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Thursday 2 January 2014

Sian Burton BDA Chairman says "Trust a Dietitian"

BDA Honourary Chairman Siân Burton explains why she’s chosen Trust a Dietitian as her Chairman’s theme.
Siân Burton, BDA Chairman 2013
Siân Burton, BDA Chairman 2013

In response, I would like to introduce my new theme: Trust a Dietitian

This campaign aims to encouraging you our members to ‘Know Your Worth’ and be proud of your qualified status as a registered dietitian.  This campaign will equip you, our members with information, case studies and toolkits to effectively promote yourselves and the profession.

All BDA members will be asked to participate in the campaign, take part in various local, regional and even national events and get involved in the first ever Dietitian’s Week taking place from 9-13 June 2014.”

Last year I attended the annual BDA conference, not one of my better decisions. As you can see, they damn near wasted me, can't think why. I had attended the meeting in what I thought was a passable disguise, unfortunately the ex resident dietitian recognised me. Instantly all hell broke loose, I awoke four days later, heavily sedated, and barely alive, in The West Smethwick Infirmary. I won't be attending the 'Dietitians week' bash.



Anonymous said...

"effectively promote yourselves and the profession."

Has Sian forgotten to mention patients? How does she intend to effectively promote good health to patients?

As usual Eddie, serious and fun in one. BUT the serious is serious because it affects so many diabetics and patients who should expect to receive a first rate service not the mixed bag it appears to be.

Paul B

Anonymous said...

If that's how you came out of it, I'd hate to see the other guy.

Takes me back to my young Baptist Chapel days, when "Fight The Good Fight" meant something completely different

keep socking it to them, Eddie

Geoff J

Lowcarb team member said...

Geoff J said...

If that's how you came out of it, I'd hate to see the other guy.

What do you mean "other guy" the truth is he was handbagged by a little old lady.


Lowcarb team member said...

I keep hearing that the profession is under threat with fewer and fewer being employed.

Maybe this is a good thing.Are they of any use to anyone?

Couldn't they dispense with them all and spend the money on physios who are useful- nay essential and often diagnose problems Doctors - even consultants miss?


Anonymous said...

Hello avid readers,

Geoff J reference to religion is how many REAL academics including myself view the low carb moment.

Its a religion based on dogma rather than science.

In my forthcoming public talks (uk tour), I will be pointing this out.

Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

Anonymous said...

"In my forthcoming public talks (uk tour), I will be pointing this out."

Wow I expect you will soon sell out tickets for the phone box venues then.

Anonymous said...

"Geoff J reference to religion is how many REAL academics including myself view the low carb moment.

Its a religion based on dogma rather than science."

And many academics with REAL medical qualifications are beginning to see low carb as a viable option for the treatment of diabetes.

It's not a religion nor is it dogma, it's based on the factual accounts of REAL diabetics and backed by scientific studies something that seems to have escaped your attention Dr Jones.

A REAL type 2 diabetic for over ten years medication and complication free thanks to low carb.


Anonymous said...

Geoff J said -

"And many academics with REAL medical qualifications are beginning to see low carb as a viable option for the treatment of diabetes."

What low carbs advocates call academics, like Dr (I look like a clown without makeup on) Briffa and the late Dr Barry (dodgy doctorate) Groves. Is not what I would call academics.

Their dietary assertions have got more holes in than Eddie's toupee.


Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

P.s I hate having to post anonymously, how on this bog does one get their name and picture up?

Galina L. said...

Dr Paul Jones,
I see the low-carbs movement as a part of the wisdom of crowds phenomenon( - people do what others successfully tried , they tried it themselves and found out it worked for them as well. Many who comment on nutritional blogs personally experimented with more than one diet approach and had an opportunity to choose what works. Foe example,I experimented with Dr.Andrew Weill antyinflammatory diet before LCarbing, explanations of the Dr. were quite logical, I believed it should work for me, it didn't, I dropped his diet. Practice beats believes. Do you plan to go around your country with speeches to tell your listeners that everything is fine in moderation and saturated fat is dangerous, and everybody is fat due to the luck of fiber and eating fast foods? Then you will tell nothing new and different than people already learned from TV and other media entertaining outlets, and it failed to help the current health crisis around so far. Is it your believe in the correctness of the traditional approach that prevent you to see it is not working? Religion is something you just believe in without an opportunity to proof.

Galina L. said...

