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Saturday 11 January 2014

Professor Susan Jebb and Andrew Lansley flogging sugar !

"Warnings that eating sugar is as dangerous to human health as smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol have been dismissed as "nuts" by nutrition experts and a former health secretary.
Andrew Lansley, who was health secretary until 2012 and is now the Commons Leader, insisted that sugar is an essential component of food and that the comparison with tobacco was inaccurate.
His comments were echoed by a number of nutritional scientists who said the claims, which were made by a group of doctors campaigning for a reduction in the levels of sugar in food, were alarmist and misleading.
The doctors, who launched their campaign Action on Sugar on Wednesday, warned that sugar in processed foods was “the new tobacco” in terms of the risk it posed to human health."
This was Andrew Lansley giving it large in the media over the last few days doing a damage limitation job for sugar. Why would Lansley being doing that ? Because his wife flogs high sugar junk food and big pharma drugs that's why ! As usual rent a gob dietitian Susan Jebb came out of the woodwork and stated "Professor Susan Jebb, (does she ever stop flogging junk) a diet and population health expert at the University of Oxford said: “The scale of the obesity problem in this country clearly needs greater action to improve the nation’s diet.
“But we need to move away from a reductionist approach which blames individual nutrients, such as sugar, and instead take a more holistic approach if we are going to reduce diet-related disease.”
Back in February 2011 we posted this on this blog.
The wife of Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, is running a public affairs business which boasts about advising drug and food companies, it emerged last night.  In a section of its website marked “Who do we do it for?” Low Associates lists a range of clients, including drug companies SmithKline Beecham, Unilever and P&G. It also states that its staff had advised the Conservative Party and worked for Kraft and General Foods. 
As always follow the money, when someone is pushing junk, and sugar is junk, it always leads back to junk food or big pharma . Remember these junk pushers do not have an ounce of pride or integrity, it's money first, second and last. The nations health means nothing to them.
Link to Lansley's damage limitation job here.

From Wiki

Conflict of interest
While in opposition as health spokesman, Andrew Lansley accepted a donation of £21,000 from John Nash, the chairman of private healthcare providerCare UK and founder of the private equity fund Sovereign Capital, which owns several other private healthcare companies, to help fund his private office, leading to allegations of a conflict of interest.[19] Such companies stand to be the largest beneficiaries of Lansley's bill passed by the Coalition andHouse of Lords to increase the use of private health providers within the NHS.[20]

Political insights assisting spouse's business

Andrew Lansley's wife, Sally Low, is the managing director of Low Associates. Sally Low denies that Low Associates is involved in lobbying and instead describes its activities as provision of "strategic advice" to clients. Low Associates helps people prepare before they give evidence to committees of MPs, and Sally Low has given speeches on improving lobbying skills, in which she said that lobbyists should “establish positive relationships with decision-makers before you need their help”. Lobbyist clients of Low Associates personnel have previously worked for a variety of companies including those with an interest in health, such as SmithKline Beecham, Unilever and Procter & Gamble.[21]  

Check this video out, Jeez have they got Lansley and his ilk weighed up !


Anonymous said...

"nuts" well as long as they are almonds or macadamias. There are some clever young people around who make these videos.Keep highlighting the wrong as well as the right.


Anonymous said...

Good comment, I am sure the team will 'Keep highlighting the wrong as well as the right.' It's only by reading this blog and web site that improved my Type 2 and I am grateful.
