Sardines are rich in numerous nutrients that have been found to support cardiovascular health. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels; one serving (3.25 ounce can) of sardines actually contains over 50% of the daily value for these important nutrients. Sardines are an excellent source of vitamin B12, second only to calf's liver. Vitamin B12 promotes cardiovascular well-being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance; homocysteine can damage artery walls, with elevated levels being a risk factor for atherosclerosis. A true super food that will not break the bank ! This food is cheap and full of great nutrients. Very filling and very lowcarb.
More on sardines at this site here
Sicilian-Style Sardines with Fennel : Low Carb, Full Of Calcium

This Sicilian sardine and fennel dish is full of calcium, low-carb and super savoury. Sardines are a great way to boost your calcium levels – just make sure you don’t choose a tin of filleted sardines – it’s the regular ones you are after. The bones melt away in the cooking, so you won’t notice them, promise. Nor is the dish fishy at all – just super savoury.
1 head of fennel, cut into slender wedges through the root (save any feathery tops)
1 small onion, sliced
1tbsp olive oil
1/2tsp fennel seed
a pinch of grated lemon zest
1 tin of sardines in olive oil
3 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tbsp toasted pine-nuts
1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and add the fennel and onion. Fry at a high heat until beginning to caramelize.
2. Add the fennel seed and cook for another 30seconds.
3. Stir in the sardines, breaking them up with your spoon, and the lemon zest. Cook, stirring often, until the sardines have collapsed and the mixture is beginning to caramelize on the bottom of the pan.
4. Stir in the tomatoes, just letting them heat through and collapse a little in the mixture, keep scraping at the bottom of the pan to release the delicious gunk there.
5. Season with salt and pepper.
6. Serve sprinkled with pine nuts and any feathery tops of fennel you have saved.
Recipe and link also shown here
All the best Jan
Hello, another great dish! Sounds like an easy recipe too, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!
I remember my grandma making me sardines when I was a child, I don't think I've ever had them since then.
Eileen, glad you liked the look of the dish ... sardines can so often 'get ignored' and they can be a great addition to menu plans.
Hope your Wednesday is going well.
All the best Jan
Jo, maybe your Grandma knew what great nutritional value they provided.
They are also relatively in-expensive, and one of our favourites.
This recipe also has a great mix of ingredients.
Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.
All the best Jan
This is quick and easy to make. I tried it from here before.
Jenny S
Yep that's for me.....sounds delicious.
Thanks Jan, a recipe I will definitely be using. Also love fennel........
Jenny, so pleased you've tried this recipe. I did highlight it back in the summer (I think it was ), does taste good.
All the best Jan
'CGP'... it is a nice savoury dish. Many thanks for your comment.
All the best Jan
Cheryl, thanks for your comment. Fennel can be an almost forgotten vegetable but it can be used in so many recipes. This is a great dish, I hope you get to try, and enjoy it soon.
Enjoy your Wednesday evening
All the best Jan
I compromised, I bought the season's first herrings this week and they weren't much bigger than sardines. I have fennel in the garden too though I might just use the leaves.
Some of the local pubs serve whitebait which you eat whole, albeit battered with two little eyes peering out, with salad and in one pub served not on a plate but on a slate, I dunno what that is all about. I can handle them as long as I go for a walk afterwards, and even the chips if I go for a longer walk.
Chris ... I have also found that many pubs do now serve certain meals on either wooden boards or slates. Think I still prefer to eat off a plate though!
Whitebait, I've never been too keen on although many do enjoy them as a starter.
Great to be able to go out and pick your own fennel.
Enjoy the rest of your evening and many thanks for all your comments.
All the best Jan
I LOVE sardines. I learned to enjoy them through my dad who also loved them. This is a wonderful recipe. Thanks for sharing it!
I haven't eaten sardines in a very long time. I used to. Both my dad and my father-in-law loved/love them. They ate them right out of the can. I'll have to give this recipe a go, thanks Jan.
Martha - thanks for your comment.
Perhaps give this recipe a try - especially as you LOVE sardines!
Have a good day
All the best Jan
Denise, thank you for your comments here.
I do think that for some reason sardines did, as the saying goes, go out of style!
But they are very nutritious and relatively in-expensive, and make a nice change / addition in the menu plans.
Enjoy your Thursday and the remainder of the week.
All the best Jan
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