It looks like the Independent Comity in Sweden found it reasonable to limit carbohydrates for weight loss and diabetes. I hope the Comity includes at least some people who are qualified even from Dr.Jones perspective.

Anonymous said...

Well to 40% - take out the sugar and thats it!
I think this Dr Jones is actually Eddie!

Anonymous said...

Galina L your two input in this discussion was simply a load of dross with hippy undertones.

Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Dross said...

Galina L your two input in this discussion was simply a load of dross with hippy undertones.

You really are a nasty piece of work Jonsey.

Galina as always we value your contribution on this blog, but I would ignore Dr Jones response to you it's not worthy of a reply.


Galina L. said...

Is it not very convenient to dismiss someone by administering a random label instead of giving a response? Being from different culture,I am not very familiar with hippies ideology and what would be their overtones, all I know, they wanted to be in piece with everyone, do drugs and tried to be close to nature.

I am one of many people who managed to figure out how to heal myself when official medical advice was not of much help. My family doctor was impressed and I have his support. From what I see from you, you criticize diabetics who found by themselves that diet which doesn't rise their blood sugar, keep them healthier and leaned, but instead of supporting their success, you called it their religion.

Lowcarb team member said...

Ego tripper said...

What low carbs advocates call academics, like Dr (I look like a clown without makeup on) Briffa and the late Dr Barry (dodgy doctorate) Groves. Is not what I would call academics.

Well try these Academics Jonsey:

Jeff Volek, PhD, RD, Stephen Phinney, MD, PhD, Dr. Yoni Freedhoff MD, CCFP, Axel F Sigurdsson MD, PhD, FACC and Professor Tim Noakes to name just a few of the highly regarded LC advocates.

Then we have Doctors who have Diabetes controlled with LC.

Dr Jay Wortman T2, Dr Richard Bernstein T1 and Dr Troy Stapleton T1.

And you can add Ron Raab B.Ec T1 who was vice president of the IDF and is now President of Insulin for Life another LowCarber.

I could add many more but that will do for now.


Lowcarb team member said...

P.s I hate having to post anonymously, how on this bog does one get their name and picture up?

What's your problem? Us uneducated plebs don't have any trouble.

Talking of bogs if you do manage to get your photo online we could probably get the image printed onto bog rolls.


Dr Paul Jones said...

Hello avid readers of mine,

Graham mumbled -

"You really are a nasty piece of work Jonsey."

That's grand coming from you. Anyway would I be correct in my suspicions that Galina L is a female?

Further mumbling -

"Us uneducated plebs don't have any trouble"

The bliss that comes from being ignorant, how I envy you plebs sometimes.

Now for the technical stuff!!!

The Low Carb movements, truths are inherently ground in a fix perspective.

And just like religious truths you'll going to get well educated individuals buying in to it.

In my planed talks, I will be covering this in great detail, under the heading social proof a.k.a wisdom or lack of it of crowds.

I should point out I'm not completely hostile to LC ideas, Margarine ( hydrogenation of vegetable oils to make synthetic saturated fat) for example is in my top three no no's


Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

Dr Paul Jones said...

Nearly forgot to mention,

Its was announced only just last year in the media (2013) that there is a link between eating red meat and developing diabetes mellitus.

As well as dementia, which may explain why no one on here has mention it.


Dr Paul Jones - University of Carmarthen

Anonymous said...

Seems to me Dr Paul Jones is just a troll or a "medical professional with delusions of adequacy!


PS. A Happy New Year to all (Except the quack)

Anonymous said...

"Its was announced only just last year in the media (2013) that there is a link between eating red meat and developing diabetes mellitus."

There may be a link Dr Jones not is a link.

It was an observational study.

"However, this study involved self-reported dietary information from the participants. And researchers cautioned that the study only showed an observational association, not a cause-and-effect association"

Remember Dr Jones correlation does not imply causation.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Jona

I like you, you're growing on me. You optimise all that is wrong in the education system today. Churning out people with degrees that can hardly tie their own shoelaces. Everyone hears the clock ticking, but no one knows the time. Kids up to their eyes in debt paying the salaries for people like you. As the old saying goes, those that can, do, those that can’t, teach, and those that can’t teach, become an Army officer.

For over nine months you have made a lot of noise over here, but you have said nothing of any value. With every post you expose yourself for the idiot you are. We pride ourselves for authorising almost every comment here, positive and negative. Come back anytime and why not stun us with a post of quality, a post that may improve our understanding of your diet. At the very least, offer some constructive and intelligent comments regarding our low carb lifestyle.


