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Thursday 5 December 2013

Robb Wolf's take on the naysayers.

Nice find Indy, and I can see your point of view. For Graham and myself taking on the antis and naysayers has become our favorite sport, apart from football and fishing, we call it 'bear huntin' and there are a lot of dumb and angry bears out there. Eddie


Anonymous said...

Guess you can only do so much but for those that want to hear how their health can be bettered keep on doing what you're doing.


tess said...

:-) it's hard to look on and see people you care about hurting themselves because they believe in Conventional Wisdom, but I tend to agree with Robb too.

what keeps me arguing, though, is when I hear half-informed "experts" misleading people....

Lowcarb team member said...

tess said...

what keeps me arguing, though, is when I hear half-informed "experts" misleading people..

Would one of these "experts be carbsane Tess? That's another reason you will see phoenix featured on this blog frequently she is a fan and endorses her pseudoscience.


Lynda said...

I love it! Well said Robb.