Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Carboholics, low carb antis and other dullards !

Check out some diabetes forums, especially and you soon see diet is the most contentious subject being discussed. I have wondered for years why this should be so. So much of the success on the DCUK forum has come by way of low carbing. So, the obvious question, why all the grief, the arguments, the thread locking, the banning. This has taken me a long time to work out, but I believe I have the answer. The low carb antis are mentally ill, or at the very least, as thick as planks.

Now, you may think I am being a bit hard on the antis, but consider this. They seem unable to comprehend non insulin using diabetics have no choice but to low carb. Most type two medications are useless, expensive and many come with gruesome side effects. In my time as a diabetic drugs such as Avandia and Actos have been banned, and other type two meds are under the FDA spotlight for killing people. Take it from me, a bag full of drugs is not the best way to control type two diabetes.

Another point I have observed over the years, is the diabetics doing most of the bellowing "I love my carbs, low carbing does not work, low carbing is dangerous, people can't keep to the diet long term etc" are insulin users. Very often on insulin pumps. Theoretically you can eat any amount of carbs you want and cover the BG rise with insulin. The trouble is, theoretically does not work out in a real life situation. This has been proven by the NHS published audits that state 93% of type one diabetics do not get to a safe HbA1c number.

So there you have it, lots of drugs for type two diabetes is not the way to go (the ACCORD study proved this) and lots of carbs and lots of insulin does not work (the NHS audits proved that). Which is why as I said at the beginning of this post, low carb antis must be either mentally ill, or as thick as a plank. I call this condition Cretinopathy easily the most serious diabetes complication.

Carboholics please form an orderly queue if you want to take me on. 



  1. Sorry off topic but don't know how to email you. I thought you might enjoy this from a murder trial here in New Zealand.

    "Milner, a diabetes sufferer got up at 2am to eat toast and drink milo and boost her sugar levels, she said, before going back to sleep on the couch."

    Toast and milo????? Is this normal for a person with diabetes? I have to ask the question.

  2. A type two diabetic not on hypo inducing medication rarely suffers from hypos. In fact the opposite occurs and we have to work to keep BG down.

    Someone on medication that can bring about a hypo situation and need to raise BG from too low may use food to raise BG. Glucose tablets and Lucozade or high sugar drinks work the fastest to raise BG.

    I don't know what milo is, does it contain carbs or sugar ?

    Hope that helps.


    BTW our email address is

  3. OK I just checked out Milo. High carb so would raise BG in anyone.


  4. Thanks Eddie - I'm not diabetic but the thought of having to carb load in the middle of the night just seems absurd! Yes, Milo is a high carb, sugary drink. I hope you don't live like this? Please tell me that lowering carbs prevents this need to over medicate.

  5. I have no problems like that. Because I low carb my BG numbers are often lower than a non diabetic who has just eaten a high carb meal.

    My numbers are non diabetic because of lowcarbing and a little help from two metformin pills per day. If I used the diet recommended by the NHS DUK and ADA I would be shooting insulin all day long and be dealing with all that entails, as would all our team and most type two diabetics with time.

    I have yet to discover any side effects with a meat and four veg meal LOL.


  6. I think an insulin pump is another perfect example of an attempt to micromanage complex system (like planned socialistic economy), while Dr.Bernstein's advice to use small amount of insulin doesn't disorganize the body system because it could cope with small interventions. More engineers into medicine!

  7. Hi Galina

    Richard Bernstein is our number one guru. Lots of people rubbish his work. He has been a diabetic for over 60 years and is still working at close to 80 years of age, that's all I need to know. Most diabetics from his era died a long time ago, while he is still fit and active.



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The best of health to you and yours.