Galina L. said...

All people are ignorant in some areas they did not study. As a person with engineering degree, I am often appalled about ignorance medical professionals demonstrate when they think they can successfully micromanage complex system of a human body (like Soviets attempted to micromanage economy) or misunderstand statistics when it comes to the interpretation of some medical research like the study which Dr.Jones thinks proves the connection between red meat consumption and diabetes.

Lowcarb team member said...

Mickey Mouse Academics

University of Carmarthen? There is a University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), formed 18 November 2010 through the merger of the University of Wales Lampeter and Trinity University College Carmarthen. Times 2013 ranking 104 out of 116. Not quite the wooden spoon then!


Anonymous said...

"The Low Carb movements, truths are inherently ground in a fix perspective."

Truths! are the the results of many diabetics who through following a low carb diet have halted and in some cases reversed complications, keeping blood sugar under control is paramount to avoiding complications and I've yet to find a better way than low carb that will give me consistently good BS and HbA1c levels.

Lowcarb team member said...

"Anonymous said...
Well to 40% - take out the sugar and thats it!
I think this Dr Jones is actually Eddie!"

Muppet !


Lowcarb team member said...

Ray Said...

Seems to me Dr Paul Jones is just a troll or a "medical professional with delusions of adequacy!

Hi Ray
Almost correct Ray apart from the “medical professional” he’s no more qualified than we are, though we do have the distinct advantage having become experts in the self-management of our diabetes for the past five years.

Did you know Ray according to this Dr Jones Eddie only managed to get his A1c down from 12 to 5.5 and his lipids vastly improved because of the two metformin he takes it was nothing whatsoever to do with his LowCarb diet, I think that tells you all you need to know about the medical qualifications of Dr Jones or quack as you rightly described him.

Happy New Year to you and yours

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Do-Little said...

Anyway would I be correct in my suspicions that Galina L is a female?

Your correct Galina is indeed a lady and as you may well have now noticed has an engineering degree, as REAL academic you should now show her some respect, I must say as English is not her native tongue Galina has a far better grasp of the language than you Dr Jones.

"Now for the technical stuff!!!"

ROFLMAO! Really out of your depth there Jonesy.

I should point out I'm not completely hostile to LC ideas, Margarine ( hydrogenation of vegetable oils to make synthetic saturated fat) for example is in my top three no no's

At last amongst the absolute dross you post something we can agree on.

As well as dementia, which may explain why no one on here has mention it.

Alcohol is also a factor in dementia, given the timing of your posts and the blatant spelling and grammatical errors this would suggest that you were under the influence again Jonesy.

Kind regards

Dr Paul Jones said...

Graham trying to be clever said -

"Did you know Ray according to this Dr Jones Eddie only managed to get his A1c down from 12 to 5.5 and his lipids vastly improved because of the two metformin he takes it was nothing whatsoever to do with his LowCarb diet, I think that tells you all you need to know about the medical qualifications of Dr Jones or quack as you rightly described him."

My middle finger salutes you Graham for being to lazy to read my replies properly.

Eddie ask a question and I answered.

He dropped his A1c down from 12 to 5.5 by depriving himself and still does of carbohydrates. Taken in most of his calories in the form of fat.

I believe this is inherently unhealthy manner.

However as I pointed out he's on Metformin a anti-diabetic drug that has been conclusively shown to prevent the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. It helps reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Metformin has also been show to have anti-caner properties.

The drug is what's helping him thrive on such a radical regime.

Nearly everyone I know of who thrives on a low-carb regime is on some sort of drug that inhibits the negative effects of the high fat content.

Also and I read this on your blog-

"A healthy non-diabetic will typically have a blood glucose level within a tightly controlled range, usually below 5mmol/l for the majority of the time.

This equates to a glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) of below 5%"

Not a completely true statement,

None-diabetes have blood sugar levels within the ranges 4.0 to 6.0.

There is little evidence that being on the higher level of the range leads to a increase of diabetic illnesses.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Anonymous said...

What a load of poppycock Dr Jones! If your lucky Metformin will reduce triglyceride levels by 10% at the most,lower LDL by 10% and increase HDL by 7%. Trifling amounts when compared to the effects of low carb high fat diets.

I'm pre-diabetic and have reduced my trigs by over 50% 1.9 down to 0.77mmol/L, HDL up from 1.2 to 1.9mmol/L, insignificant change in LDL down from 3.42 to 3.24 mmol/L.

