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Tuesday 1 April 2014

A comment from the Evelyn Kocur post I made today.

"Her dismantling of Taubes was spot on. It just took a little longer for the bro-scientists to catch up."

Kocur has rubbished Taubes for a long time, remember Taubes is slim Kocur is morbidly obese. I will swim to the US or die in the attempt when I have proof the bloated blogger can get anywhere near the weight and shape of my lowcarbing wife or my dietitian friend Franziska.

This is a summation at the end of his stellar book. Seems pretty cool to me and follows pretty closely to my and many others experience and the real science.

1. Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease or any other chronic disease.

2. The problem is refined carbs in diet, their effect on insulin secretion & the hormonal regulation of homeostasis.

3. Sugars - sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup specifically - are particularly harmful, the combination of fructose & glucose simultaneously elevates insulin levels & overload liver with carbs.

4. Through their direct effects on insulin & blood sugar, refined carbs, starches, sugars are the dietary cause of coronary heart disease & diabetes. They are likely dietary causes of cancer, Alzheimer's & other diseases.

5. Obesity is a disorder of excess fat accumulation, not overeating.

6. Consuming excess calories does not cause us to grow fatter.

7. Fattening & obesity are caused by an imbalance in the hormonal regulation of adipose tissue & fat metabolism. Fat synthesis & storage exceed the mobilization of fat from adipose tissue & its subsequent oxidation.

8. Insulin is the primary regulator of fat storage. When insulin levels fall, we release fat from fat tissue.

9. By stimulating insulin secretion, carbs make us fat.

10. By driving fat accumulation, carbs also increase hunger & decrease the amount of energy we expend in metabolism & physical activity.

Extract from the book The Diet Delusion called Good Calories Bad Calories in the US page 454 by Gary Taubes ISBN-978-0-09-189141-1 

The bloated bloggers best pic I suspect.

“Stop the crazy restrictions” she tells us and you too can stay obese.

Let's get one thing straight, how a person looks, says nothing about their qualities or personality, or a lot of other things. But, if you go around rubbishing others re their weight or appearance, as she has done, and rubbishing others beliefs and experience, get your own house in order first.

Jan and Franziska August 2013



LeonRover said...

poisson d'avril

Anonymous said...

"get your own house in order first."
Evie has never been one to do that.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Leon

You are far to clever for me, any chance of that in English ?


LeonRover said...

Google it Eds

Lowcarb team member said...

Cheers mate I will. Tell me, are there benefits I do not appreciate in writing cryptic comments ?

Could I impress people more by goggling up some clever stuff.

I'm only asking. Make allowances for my age and state of decrepitude, please.


Lowcarb team member said...

"A "poisson d'avril" is a joke made on April 1st. In France, children try to stick a fish picture on their friends' back. When the joke is discovered"

Carbsane is a joke and her dietary advice smells like four pound of condemned fish.

Jeez I have so much to learn.


Lowcarb team member said...

Now I know you and I are Gongoozler's but I didn't know you were a 'goggler'

'Could I impress people more by goggling up some clever stuff'

Jan .....making a quick dash to get dinner !

Lowcarb team member said...

See the sort of crap I have to put up with!


Anonymous said...

Bet your dinner will be nice mate.

LeonRover said...

You have just experienced a benefit:


Tá caint an-tSláintiúl ar fad.


Talk is very healthy.


LeonRover said...


You're going to dinner ?

I'm having a shot of Glen Grant myself, as my last trip thro' duty-free had no Black Bushmill's from Nor'n Ireland.

Sláinte an Diabail dhuit.

(Long John Silver's lament:

Arrrgh, there, Eddie lad.

Anonymous said...

What about Carols (CarbSaner) dismantling of Kocurnut now that was something else, really showed her up for the pseudo scientist she is.

LeonRover said...

CarbSaner, Anonymouse ?? DOUBLE NOT

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What about Carols (CarbSaner) dismantling of Kocurnut now that was something else, really showed her up for the pseudo scientist she is.

Carbsaner couldn't dismantle a cardboard box, she disappeared pretty quick from the scene when she and her website failed. Carbsane is still here writing away while Taubes has just about disappeared too.

Over on FTA RN is dismantling LC lifestyle.

Lowcarb team member said...

RN destroying low carb, is this the guy that lives on spuds and milk and calls that paleo ho ho ho.

Next week he will be saying Mars bars are paleo. Be honest he is as mad a EK.

Tell him to get a proper job.


Anonymous said...

6. Consuming excess calories does not cause us to grow fatter.

What can I eat in excess that doesn't cause weight gain?

Steak? Ice cream? Beer?

Anonymous said...

"RN destroying low carb, is this the guy that lives on spuds and milk and calls that paleo ho ho ho.

Next week he will be saying Mars bars are paleo. Be honest he is as mad a EK.

Tell him to get a proper job.


Graham didn't last too long over there.

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...

Carbsaner couldn't dismantle a cardboard box, she disappeared pretty quick from the scene when she and her website failed.

Maybe but Heavlyn is far easier to dismantle than a cardboard box.

Carbsane is still here writing away while Taubes has just about disappeared too.
Read Gary Taubes here

Over on FTA RN is dismantling LC lifestyle.


Would that be the LC lifestyle that we as diabetics have been following for the last six years with amazing results? You can't dismantle a diet that unequivocally has proven to be far superior to any other way of bringing diabetes under control.

Kind regards

Unknown said...

Quite entertaining how RN has gone from calling Heavylyn a c*nt to morphing into her - both tilting a LC windmills that exist only in their own minds. His scienz has about as much credibility as hers.

Lowcarb team member said...

Anonymous said...
Graham didn't last too long over there.

Over where??

Is that a cryptic message? I'm intrigued please do tell me more.


Lowcarb team member said...

Too right Indy they are both batshit and change theirs minds to suit the wind direction.RN used to funny but these days he is just a bitter old git.

Moan moan moan !


Unknown said...

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they kiss and make up. Picture it if you dare.

Maybe they could do guest post on each other's blogs and write suck-up book reviews for each other's books in an effort to boost sales? Seems to be 'de rigeur' in Paleoland these days.

How about a Bloated Bloggers podcast?

Bob said...

Over where??

Is that a cryptic message? I'm intrigued please do tell me more.



Lowcarb team member said...

Bob said...
Over where??

Is that a cryptic message? I'm intrigued please do tell me more.



I can see were your coming from:
A T2 called Graham following a LCHF diet, yes I fit that description but were we differ is he needed to lose weight quote: Plus significant weight loss (around 6kg in my case).

My main concern is keeping the weight on, I'm 6ft tall and BMI at diagnosis was 21.8, losing 6kg would leave looking almost like a Belsen victim.

A skinny T2

Masker Wajah said...

Thanks for sharing this great info