Sunday, 4 January 2015

The 'YORKSHIRE FOOD REVOLUTION' Reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Over the last few months I have become acquainted with Professor Verner Wheelock. Verner is an expert on food safety and well known within the UK food industry. He is a passionate and avid promoter of whole fresh food and it's role in our good health. He believes as I believe, highly processed high sugar/starch foods have made a major contribution to the epidemics of type two diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Check out the information he sent me today, if you can get to the event I reckon it will be well worth your time.


Verners excellent and highly informative blog can be found here.


Proudly present YORKSHIRE FOOD REVOLUTION Reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

There is a wide variety of high quality foods produced in Yorkshire, especially meat and meat products as well as butter, cheese, cream and yoghurts which are based on milk from cattle and sheep. Unfortunately many of these are regarded as “unhealthy” because they usually contain saturated fat (SF). According to the official dietary recommendations SF is a risk factor for heart disease and so we are advised to limit the amount we eat. The Government has a Responsibility Deal with the food manufacturers and retailers which puts pressure on the industry to reduce the SF in the food chain. This is encouraging food companies to remove SF from existing products in order to devise “low fat” versions.

During the past few years the rationale used to justify the advice to reduce SF has come under intensive scrutiny and it is now abundantly clear that it is fundamentally flawed. The reality is that SF does not represent a threat to health: in fact, certain individual saturated fats are actually important nutrients in their own right! By contrast, it is the sugars and refined carbohydrates which should be the cause for concern. During the past 15 years the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) has doubled. Those with T2D have an increased risk of heart disease. Essentially T2D is excess sugar (glucose) in the blood. This is caused by consuming too much sugar and carbohydrate-rich foods like potatoes, rice, bread and pasta which contain starch. These are broken down during digestion to produce glucose which is absorbed into the blood and if there is an overload the result is T2D. Furthermore, soft drinks including fruit juices invariably contain a high content of sugar. In addition, sugar is present in many processed foods. Despite the protests from the vested interests, there is little doubt that current poor standard of public health as shown by the figures for T2D and obesity is primarily because of the high content of sugar and carbohydrates in the typical diet.

It is somewhat ironic that many shoppers choose the "low fat" variants believing them to be healthy. Regrettably this is not the case. By removing the fat a valuable source of nutrients is lost. As the fat is often replaced by sugar the consumer suffers a double whammy!

Although the Government is still pushing a discredited policy, a growing number of consumers recognise that the way forward is to reduce the carbohydrates and increase the amount of fat in the diet. More and more people are finding out for themselves that this actually works and makes them feel better. There is convincing evidence that this type of diet improves health for most people. With respect to weight loss, the effect is noticeable within a matter of weeks. There are literally hundreds of personal case histories on the internet from individuals who have overcome T2D. Many of them have been able to stop using drugs completely

All of this is great news for many Yorkshire food producers. What it means is that foods which have been branded as “unhealthy” should now be regarded as “healthy”. However the most significant development is that even though the Government persists with policies which are doing more harm than good, the message is being picked up by more and more ordinary consumers. This represents a huge opportunity for all those producers of specialised foods here in Yorkshire.

There is no doubt that the time is ripe and things could really explode any time. This has already happened in South Africa. Professor Tim Noakes of the University of Cape Town and colleagues have written a book on this precise issue entitled “The Real Meal Revolution” which has been a phenomenal success. Initially 3,000 copies were printed but it has already sold over 120,000 and has been top of the best seller list for over 20 weeks. Restaurants have devised menus which are in line with the new thinking and are trading extremely well.

Here in Skipton, Malcolm Weaving of the Rendezvous and the Craven Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses are co-operating to organise an event which will focus on these exciting concepts. This will be held at The Rendezvous on Friday 30th January 2015 at 7.00pm. The format will be as follows:

A tasting menu of 7 different courses all designed and prepared from ingredients sourced in Yorkshire wherever possible and selected to fit in with the latest thinking on Healthy Eating

After each course Chris Wildman of the Town End Farm shop will describe the provenance of the ingredients, the procedures applied to ensure that quality standards are maintained and how the foods can be sourced

Finally Professor Verner Wheelock, Chairman of Verner Wheelock Associates, specialists in nutrition and food safety training and consultancy to the food industry, will explain the basic principles which underpin these new ideas and how they can be put into practice.