That's all down to a low carb high fat diet as I don't take any diabetic medications.

And for good measure my blood sugars are now within normal non-diabetic level,and that would change for the worse if I followed the NHS healthy? diet.


Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Paul Jones said...

"Nearly everyone I know of who thrives on a low-carb regime is on some sort of drug that inhibits the negative effects of the high fat content."

Really? I'm only using 10 units of Basal insulin for control of my diabetes(No oral diabetes meds) and my LCHF regime has done wonders for me in other areas apart from good BG numbers so are you really expecting me to believe that my improvement in lipids is simply due to injecting Lantus?
I'd be interested to see links to any studies that can prove such a theory although I strongly suspect that no such studies exist.


Lowcarb team member said...

The first time Jona posts a halfway sensible post in nine months and he proves he knows f**k all about diabetes control let alone any useful nutrition information.

Jeez I have waited all this time and this is what he serves up. Start eating some meat lad, your brain is turning to mush.


PS Keep away from them street meds they will kill ya !

Anonymous said...

"Nearly everyone I know of who thrives on a low-carb regime is on some sort of drug that inhibits the negative effects of the high fat content."

That's a new one on me can you name these drugs? Anti diabetic medications work on lowering high blood glucose caused by carbohydrate ingestion and have nothing at all to do with effects of fat in the diet.

Anonymous said...

Dr Jones can you explain why following the same LC diet I've had similar results to Eddie and Graham without using drugs?

Thank you

Dr Paul Jones said...

Hello avid readers of mine,

I've note that this thread has fractured in to several different topics.

1) What is the ideal blood sugar range fro diabetics

2)The cardio-protective properties and other fringe benefits of diabetics medication.

3) My original assertion, which was I believe there is parallels between the low carb moment and a religious moment.

As there is no Moroccan houseboy at hand to do our blog chores, we will have to rely on Eddie to start up to new threads to deal with the first two topics.

And we will continue with the third assertion on this thread.

Also due to being distracted by a good bottle of port.

I made a big typo in my email address, my correct email is below under my signature.

I also noted that I am mainly replying to the followers, where's the head honcos whose every word you take as gospel, Like Jimmy (hay ho) Moore?


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

P.S Eddie can you correct my email on the other post, chop chop.

Lowcarb team member said...

Jeez Jona your going more batshit by the day. You have stated you are into street meds, pissed most of the time, and now "Moroccan houseboys"

You are one kinky devil to be sure, each to their own, but for Gods sake get a sensible diet, before it's too late.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you've been on the port again Dr Jones do you ever proof read your comments?


Dr Paul Jones said...

Eddie the bullshitter said-

"You have stated you are into street meds, pissed most of the time, and now "Moroccan houseboys"

A bit presumptuous old boy. I've never stated that I took as you call "street meds"

You have simply penned that to be rude.

Why don't you offer a low-carb vegetarian recipes on your bog?

Can you also please carry out my requests, pronto.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Dr Paul Jones said...

MelB said -

"Looks like you've been on the port again Dr Jones do you ever proof read your comments?"

How do I get the sense your probably up beyond your bed time. ZZZzzzz


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Do-Little said...

1) What is the ideal blood sugar range fro diabetics

Simple's! As near as possible to non-diabetic, which LC is the best way to achieve. For those using a high carb multiple meds regime it may prove to be extremely difficult.

2)The cardio-protective properties and other fringe benefits of diabetics medication.

The majority of diabetes medications have no cardio-protecting properties apart from BG lowering.In fact many have black box warnings some even cite an increased risk of congestive heart failure.
The latest information on metformin: “Instead of making heart metabolism more normal in men, metformin alone made it worse, looking even more like a diabetic heart"

3) My original assertion, which was I believe there is parallels between the low carb moment and a religious moment.

If LowCarb was a religion and as such gives me a safe haven from diabetic complications I will worship at the altar amen.

I also noted that I am mainly replying to the followers, where's the head honcos whose every word you take as gospel, Like Jimmy (hay ho) Moore?

I gave you a list of diabetes experts which you dismissed out of hand in a previous post of yours.

And just like religious truths you'll going to get well educated individuals buying in to it.

This is one of the well educated and can read all the info on Jeff Volek his qualifications and published scientific papers here to the bottom of his qualications you can access his full CV

John the team member who exposed the dire performance of your university is a professor, so he is well educated and a Type 2 who did not buy into LowCarb he used it to control his diabetes, and for the last five years without medication.

