiveness of this low carbohydrate nutrition plan for diabetes therapy, including both clinical and financial impact to care.
One of the authors of this study is Dr Sarah Hallberg who featured on the TEDx video "Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines" https://www.youtube.com/
Paleo recipe: whipped cream with summer berries
This dairy-free whipped cream is perfect for those on a paleo diet / lifestyle
SERVES 4. Leftover cream can be frozen (whisk again before serving).
1 tin of coconut milk (not low fat)
1tsp vanilla powder (or extract, see notes original article)
1tsp lime or lemon juice
summer berries
1.Don’t shake up the tin of coconut milk!
2.Open the tin and scoop out the white cream into a large bowl, leaving the centimetre or so of clear liquid behind. Add the vanilla powder and lime juice to the cream, then beat with electric whisk until billowing and increased in volume.
NB: this will work best if the cream is chilled in the fridge first. But it isn’t essential.
Serve with summer berries.
See more about this Paleo Recipe Idea Here
If you are looking for a dairy free whipped cream then the recipe idea above works well, but of course lovely summer berries could be served with double cream (heavy cream) or even clotted cream if you can tolerate dairy products in your lifestyle menu plans. The choice is up to you ...
All the best Jan
1tsp vanilla powder (or extract, see notes original article)
1tsp lime or lemon juice
summer berries
1.Don’t shake up the tin of coconut milk!
2.Open the tin and scoop out the white cream into a large bowl, leaving the centimetre or so of clear liquid behind. Add the vanilla powder and lime juice to the cream, then beat with electric whisk until billowing and increased in volume.
NB: this will work best if the cream is chilled in the fridge first. But it isn’t essential.
Serve with summer berries.
See more about this Paleo Recipe Idea Here
If you are looking for a dairy free whipped cream then the recipe idea above works well, but of course lovely summer berries could be served with double cream (heavy cream) or even clotted cream if you can tolerate dairy products in your lifestyle menu plans. The choice is up to you ...
All the best Jan
Ask Dr. Bernstein Teleseminar this Wednesday, June 24, 2015
This month's Ask Dr. Bernstein Webcast and Teleconference will be broadcast this Wednesday, June 24, 8:00 pm EDT, 7:00 pm CDT, 5:00 pm PDT, and for our overseas guests, 12:00 am UTC (Thursday). Please be on the call 5 minutes early so we can start on time.
Special Topics:
Skype: Go to http://instantteleseminar.com/skype/. Use the skype id "joinconference", then bring up the dial pad to enter the conference id, 900326#. Don't forget to click on VIEW SLIDES on the website while the teleconference is on.
Put all of this year's teleseminar dates in your calendar: July 29, August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25, and December 30.
Special Topics:
1. Is Obesity-Associated Type 2 Diabetes an Autoimmune Disease?
2. Glucophage May Improve Coronary Artery Disease
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend by web, visit:http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=70382937
PIN Code: 900326#
Full List of Dial in Numbers:
To attend by web, visit:http://www.instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=70382937
PIN Code: 900326#
Full List of Dial in Numbers:
Skype: Go to http://instantteleseminar.com/skype/. Use the skype id "joinconference", then bring up the dial pad to enter the conference id, 900326#. Don't forget to click on VIEW SLIDES on the website while the teleconference is on.
Put all of this year's teleseminar dates in your calendar: July 29, August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25, and December 30.
What is Intermittent Fasting? What you may need to know !
"What is Intermittent Fasting? Explained in Human Terms.
A phenomenon called intermittent fasting is currently one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends. It involves alternating cycles of fasting and eating. Many studies show that this can cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, protect against disease and perhaps help you live longer.This article explains what intermittent fasting is, and why you should care.
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It does not say anything about which foods to eat, but rather when you should eat them. There are several different intermittent fasting methods, all of which split the day or week into eating periods and fasting periods. Most people already “fast” every day, while they sleep. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending that fast a little longer. You can do this by skipping breakfast, eating your first meal at noon and your last meal at 8 pm. Then you’re technically fasting for 16 hours every day, and restricting your eating to an 8-hour eating window. This is the most popular form of intermittent fasting, known as the 16/8 method.
Despite what you may think, intermittent fasting is actually fairly easy to do. Many people report feeling better and having more energy during a fast. Hunger is usually not that big of an issue, although it can be a problem in the beginning, while your body is getting used to not eating for extended periods of time.
No food is allowed during the fasting period, but you can drink water, coffee, tea and other non-caloric beverages.
