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Friday 10 January 2014

DCUK Serious forum or a mail shot list ?

As reported here and at the thread locking has some forum members very annoyed, who can blame them. As usual the ‘clan’ have decided what is appropriate for the forum. For the benefit of newcomers the ‘clan’ comprises of ex forum hard man mods clique remnants i.e phoenix, noblehead, Sid Bonkers and Catherincherub and half a dozen other newly recruited numbskulls and dullards. Only those suffering from severe retinopathy cannot see what is going on, other than the mods and forum administration. Hang on a minute, maybe they can see what is going on, maybe they don’t want a serious forum for thinking knowledgeable people, maybe the forum is just a mail shot list for flogging the overpriced stuff they sell.

Jeez as I write this post, I see the thread quoted below on this blog has been locked, reason,

“There has been exactly zero censorship in any sense, other than one post which could have led people to make dangerous decisions about their health. The thread was CLOSED, not deleted. This means all the advice and discussion still remains there, fully intact.

I feel history is repeating itself here, so I am also going to CLOSE (not censor or delete) this thread too. If you wish to raise an issue with me, please do it via private message.”

I can only presume English is  Giverny’s second or third language, she clearly doesn't understand my language, and is clueless as to what the word ‘censor’ means.

Post what you want over here and it will be copied and pasted on a new thread on the front page, just keep it legal.


Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body.

Deja vu hey Eddie lol.

The difference this time is I don't give a damn if they ban me or not for pointing out that maybe the purpose of a diabetes forum is to discuss diabetes! 

I'm posting just to give myself a kick up the backside to lose a few pounds I put on over Christmas tto be honest otherwise I'm entirely happy with my control as are most people after they make the long term lifestyle changes needed.

Is that Mongoose guy also a DCUK employee like Giverny is?. 

Anyway as Giverny has locked the thread and only wants to discuss things privately (I don't btw) then surely simply moderating the post that contained dangerous advice but leave the thread unlocked would have been a far better solution. 


Interesting the definition of what DCUK think censorship means. Hope all concerned read the actual meaning.

The very sad fact which I have seen for almost five years is that wall you and others are hitting is made of very strong brick.

Chinks do appear from time to time but then are sealed.

I know you and others will continue to highlight the good and bad. Readers like me will continue to learn.

I have been wanting to use your phrase 'it was ever thus' since I first saw it used and here's my opportunity.



xyzzy said...

Deja vu hey Eddie lol.

The difference this time is I don't give a damn if they ban me or not for pointing out that maybe the purpose of a diabetes forum is to discuss diabetes!

I'm posting just to give myself a kick up the backside to lose a few pounds I put on over Christmas tto be honest otherwise I'm entirely happy with my control as are most people after they make the long term lifestyle changes needed.

Is that Mongoose guy also a DCUK employee like Giveny is?.

Anyway as Giverny has locked the thread and only wants to discuss things privately (I don't btw) then surely simply moderating the post that contained dangerous advice but leave the thread unlocked would have been a far better solution.

Anonymous said...

Interesting the definition of what DCUK think censorship means. Hope all concerned read the actual meaning.

The very sad fact which I have seen for almost five years is that wall you and others are hitting is made of very strong brick.

Chinks do appear from time to time but then are sealed.

I know you and others will continue to highlight the good and bad. Readers like me will continue to learn.

I have been wanting to use your phrase 'it was ever thus' since I first saw it used and here's my opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you go and start another forum xyzzy? You cannot stand authority.

OOoops you tried that but it didn't prove successful.

Lowcarb team member said...

xyzzy said...

"surely simply moderating the post that contained dangerous advice but leave the thread unlocked would have been a far better solution"

That would require someone with a semi-functioning brain to work out. It's a snow job, you know it and so does every straight thinking member !


Lowcarb team member said...

Anon said

"Why don't you go and start another forum xyzzy? You cannot stand authority.

OOoops you tried that but it didn't prove successful."

Stick to surfing for porn and leave the thinking to those that can think !


xyzzy said...

Anonymous said...
You cannot stand authority.

Authority has to be earned and respected or else its called a dictatorship. I loathe undeserved authority and freely admit it. Its even listed in my DCUK profile.

I can see DCUK needs to make a profit it is of course a profit making business.

Its the hypocrisy of hiding behind "worrying members" that gets me rather than admitting that discussing the sometimes inconvenient truths of diabetes will effect DCUK's bottom line which is why such threads are really closed.

As to your other point. Fuck you! At least I tried what have you done to help diabetics loser.

Lowcarb team member said...

Do you know xyzzy every anon negative post has been dross. Never a constructive comment. Made by some sniveling lap dog that has never done a thing for anyone else in their life I expect. Losers with a chip on their shoulders the size of a house, contributing zero to the debate.

We only authorize their drivel to illustrate the weakness of their argument. What sad lives they must lead.


Anonymous said...

I hope you get banned xyzzy.
Your posts can be very good but your temper tantrums are reminiscent of a 5 year old.
Grow up and then try again.
Get back to ETYM and try to get that going if you want to achieve something. Stop it being known as "Shane's place".

Lowcarb team member said...

See what I mean xyzzy, the chimp just proved me right.

I can play 'em like a violin LOL.


xyzzy said...

"I hope you get banned xyzzy."


"Your posts can be very good but your temper tantrums are reminiscent of a 5 year old. Grow up and then try again."

Perhaps the people who need to grow up are those at DCUK. Allow grown ups to have grown up debates without worrying how it will effect profit margins.

Anonymous said...

Don't see tantrums from xyzzy but Sid is prone to having hissy fits.

Anonymous said...

In total agreement here "Perhaps the people who need to grow up are those at DCUK. Allow grown ups to have grown up debates without worrying how it will effect profit margins."


Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
Why don't you go and start another forum xyzzy? You cannot stand authority.

We've all seen the authority at DCUK in the form of cugila and it seems nothing changes, if your happy with being controlled by despots why not emigrate to North Korea.

Love and hugs

Lowcarb team member said...

" if your happy with being controlled by despots why not emigrate to North Korea"

Quality with a capital K luv it.