From DCUK by Paul Jones!

I consider myself well read on the subject matter of diabetes, as I have a family history of diabetes and I had just been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome.

What pompous self appreciating introduction!
So if we are to believe you! your a diabetic now or is it just another of your ripping yarns! You live in a fantasy world far away from reality.

Kindest Regards

Lowcarb team member said...

Eddie the bullshitter said-

"You have stated you are into street meds, pissed most of the time, and now "Moroccan houseboys"

A bit presumptuous old boy. I've never stated that I took as you call "street meds"

You are are a complete buffoon and a liar you said on this blog 2nd of December 2013 at 19.44 "hello avid readers a bottle of wine a night two E's and half an ounce, does not make a drunk. On The "Dr. Paul Jones Carmarthen University aka the spoofer aka the multiple miggs view of women" see thread here!


Lowcarb team member said...

Meanwhile over at DCUK Dr Paul Jones said...

Greeting Beachbag,

Thank you for your reply and restoring my faith in this forum, as the first two replies had me worried. I seem to have won a trophy what that about, would you like to volunteer to tell me Beachbag?

Notice the grammatical error,a familiar trait of his on this blog.

Now he claims:

I have absolutely no knowledge of ever posting on that blog

Nuff said!

Never mind Paul old chap with a bit of luck Sid Bonkers will come riding out of the sunset to your rescue to fend off those uneducated plebs.

Nightie Night

Dr Paul Jones said...

Graham the mumbling buffoon said -

"John the team member who exposed the dire performance of your university is a professor"

Professor of what talking total cobblers.

Eddie being a saucy prat said -

"You are are a complete buffoon and a liar you said on this blog 2nd of December 2013 at 19.44 "hello avid readers a bottle of wine a night two E's and half an ounce, does not make a drunk."

It's called being funny. Something you wouldn't know about Eddie.

Your attempts at sarcasm, exposes you.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University has been posting dross on this blog for around nine months. Last night he joined the the forum As usual, he posted incoherent blabber. One of his posts stated.

"i have absolutely no knowledge of ever posting on that blog, I noted that all of the posts on that blog claiming to be have written by me are in fact anonymously posted with my name simply added to the bottom.

I could very easily go to that blog and post a comment on it and write at the bottom “Regards" Vinny James.

I wasn't bothered about it until I noted my email had also has been include in the comments made on that awful blog. As let’s face it there are a lot of Jones in Wales.

The owner of the blog, a one Eddie Michell a 63 year old year old self style nutritional guru and comedy writer, well only two people thinks he funny himself and his reflection.

He will soon be receiving a stiff letter from my solicitor (lawyer) asking to remove the bogus comments purporting to be from me.

I note hes anti NHS and vegetarian and considering I’m a high profile advocate of vegetarianism I suppose he thinks I’m fair game."

"He will soon be receiving a stiff letter from my solicitor (lawyer) asking to remove the bogus comments purporting to be from me" Jeez bring it on lad. Your style is exactly the same on this blog as last nights posts on

You are a prick with a capital P whoever you are. According to a post on the forum your veggie diet has not saved you from joining the metabolically challenged club, and you have the bare faced effrontery to challenge our lifestyle.


Anonymous said...

Dr Paul said this on another thread.

"Eddie Patron Saint of pedallers of Bull- do-do Said...

Would make a good mod at DCUK in my opinion.

Now there's a thought. I'm of to pasture new.

Where my insight and sage advice will be appreciated."

Well that did not go down very well Dr Jones did it!

Dr Paul Jones said...

Hello avid reader of mine and them.

Eddie mumbled - “Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University has been posting dross on this blog for around nine months. Last night he joined the the forum As usual, he posted incoherent blabber.”

I’m sorry to disappoint you Eddie but..... I neither posted or joined last night as you claim. It was only when Graham posted the link on this blog that I learnt that someone was on that forum posing as me.

As soon as I found out I swung in to action and made a few calls and got the thread pulled and the account closed.

Oddly I have been contacted in the past asking to administrate that forum, unfortunately I was busy at the time with another project.

If I had taken up the post, that forum would have been run not to similar to how you told Jimmy you would like to see it run. has been over run by Keyboard Jockeys and although I can handle them, in my weaken state it would be to much to take on at the moment.

Eddie further mumbled-

“your veggie diet has not saved you from joining the metabolically challenged club”

Vegetarians is not incoherently healthy unless one makes it so. I was smoking, eating chips and stuffing chocolate, crisps and washing it all down with ale.