This evening will be a unique opportunity to discover how you can improve the nutritional quality of your diet by consuming foods that are not only tasty and good to eat but are also produced to the highest ethical standards in the glorious Yorkshire countryside.

The cost for a table of 10 is a very reasonable £150 or £20 per head for up to 10 people.

Bookings can be made at The Rendezvous Hotel 
Keighley Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire 
BD23 2TA .

TN 01756 700100 (Lindsay Mueller)



  1. Oh really another crackpot!

  2. "Anonymous said...
    Oh really another crackpot!"

    The list of crackpots gets longer by the day. Stay cool, we will stick to fresh whole food, and leave all the junk for you and your ilk.


  3. funny really thought all low carbers were skinny - so what has happened to you - need to decrease a bit!

  4. Do you know anon, your knowledge seems so low re diet, I am sensing you are a dietitian, am I right or am I right?

    OK maybe a carboholic diabetic or drug company rep.


  5. You're now doing low calorie, knew you'd see sense eventually.
    Am I right, or am I right?

  6. Six and a half years to put on twenty pounds, nothing wrong with the diet, just too much wine. The twenty pounds will be lost easily in less than 20 weeks then back to plan A.

    Still running non diabetic BG numbers and still on only two metformin a day.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to demonstrate the low carg high fat lifestyle works and keeps on working.

    Carbsane the bloated blogger says it' all down to calories, if that is so why is she morbidly obese? If she is right she clearly does not have the will power to reduce the calories.

    What's your excuse anon? Of course the word of a spineless anon counts for nothing, so sad to live in fear I imagine.


  7. Anonymouse said...
    You're now doing low calorie, knew you'd see sense eventually.
    Am I right, or am I right?

    Not me sunshine LC/HF high calorie for almost seven years.

    One thing's for sure anonymous comments are made by gutless wimps.

    Am I right, or am I right?

    Kind regards

  8. Whole Fresh Foods what better way to eat. Why whole fresh foods brings about such controversy is a mystery. I also read diet doctor and he is a firm believer in whole fresh foods.


  9. To the persistent anon

    Offer a sound argument and critique of the low carb high fat diet for the control of diabetes and your comments will be posted.

    I have grown tired of your one line wind ups and non comments. You are clearly a very lazy person, or have no sound argument whatsoever.


  10. "the provenance of the ingredients," buying foods in farmers markets helps

  11. It is refreshing and rewarding to see many more professionals and ordinary shoppers want to eat with their health in mind.

  12. Sorry fat boy, very clearly owned!!!!
    Apart from your own obvious gut, you don't have any to post comments you can't handle.

  13. May I congratulate you anon on your most accomplished comment to date,did you have any help with that one?


  14. Good boy, a bit of guts at last.
    So LCHF, the dream diet?

    You clearly tell everyone no need to count anything but carbs, eat all you want, you've been a stuck record for years.
    Why did it go wrong for you?
    Why have you got fat on it?

    I dare you to answer that in public, and tell us why you've decided to admit you're wrong after all this time, and now you say a calorie is a calorie after all.

  15. Anonymouse said...
    Good boy, a bit of guts at last.

    Arrogant little pillock.

    So LCHF, the dream diet?

    And why not LC/HF has proved time and time again to be far superior to any other diet for diabetes.

    You clearly tell everyone no need to count anything but carbs, eat all you want, you've been a stuck record for years.

    If you need to control BG the only safe way is to drastically reduce the carbs, fat and protein have little or no effect.

    Why did it go wrong for you?
    Why have you got fat on it?

    Hardly gone wrong when Eddie is holding non diabetic BG levels excellent lipids which is far more important than gaining a few pounds.

    I dare you to answer that in public, and tell us why you've decided to admit you're wrong after all this time, and now you say a calorie is a calorie after all.

    How about you publishing your forum name first, not that I expect you will the one thing you and your cowardly ilk hate is a level playing field. For all we know you could be a fat uncontrolled diabetic, prove me wrong by submitting your forum name or are you all mouth.

    Calories from fat, carbs and protein go through different metabolic pathways hence all calories are not created equal. I actually need more calories to maintain my weight on LC than on the low fat diet I was told to follow on diagnosis.

    Kind regards
    Graham xx

  16. So why is he fat?

    It's not working very well for him, and who knows what you look like?

