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Monday 3 February 2014

DCUK New buffoon in the spotlight !

"This low carb,ing surly you can not keep up with it day in day out ask any doctor and they will say to you your body need more carbs then that per day it's ok for a short term but in the long run just eat more veg fruit and fish and that's all your body needs ho,yes and a glass off beers with your meal,lol,"

Raymond Starr

Over on the flog a member is taking stupidity to new heights. With some of the anti idiots over there, outshining Bonkers and co takes some doing. To the informed and thinking members our Raymond is no more than a clown, but what about the confused and none too bright? what about the people who have been told eat carbs with every meal and drop the fats. This is the advice so many diabetics are given at diagnosis, and so many fail to control their diabetes.

Low carb threads get locked and wrecked, while idiots post complete dross, will it ever be thus. Members who have helped many, walk away or get banned, while carboholic buffoons rule the roost. Will the forum ever have a knowledgeable mod again?

Picci got it right.

"I have unsubscribed to this thread!! Mmmmm i knew I'd wasted my time posting!!! Isn't it strange that I've followed this way of eating for at least 10 years! How on earth do I manage to get through the day? Good bye all, especially the beer drinker whose posts I struggle to make sense of. No offence to the rest if you."


Post edit

"I'm not diabetic so I can't say if it helped BG levels, but I managed to follow a ketogenic diet for a while and was on a daily intake of less than 30g carbs a day. Most days I'd be having less than 20g. I was definitely NOT starving myself, or coming anywhere close to starving myself. After a few weeks I could go from breakfast all the way through to dinner eating very little purely because I didn't get the hunger pangs I was so used to around lunch time. I lost a lot of weight and generally felt far healthier (and all the green leafy veg made a big impact on my low iron levels, woo)

So yes, under 30g a day is achievable with a bit of perseverance! Perseverance is especially necessary when it comes to 'keto flu' which is the flu-like symptoms people often get whilst their body gets used to using fat for fuel rather than carbs."

Giverny forum manager


Anonymous said...

He is a troll as is Shane on ETYM.
They like the sound of their own voices and have very little brain power.
Ray makes no sense and Shane asks the daftest questions to get a response.
Why people don't just ignore them I will never know, they thrive on being the centre of attention.

Lowcarb team member said...

There are a few good people trying to keep the ETYM forum going. I agree Shane is an idiot. Grazer and Defren wrecked the place a long time ago.

A great pity as the UK needs a good low carb forum.


Anonymous said...

Notice how Ray is threatening to leave now. This was the same trick that Shane used when he did not get the answers he wanted and members refused to play his games.
Are they one and the same people?

Lowcarb team member said...

They won't be missed.


Anonymous said...

Thrive on being the centre of attention. Who does that sound like? Chocfish aka Whitbyjet aka...... more identities than an MI5 agent.

Gwen said...

Reasons like this is why I've given up message boards for blogs, where I can still interact, but totally control the content. Internet trolls are such cowards, saying things they would never have the guts (or hopefully the stupidity) to say to someone's face.

Lowcarb team member said...

I agree Gwen 100% !!!

We post under our real names and our faces are out there. We do not hide in the shadows. If people don't like what we write they can keep away.

How brave the anons are when it comes to negative comments etc.


Lisa said...

Why would you ever speak to your doctor about low carb eating? They know nothing about nutrition and diabetes!! They probably have never heard of glucogenesis either.

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...

They probably have never heard of glucogenesis either.

You mean gluconeogenesis

Lowcarb team member said...

Yeah I expect she did, you pedantic anon.

Get a life or crawl back into the gutter.