Some forms of intermittent fasting allow small amounts of low-calorie foods during the fasting period.
Taking supplements is generally allowed while fasting, as long as there are no calories in them.
Bottom Line: Intermittent fasting (or “IF”) is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It is a very popular health and fitness trend, with research to back it up.
Why Fast?
Humans have actually been fasting for thousands of years. Sometimes it was done out of necessity, when there simply wasn’t any food available. In other instances, it was done for religious reasons. Various religions, including Christianity and Buddhism, mandate some form of fasting. Humans and other animals also often instinctively fast when sick. Clearly, there is nothing “unnatural” about fasting, and our bodies are very well equipped to handle extended periods of not eating.
Types of Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent fasting has become very trendy in the past few years, and several different types/methods have emerged.
Here are some of the most popular ones:
As long as you stick to healthy foods, restricting your eating window and fasting from time to time can have some very impressive health benefits. It is an effective way to lose fat and improve metabolic health, while simplifying your life at the same time.
This article is part of a series on intermittent fasting. Keep posted for more."
Taking supplements is generally allowed while fasting, as long as there are no calories in them.
Bottom Line: Intermittent fasting (or “IF”) is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It is a very popular health and fitness trend, with research to back it up.

Humans have actually been fasting for thousands of years. Sometimes it was done out of necessity, when there simply wasn’t any food available. In other instances, it was done for religious reasons. Various religions, including Christianity and Buddhism, mandate some form of fasting. Humans and other animals also often instinctively fast when sick. Clearly, there is nothing “unnatural” about fasting, and our bodies are very well equipped to handle extended periods of not eating.
Bottom Line: Humans are well adapted to fasting from time to time. Modern research shows that it has benefits for weight loss, metabolic health, disease prevention and may even help you live longer.
Types of Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent fasting has become very trendy in the past few years, and several different types/methods have emerged.
Here are some of the most popular ones:
The 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours each day, for example by only eating between noon and 8pm.
Eat-Stop-Eat: Once or twice a week, don’t eat anything from dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24 hour fast).
The 5:2 Diet: During 2 days of the week, eat only about 500-600 calories.
Then there are many other variations.
Bottom Line: There are many different intermittent fasting methods. The most popular ones are the 16/8 method, Eat-Stop-Eat and the 5:2 diet.
Eat-Stop-Eat: Once or twice a week, don’t eat anything from dinner one day, until dinner the next day (a 24 hour fast).
The 5:2 Diet: During 2 days of the week, eat only about 500-600 calories.
Then there are many other variations.
Bottom Line: There are many different intermittent fasting methods. The most popular ones are the 16/8 method, Eat-Stop-Eat and the 5:2 diet.
Take Home Message:
As long as you stick to healthy foods, restricting your eating window and fasting from time to time can have some very impressive health benefits. It is an effective way to lose fat and improve metabolic health, while simplifying your life at the same time.
This article is part of a series on intermittent fasting. Keep posted for more."
Picture and all words above, plus more of this article, on Kris Gunnars Authority Nutrition Site here
He has also just published another article '6 Popular Ways to do Intermittent Fasting' which you can read here
For women reading this and interested in 'IF' Mark at Marks Daily Apple Blog posted an article back in 2012 that you may also wish to read, use this link here
He has also just published another article '6 Popular Ways to do Intermittent Fasting' which you can read here
For women reading this and interested in 'IF' Mark at Marks Daily Apple Blog posted an article back in 2012 that you may also wish to read, use this link here
All the best Jan
Meatloaf Cupcakes - Whatever Next !

Serves 12
Base Recipe
1 onion diced finely
700g / 1.5 lb ground/mince beef
2 eggs lightly beaten
salt and pepper to taste
100g/ 3.5oz grated cheese
An Example Of Flavourings:
2 slices bacon diced
handful fresh basil
handful of fresh parsley
¼ c diced sundried tomatoes
2 tsp dried oregano
Base Recipe
Mix the diced onion, meat, eggs and salt and pepper together.
Add your choice of seasonings and flavourings. I have given one example, but take a look below for a huge range of ideas.
Mix all the ingredients together with your hands and place a small handful of the meatloaf mixture into muffin trays. Press gently, not too hard, otherwise they will turn into meatballs.
Cover with the grated cheese, and sprinkle with grated parmesan if desired.
Cook at 180C/350F for approx 30 minutes
* Mince/ground meat can be beef, pork, turkey or meat of your choice.
* Nutrition values will vary according to which meat you choose and how lean it is.
