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Saturday, 6 September 2014

DCUK Quote of the day from the latest spoofer !

"When I got to my shop the Saturday staff informed me that a Georgian alarm clock I have had in the window for what have seemed aeons got flogged"

What will it be next, stand by for the Jacobian SLR digital cameras. How about the bronze age lap tops.

The forum of flog is rapidly becoming the greatest show on earth.

Check out more mirth from Jona here.

Meanwhile duggie is looking for a mirror. "I'm looking for a decent mirror myself" Could it be this mirror here. 

My old mate Ray got banned from the flog for saying "DCUK mods could not walk and chew gum at the same time" He was right !



Anonymous said...

"DCUK mods could not walk and chew gum at the same time"

I don't think this lot could do both in any 24 hour period!


Anonymous said...

Who is Jona out of curiosity?


Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Ray It's a long story but Jona is a spoofer that plagues blogs and forums posting BS.

Ray if you see this would you email me. You have changed your tel no and I don't seem to have your email address, thanks.


Lowcarb team member said...

Ray said...
Who is Jona out of curiosity?

Ray Just think of mix between Ally5555 and jopar!


Anonymous said...

Surly not that bad Graham!


Lowcarb team member said...

Believe me Ray I kid you not it's true check out this post and comments on Dr Paul Jones


Anonymous said...

Clockman says:
Alarm clocks have been around for a long time certainly Georgian alarm clocks are not as far fetched as you would assume.