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Saturday 11 January 2014

DCUK PM to the ‘Clan’ from Giverny.

Many thanks guys and gals what a splendid week, what chance did that upstart academicdiabetic have. Good grief, trying to start a debate on a serious topic, was a no go from the start. I told the idiot in our back office not to e mail the members with the study, that showed the grief caused by insulin and type two's, do they listen to me ? now way. We have nine new ones poncing around in the office with various titles now, most of ‘em are clueless, and a packet of Hobnobs doesn't last two minutes these days. Who would have thought there was so much money in flogging shite like diet plates and other junk to diabetics. Still, it keeps me off the streets !

Phoenix as always, sterling work, thanks for putting so much work into the misinformation and distracting posts, a masterclass to behold, you sure baffled the slow of mind with your bullshit,  Jeez you should have been a politician. Nobhead and Bonkers, your input was very lacklustre, more effort please or you can kiss goodbye to your ‘chosen ones’ status. Catherine, great job and thanks for the ‘like’ BTW can you change your HbA1c number, people are beginning to wonder how you hold the same number, year after year. One other thing pet, go easy on the ‘likes’ for Brett, people are saying you two should be finding a room and getting it on! Personally I think Brett's a bit young for you, but some do say, there is many a good stick of rhubarb grown on an old allotment. Go for it girl, don't forget the KY jelly !

OK Brett, Mo and Douglas aka the bullshit brothers, pretty good work for beginners, but keep alert, those low carb scum never give up, give ‘em an inch and they will be posting comments that will have members realising they can hold non diabetic BG numbers, and reducing meds drastically, the last thing our advertisers want to hear.

OK let’s have more of the same next week,  but phoenix could you be a bit more subtle, even the thick as a plank are realising you are a carboholic on a mission. And phoenix could you smile every now and again, on your u tube vids you have a face like a tomahawk, chill out babe. Talking of carboholics, does anyone know what happened to carbophile ? I heard he choked to death on a slice of toast, but you can’t believe all you hear on forums and blogs. Jesus, am I glad I’m not a diabetic, they're all nuts for sure.

One more thing, with our new forum, the search facility is much improved, go back over your old posts and edit any post that highlights the complete hypocrisy and lies you have told in the past, if you have a problem, get Nobhead to help you out, he’s a past master at re editing his two faced posts.

Giv x

 Archive picture of Nobhead


Anonymous said...

The post started by academicdiabetic was followed by many who found the articles and peoples views most interesting. It may have already been said; only by discussion; questioning; exchange of views can progress be made. A shame more at DCUK do not want this.

Anonymous said...

By the same logic about likes on DCUK., does that mean that Andy, Paul, xyzzy and Fatbird are all having relationships with each other?


Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
By the same logic about likes on DCUK., does that mean that Andy, Paul, xyzzy and Fatbird are all having relationships with each other?

They maybe, me and xyxxy have been getting it on for donkeys years.


Lowcarb team member said...

Ha Ha Ha!!

Oh Irene! You do make me laugh!

How about having the courage to give me your forum name so I can at least put you on my ignore list. As I don't want to possibly waste my time accidentally sending you a nice reply to any of your posts, now or in the future. When you so obviously despise me and so many other members.

Paul xxxx

Anonymous said...

"By the same logic about likes on DCUK., does that mean that Andy, Paul, xyzzy and Fatbird are all having relationships with each other?"

And are you having a ménage à trois with catherinecherub and phoenix?

Come on Irene don't be shy own up you kinky little minx!

Anonymous said...


My comment was not about liking or disliking people. It was applying logic to Eddie's comments.
If non low carbers like posts then that is seen as something that involves a seedy affair and disgusting comments..
If low carbers like particluar posts made by low carbers then it is alright?
Logic - something that comes from clear reasoning.
Wake up.


Lowcarb team member said...

... have been getting it on for donkeys years... memories of Beantipper ... but I thought he was locked up?


Lowcarb team member said...

Three in a bed, bestiality "seedy affair and disgusting comments"

Good grief, this thread is going better than I thought.

Takes me back to my navy days, which were chiefly spent stalking the Norfolk coastline aboard HMS Bumrush. Having witnessed widespread deviant depravities amid the seamen, and deeply concerned about his own growing love of amatuer dramatics, Monty became suspicious about the effects that the high-carb navy rations were having on the crew.

The final straw came when a late night session of "poop deck conga" turned particularly nasty, compelling Monty to seek refuge in carbohydrate restriction. With his inclination towards voting Liberal Democrat swiftly cured by ketosis, Monty promptly left the navy and was eventually washed up on the beach at Lowestoft. From that day forward, Monty's voting habits were staunchly Conservative. The kinky devil.

Roger 'Keto Warrior' Jenkins MBE

Lowcarb team member said...

Irene said...

"Logic - something that comes from clear reasoning.
Wake up."

I am awake thanks Irene and do know the meaning of the word Logic-unlike you at times it would appear-it wasn't me but you on a post here a while back who falsely believed that all low carbers drank alcohol solely for the purpose of controlling BG numbers.

Still no forum name I see-no surprises there eh?