You don’t need to apologise to me, it goes without saying.

Lastly you never asked me what I doing to reverse my condition.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

P.S A PRICK, that old say about a pot and kettle springs to mind.

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Do-Little said..
Lastly you never asked me what I doing to reverse my condition.

Err! could that be you never mentioned anything about your condition on this blog.

I neither posted or joined

In your comment tonight,
what I doing

Last night at DCUK
what that about

Kind regards

Dr Paul Jones said...

Graham trying to be smart said-

“I neither posted or joined

In your comment tonight,
what I doing

Last night at DCUK
what that about”

If you implying the poor grammar in the post is proof enough that I penned the posts on DUCK forum, then god forbid if you ever end up doing juror service. Because the poor sod would be banged up forever on flimsy evidence.

I noted how the grammar remarkable improved in following replies, indicating a impersonator.

I’ve got my suspicion who it was Graham and a certain forum moderator from the DCUK site emailed with a similar suspicion.

Do you honestly think the post and the subsequent replies on the DCUK site was penned by me?


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

P>S Where's this Professor John???? home-shopping his qualifications no dobut.

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Do-Little said...

If you implying the poor grammar in the post is proof enough that I penned the posts on DUCK forum, then god forbid if you ever end up doing juror service. Because the poor sod would be banged up forever on flimsy evidence.

If you really! have been informed of the possible culprit by a Mod they will have the ISP address of the heinous criminal! then surely you should be pursuing the matter with the police. Identity theft is not taken lightly and can lead to serious criminal charges for this dastardly character.

I noted how the grammar remarkable improved in following replies, indicating a impersonator.

Really! wow how observant of you old chap.

Do you honestly think the post and the subsequent replies on the DCUK site was penned by me?

Let's put it this way on our blog you never admitted to being a diabetic nor a vegetarian, though we had a good idea about the latter, it was only after the perpetrator of the evil deed at DCUK had made his introduction, that on this blog you revealed you were a diabetic. If the Dr Jones at DCUK is indeed an impersonator then it's imperative you contact the authorities for he may have accessed your medical records.

P>S Where's this Professor John???? home-shopping his qualifications no dobut.

And just what are you implying? Johns university qualifications are above board.

What you need to realise is that unlike you John is a modest man and doesn't make any distinction between intellectuals and us laymen. Modesty is not your strong point now is it Jonesey.

I bid you farewell

Kind regards

Dr Paul Jones said...

Sad Graham said -

"Let's put it this way on our blog you never admitted to being a diabetic nor a vegetarian, though we had a good idea about the latter, it was only after the perpetrator of the evil deed at DCUK had made his introduction, that on this blog you revealed you were a diabetic. If the Dr Jones at DCUK is indeed an impersonator then it's imperative you contact the authorities for he may have accessed your medical records."

I not going to waste public money or give a bobby the excuse to sit around a desk all day instead of going out on the beat capturing real criminals.

Considering malicious was wrote and the thread was pulled and the account closed on request.

Also I don't need the police to do a IP lookup. I can do that myself.

As for not knowing I have metabolic syndrome is bull doo doo, considering you can find the information else where on the net along with me being a veggy.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Dr Paul Jones said...

I said -

"Considering malicious was wrote and the thread was pulled and the account closed on request."

It should have read, considering NOTHING malicious was wrote and the thread was pulled and the account closed on request.

Now it time for this thread to end as it veered off in to a total different direction from the original topic.

And anyway nothing I write will change your fix perspective on what happened.


Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
Email -

Lowcarb team member said...

Dr Pinocchio Jones said...

I not going to waste public money or give a bobby the excuse to sit around a desk all day instead of going out on the beat capturing real criminals.

Considering malicious was wrote and the thread was pulled and the account closed on request.

Also I don't need the police to do a IP lookup. I can do that myself.

As for not knowing I have metabolic syndrome is bull doo doo, considering you can find the information else where on the net along with me being a veggy.

More bullshit from you yet again Jonesy, if you are on the net it must be a very obscure site, a google search with your name plus diabetic or vegetarian shows zilch by you on the first three pages. But of course the top results in both categories link back to our blog.

Kind regards

Lowcarb team member said...

Jonesy said...
Now it time for this thread to end as it veered off in to a total different direction from the original topic.

Can't argue with that.

And anyway nothing I write will change your fix perspective on what happened

Why should we contemplate change? Remember the old adage: "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

Kind regards