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Monday 3 March 2014

DCUK From the Carb Queen Phoenix !

There must have been a speck of sawdust in my eye since I misread your title as' very few diets effective' which I agree with. When I read it the post I answered the substance of the actual post with what I thought was a rational comment about differences in perception, no more, no less. It was complete with 'smilies' I which used to convey inflexion.
Not feeling so cool now. TBH, I'm fed up with people sticking other people into little boxes , labelling them and creating a totally unnecessary them and us animosity.
I don't often let these things get to me but it has recently.
Tomorrow is a another day and actually an appropriate day for me and I would hope others to think about this.
(and please leave it at that)"

She a diabetic on a 60% carb diet and an insulin pump and industrial levels of insulin. A Hope Warshaw acolyte and drug company shill !

Jeez she never stops medling. If she really cared and wanted to help diabetics, how come she has not worked and expanded her blog for the benefit of diabetics, particularly pump users ?

Phoenix's blog can be found here.

Give it a rest Phoenix, the thinking members have got your number. Keep squeezing your box and stay out of low carber and type two threads.


Added for balance. Beauty and the beast !


Beachbag said...

Entertainment is always a Great way to get the message across! Is there no end to your talents, lol ;)
Geri :)

Lowcarb team member said...

TBH,I'm fed up with people sticking other people into little boxes , labelling them and creating a totally unnecessary them and us animosity

Phoenix and her ilk are the ones that cause the animosity, her insistence on interfering in Type 2 affairs and especially LowCarb has been the real reason of bad blood over the last five + years.

Why she feels the need to meddle is beyond me, she appears to have set herself up as the Type 2 forum expert pushing a diet that would if followed would most certainly lead to a multiple meds regime.

One things for sure we will carry on exposing her deviousness while she still interferes in Type 2 diabetes.


Anonymous said...

I can only imagine the smirk on her face when she wrote that.

Thommothebear said...

Some very heavy handed moderation has completely derailed that thread. I am completely disgusted with the way that the antis are allowed to continuously get away with this nonsense. Fortunately I have found a better source of information and support now. I do feel very sorry for those who come looking for info and instead get scaremongering claptrap handed to them at every opportunity by the anti low carb brigade.


Anonymous said...

I see that heavy handed moderation is again in evidence in this thread, with legitimate comcerns raised by the OP and other low carbers about Phoenix attempt to derail the purpose of the thread all being deleted by the moderators, while the antis again given free rein to meddle and misinform yet again.

Can't think why I even bother visiting the place any more, there must be a better forum where low carbers can give eachother support without all the claptrap spouted by the likes of duckless, knobhead and phoneyix