Paul xxxx

Lowcarb team member said...


I think Irene only comes over here for the cheap thrills, the "kinky little minx!" LOL


Anonymous said...

"I am awake thanks Irene and do know the meaning of the word Logic-unlike you at times it would appear-it wasn't me but you on a post here a while back who falsely believed that all low carbers drank alcohol solely for the purpose of controlling BG numbers."

Is Irene one of the obnoxious anonymous creeps that used to comment on carbophiles blog, because that's were this lie about low carbers and alcohol originated


Anonymous said...

You just don't get it do you.

Why is it alright to call a non low carber names and yet excuse a low carber for doing exactly the same thing?
I bet xyzzy will understand what I mean. He is about the only poster around here with a brain.

The rest of you who have answered need to try and understand what I am saying without resorting to remarks that have nothing to do with the subject. I am not getting at low carbers just asking if there are different rules for them when people are posting "likes".
Put your listening ears on. You lot are thick.


Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Irene!

If you don't like our apples then don't shake our tree!


Paul xxxx

Anonymous said...

Is Giverney and the nine you speak of paid?

Lowcarb team member said...

"You just don't get it do you"

What are trying to achieve over here Irene ? an orgasm ?


Anonymous said...

Eddie drinks alot - he tells people that - get a life all of you why are you so bothered about forums?

Lowcarb team member said...

"Eddie drinks alot - he tells people that - get a life all of you why are you so bothered about forums?"

Thank you for your most esteemed and accomplished comment, I am in awe of you and truly humbled.


Anonymous said...

Your welcome!

Lowcarb team member said...


Try to imagine a man or woman so impoverished of any kind of courage or true human compassion. A man or women with no true cause, a man or women that hides in the shadows, petrified to reveal an anonymous forum name.

Devoid of a shred of honesty and integrity,and you have found yourself, are you proud ?


Anonymous said...

Well Eddie after the nonsense you write - I am stuck for words. How many have you had tonight?

Lowcarb team member said...

Great to see you cannot keep away, you hang on my every word. Taking us nearer to that one million page views, cool or what.

Thank you for your patronage, we love antis, because they never ever have an intelligent comment to make, ever.

Keep coming back we luv ya.

Must go. I'm late for the pub.


Anonymous said...

Irene and Gemma- same troll methinks trying to stir up trouble. Get a life saddo.

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
Well Eddie after the nonsense you write - I am stuck for words. How many have you had tonight?

Whats it got to do with you what Eddie drinks? What do you do on Saturday night, troll the internet as a anonymous creep.

The anti's are not averse to a bottle of red wine even your leading light phoenix has admitted staggering back to her tent whilst inebriated on holiday. How irresponsible is that for a Type1, at least she's not in this country so the cost if she were to DKA would not be borne by the NHS.

Peace love and a pint of bitter.
Graham xxxx

Lowcarb team member said...

Irene said...
By the same logic about likes on DCUK., does that mean that Andy, Paul, xyzzy and Fatbird are all having relationships with each other?

Your referring to recognisable forum names there Irene, so why don't you be honest for once and give us your forum name. I don't expect you will the one thing you antis hate is a level playing field.

Having said that the antis are getting fewer in number so that narrows it down a bit!

Your not that drama queen catherinecherub are you?

Love and hugs
Graham xxxx

blind dog said...

I bet xyzzy will understand what I mean. He is about the only poster around here with a brain.

Why thank you Irene xx

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
The post started by academicdiabetic was followed by many who found the articles and peoples views most interesting. It may have already been said; only by discussion; questioning; exchange of views can progress be made. A shame more at DCUK do not want this.

I agree but that is the way of DCUK and has been for a few years,when Giverny joined I mistakenly believed she would be good for the forum, as a non-diabetic and obviously intelligent person I expected her to look at the threads and use a bit of common sense.

She admitted that she deleted the post that was deemed to be scaremongering and potentially dangerous but still went ahead and locked a very informative thread.

My view is that she was got at probably by a PM from catherinecherub who has a history of getting threads locked.

Whether or not academicdiabetic will ever post again after the disgraceful treatment he got remains to be seen, but it's a big loss to the forum, as person that was able to analyse studies he was invaluable.

Still I suppose phoenix will be relieved she can carry on posting her misleading studies without the fear of them being shown up for what they are.


Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
I bet xyzzy will understand what I mean. He is about the only poster around here with a brain.

It's plain to see your one of the brainless posters here sweetie.

Love and hugs
Graham xxxx

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
Eddie drinks alot - he tells people that - get a life all of you why are you so bothered about forums?

We have a life thank you, but that's only down to the valuable advice we received as newbies from the LowCarbers at DCUK.

Thanfully we ignored the crap dished out by phoenix an co. or then we might not have a life. worth living that is.

You can see her work herephoenix poking her big nose in T2 discussions since 2008.

By the way I was graham64 on the thread.

Lowcarb team member said...

blind dog said...
I bet xyzzy will understand what I mean. He is about the only poster around here with a brain.

Why thank you Irene xx

Don't let it go to your head xyzzy, Irene is batshit.