    You could be twice his weight.

    Am I right, or am I right.

  17. Where's eddie, not crying somewhere is he?
    You having to speak for him?

  18. Anonymous said...
    So why is he fat?

    Depends how you define fat as he will admit he's a few pounds overweight that can easily be rectified in by cutting back on the wine.

    It's not working very well for him, and who knows what you look like?

    You could be twice his weight.

    My photos been published on line, I'm 6'ft with a BMI around 21 check me out on the DCUK forum were I posted as graham64, I need over 3000cals daily just to maintain my weight.

    Am I right, or am I right.

    Look like your wrong very very wrong!!!

    Love and hugs from skinny T2
    Graham x

  19. That's the problem with this blog, and your soon to be ex forum.
    'What's your forum username'
    'Check out DCUK'

    You have nothing to say, just a rant about a forum that saw you for the bitter twisted people you are, and threw you out.

    It's always a re-hash of stale advice, and a snide post from Eddie The Overweight here and there.

    Let it go, and move on.
    Maybe everyone will stop laughing at you then.
    You're doing a dis service to everyone doing LCHF, and keeping it in the realms of the gutter, and the nutters out there.
    Leave it to the ones who truly want to promote it, and not insult those you fell out with.
    (Although, I admit, Eddie will never let it go, maybe you should let him go?)

  20. Anon

    Let me know when you have finished.


  21. Eddie, you've had your evening nap!
    This is the most interest your blog has achieved this millennium, don't knock it.
    But even this will fade, so make the most of your ten minutes.

    Keep up the drivel though, someone will always be laughing.

    Am I right, or am I right.

  22. Have followed this blog for years there is so much good information. The only thing I do not understand is why you allow comments from complete morons. .

  23. Anonymous said...
    That's the problem with this blog, and your soon to be ex forum.
    'What's your forum username'
    'Check out DCUK'

    No problem with this blog we are still annoying all the right people, ex forum don't think so pal as long as were still around so will the forum.

    You have nothing to say, just a rant about a forum that saw you for the bitter twisted people you are, and threw you out.

    Bitter and twisted that would be the clique when we got rid of kenny boy from the forum, never seen such wailing and gnashing of teeth from Sid, the cherub, noblhead et al

    It's always a re-hash of stale advice, and a snide post from Eddie The Overweight here and there.

    Would that be the stale advice that's still valid today on the DCUK forum?

    Let it go, and move on.
    Maybe everyone will stop laughing at you then.
    You're doing a dis service to everyone doing LCHF, and keeping it in the realms of the gutter, and the nutters out there.
    Leave it to the ones who truly want to promote it, and not insult those you fell out with.

    Whilst the remnants of the clique are still around we will continue to insult them, they are not the little innocents when it comes to insults the big difference is we do not hide behind the anonymous tag.

    (Although, I admit, Eddie will never let it go, maybe you should let
    him go?)

    Eddie and I started our journey together nearly seven years and I'm in it for the long haul.

    Anyway is it not past your bedtime sweetie.

    Nightie night
    Graham x

  24. It's Eddie's blog, so they have to allow him on.

    Am I right, or am I right.

  25. Not really, I guess LCHF means you run out early on?

    Stick with the lost cause, keep us entertained.

    Laughter is good medicine, so congratulate yourself, as you provide a lot to us out here.

  26. Anonymouse said...
    It's Eddie's blog, so they have to allow him on.

    Am I right, or am I right.

    No your wrong yet again your becoming a laughing stock, I could if I wished delete this blog I have the same admin rights as Eddie, Jan and John.

    Does your mummy know your on the internet at this time of night?

    Sleep tight sweetie.

    Graham x

  27. Anonymous said...
    "Have followed this blog for years there is so much good information. The only thing I do not understand is why you allow comments from complete morons."

    We like to allow freedom of speech, also the madmen/women always prove they have no sound argument or constructive critique.

    They are barking mad and it is plain for all to see. TBH we get loads or rants from nutters but delete the worst of them.

    Maybe I am feeling a bit mischievous today, but this raver is harmless.


  28. Food revolution is what is needed and it is happening. Glad that people like Prof Wheelock are working hard to improve dietary health and the role that eating whole fresh food can bring. Will farmers have to change some farming methods if more people choose to live a more wholesome and fresh food life?



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
