Our friend Tess has a blog which you can find here . On one of her recent posts, as well as talking about gelatin, joints and champagne, she mentioned bone broth. Part of the comment I left was this:
" Interested in your comment about Broth - when growing up my mum was always making broth, it was always good for you and so warming - but it did seem to go out of fashion for a while.
However, now it's been making a bit of a come back and many nutritionists, health coaches and healthy eating cooks are extolling broth for its many nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium and amino acids, and its benefits, such as healing a damaged gut, making skin look more youthful (it’s the collagen) and improving joint and bone health.
Should we be spreading the word about broth?
All the best Jan "
So - it definitely got me thinking about broth. I found this article, part of which I've copied, but full link is below:
" Bone broth: should you eat it and how did it become the first health food trend of 2015?
The benefits of bone broth:
When the bones are simmered they release several compounds and minerals that benefit our health in several ways.
Anti inflammatory:
Bone broth for bone health:
Where to get animal bones for broth:
Most local butchers or farmers’ markets will give you bones cheaply or free (let them know in the morning, so they don’t thrown them away as they prepare joints, and pick them up later). Or save the bones from any meat you cook until you have enough.
However, now it's been making a bit of a come back and many nutritionists, health coaches and healthy eating cooks are extolling broth for its many nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium and amino acids, and its benefits, such as healing a damaged gut, making skin look more youthful (it’s the collagen) and improving joint and bone health.
Should we be spreading the word about broth?
All the best Jan "
So - it definitely got me thinking about broth. I found this article, part of which I've copied, but full link is below:
" Bone broth: should you eat it and how did it become the first health food trend of 2015?
Bone broth is a deeply nourishing food that is centuries old. Now it's having a moment in the spotlight. Jacqui Gibbons puts it under the microscope and tells the story behind the trend.
The benefits of bone broth:
When the bones are simmered they release several compounds and minerals that benefit our health in several ways.
Anti inflammatory:
Thanks to amino acids such as arginine and glycine.
Healthy hair, nails and skin:
Healthy hair, nails and skin:
The first two because of keratin and gelatin; the skin because of collagen, which helps skin renew, tighten and remain firm, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Digestive healing:
Digestive healing:
Collagen soothes the lining of the digestive tract, helping with IBS, acidity, damaged gut, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s. Gelatin also soothes the lining and can help repair leaky gut, and the autoimmune conditions that can result from that.
Cold, flu and immunity:
Cold, flu and immunity:
A study by the University of Nebraska found that the amino acids produced when making chicken stock help prevent colds and flu by reducing inflammation in the respiratory system and improved digestion. Further research suggests it can boost immune system function and benefit arthritis, allergies and asthma.
Sleep and memory:
Sleep and memory:
Due to a neurotransmitter called glycine.
Bone broth for bone health:
In Ayurvedic tradition, which uses food as medicine, bone broth is traditionally eaten to strengthen a person’s bones, based on the principle of ‘like increases like’. Modern science agrees, suggesting that chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, from the bones’ boiled-down cartilage, may help arthritis and joint pain. The minerals in broth include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and glucosamine, some of which are important for bone health. Gelatin contains easily assimilated bone-building minerals that can reduce joint pain and bone loss. And a amino acid called proline regenerates cartilage to help heal joints.
Where to get animal bones for broth:
Most local butchers or farmers’ markets will give you bones cheaply or free (let them know in the morning, so they don’t thrown them away as they prepare joints, and pick them up later). Or save the bones from any meat you cook until you have enough.
How to make bone broth:
Broth is a slow food, that is quick and simple to prepare but takes 12 to 24 hours to cook (ideally longer, as the longer it cooks the more nutrients are extracted from the bones), and up to 48 hours for beef bones.
You leave it to cook, though, just topping up the liquid level from time to time. It can be done overnight in a slow cooker/rice cooker, or to make the process quicker, use a pressure cooker.
You could make a big batch at the weekend to use all week, which can be frozen in small batches. (Use glass jars and don’t fill them completely to the top.)
The essential ingredients are bones, meat, fat, water and vegetables. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (per pot) to further help leach nutrients from the bones into the broth.
After it’s cooked and cooled, a layer of fat will form. Leave this on until you are ready to heat and eat the broth.
Read more about bone broth here
“Eating the right foods and caring about your body creates an awareness that permeates every aspect of your life.”
All the best Jan
Just don't do what I did. I had a great selection of bones. I simmered them for a long, long time and then strained them over the sink!!
I could not find any nutritional benefit in a colander full of boiled bones. But I did console myself that the sewer rats had something healthy to eat!
thank you for the shout-out, Jan! :-) i've always loved soup, and home-made broth is SO superior as a base for it, over commercial products with questionable ingredients.
Ray, long ago i heard the story of a family friend doing what you did.... when it comes time to strain my broth, i ALWAYS stop and ask myself "am i doing this the way i want to?" ...you're not the only one who has absent-mindedly make that mistake!
Oh Ray you did make me laugh but it is something that can so easily happen! We used to have a lot of home made broth, but not so much now-a-days,must start doing some, it is very healthy with all the goodness going into the broth.
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