Serving size: 1 cupcake as shown
Italian – add garlic, oregano, Italian seasoning, rosemary, basil,
Mexican – add coriander (cilantro), cumin, chills, capsicums, peppers, serve with avocado and salsa
Base Recipe
1 onion diced finely
700g / 1.5 lb ground/mince beef
2 eggs lightly beaten
salt and pepper to taste
100g/ 3.5oz grated cheese
An Example Of Flavourings:
2 slices bacon diced
handful fresh basil
handful of fresh parsley
¼ c diced sundried tomatoes
2 tsp dried oregano
Base Recipe
Mix the diced onion, meat, eggs and salt and pepper together.
Add your choice of seasonings and flavourings. I have given one example, but take a look below for a huge range of ideas.
Mix all the ingredients together with your hands and place a small handful of the meatloaf mixture into muffin trays. Press gently, not too hard, otherwise they will turn into meatballs.
Cover with the grated cheese, and sprinkle with grated parmesan if desired.
Cook at 180C/350F for approx 30 minutes
* Mince/ground meat can be beef, pork, turkey or meat of your choice.
* Nutrition values will vary according to which meat you choose and how lean it is.
Serving size: 1 cupcake as shown
Calories: 221 Fat: 17.2g Carbohydrates: 1g Sugar: 0.7g Fibre: 0.4g Protein: 15.2g
Italian – add garlic, oregano, Italian seasoning, rosemary, basil,
Mexican – add coriander (cilantro), cumin, chills, capsicums, peppers, serve with avocado and salsa
Cheeseburger meatloaf – add mustard, hide cheese inside which will melt when cooked, serve with home-made ketchup.
Toppings – grated cheese, bacon pieces or slices, parmesan, mozzarella, sliced tomato covered in cheese
Hide these inside – organ meat, grated carrot, finely diced mushrooms, celery, grated zucchini, chopped spinach,
Hide these inside – organ meat, grated carrot, finely diced mushrooms, celery, grated zucchini, chopped spinach,
Do please go over and see Libby's great site here
All the best Jan
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Super Green's : Avocado, Spinach and Coriander

What You Need
150g of avocado (approx. 1 1⁄2 large avocados)
A handful of baby spinach leaves
Juice of 1 lime
1 cup of fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves
1⁄2 cup of raw cashews*
Sea salt and Pepper to season
1 tablespoon of Nutritional Yeast (optional)
What You Need To Do
Place all of the ingredients into a food processor or blender and pulse until well combined.
NOTE: * You can easily replace the Cashews for macadamia nuts or pine nuts in this dip and it is just as delicious!

Above article and recipe are from site here
Note of caution - please be aware of any underlying health conditions or allergies etc. The recipes shared on this blog are only suggestions, and it is always up to the reader whether or not to include them within your meal plans.
All the best Jan
Tim Noakes in his own words: why I choose to go on ‘trial’
University of Cape Town emeritus professor Tim Noakes could easily have made the hearing before the Health Professions Council of SA in November go away. All he had to do was deregister as a medical doctor, and the Council would no longer have had jurisdiction over him. Noakes, a medical doctor, and scientist rated A-1 by the National Research Foundation, is no longer involved in the practice of medicine. By deregistering, he would also have made things easy for the Association of Dietetics for SA (ADSA), and its president, Johannesburg dietitian Claire Strydom, who reported him for a single tweet saying low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) foods (meat and veg) are good first weaning foods for babies. ADSA and Strydom have come under a barrage of criticism and ridicule globally for the action against Noakes. They stand accused of being proxies for Big Food companies that make fortunes out of high-carb, low-fat foods, and the medical establishment that considers Noakes a danger to the public for his ‘unconventional views’ .
In his distinguished scientific career spanning four decades, Noakes has put forward ‘unconventional views’ seven times, and been proved right six times. The seventh will be tested at the HPCSA hearing on a charge of ‘breaching ethical rules’. Here, in his own words, Noakes explains why he chooses to go through what has become known as the ‘Banting for babies trial’. He intends to expose a ‘monumental error’, possibly the ‘greatest error in the history of medicine’ committed by the medical and dietetic professions, one that has already had demonstrably serious consequences for national and global health: the promotion and imposition on the public of flawed, unscientific, and ultimately deadly, dietary advice. It’s a long read, but an important one for all those interested in their own, and anyone else’s, health. – Marika Sboros
Read Tims story here and why he feels this "trial" is of monumental importance to people all over the world.
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