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Friday 1 April 2016

The 10 Worst Foods to Eat in the Morning

Franziska Spritzler has a BSc in nutrition and dietetics. She is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with expertise in carbohydrate-restricted diets for diabetes and weight management. She has recently written an article 'The 10 Worst Foods to Eat in the Morning'.

She writes: "You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
However, this is largely a myth.
Although it may be true for some people, others actually do better when they skip breakfast.
Additionally, eating an unhealthy breakfast can be far worse than not eating at all.
A healthy breakfast includes fiber, protein and healthy fat that gives you energy and makes you feel full.
In contrast, an unhealthy breakfast can make you feel sluggish, cause you to gain weight and increase your risk of chronic disease.

Here are the 10 worst foods you can eat in the morning.
1. Breakfast Cereals:
Bottom Line: Many breakfast cereals are even higher in sugar than cookies and desserts. Adding whole grains or artificial vitamins and minerals does not make them a healthy choice.

2. Pancakes and Waffles:
Bottom Line: Pancakes and waffles are made from refined flour and topped with high-sugar syrups. They may promote insulin resistance and increase the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

3. Toast with Margarine:
Bottom Line: Toast with margarine raises your blood sugar and insulin levels, causes rebound hunger and increases your risk of weight gain and heart disease.

4. Muffins:
Bottom Line: Muffins are usually high in refined flour, refined vegetable oils and sugar, all of which are very unhealthy.

5. Fruit Juice:
Bottom Line: Despite a reputation for being healthy, fruit juice is very hign in sugar. It actually contains a similar amount as sugary soda.

6. Toaster Pastries:
Bottom Line: Toaster pastries are high in sugar and refined carbs, yet low in protein, which can increase hunger and food intake.

7. Scones with Jam and Cream:
Bottom Line: Scones topped with cream and jam provide little nutrition other than calories. Easily digested carbs and a lack of fiber can drive hunger, leading to increased food intake and weight gain.

8. Sweetened Non-Fat Yogurt:
Bottom Line: Non-fat sweetened yogurt is very high in sugar, and may contain more of it than ice cream. It also lacks the natural dairy fat that can increase fullness.

9. Granola Bars:
Bottom Line: Granola bars usually contain several types of sugar that negatively affect blood sugar and insulin levels. They also lack protein and fiber.

10. Processed, Gluten-Free Breakfast Foods:
Bottom Line: Gluten-free packaged foods are made with flours that raise blood sugar, which may lead to elevated insulin, increased appetite and weight gain.They also lack protein and fiber, which contribute to fullness.

Take Home Message
Breakfast has the potential to set you up for a day of great energy levels, stable blood sugar and control over your appetite and weight.

On the other hand, making a poor choice at breakfast can leave you hungry and struggling to get through the rest of the day.

It can also increase your risk of developing health problems in the future.

If you’re going to eat breakfast, make it one that contains protein, healthy fat and fiber from unprocessed, whole foods."

Read the whole article with relevant links here

All the best Jan


handmade by amalia said...

She didn't rule out my oatmeal! And Jan, thank you so very much for the message you've left on my blog, I cannot tell you who happy it made me.

Anonymous said...

Weekend soon, will try the poached eggs with avocado, beetroot and spinach dish you had on the blog a few days ago. It looked very good. I thought a Saturday brunch dish.


Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment about this article, and also those comments I left on your blog ...

With any food choice, it is a personal one ... but I do think it is good to read articles such as this one by Franziska.

If anyone is looking for a granola type dish this one may just fit the bill!
It's from Julia McPhee, her 'Just Nuts Grain-Free Granola' which at only 0.8g carb per serving can fit so well into the LCHF food template.
Have a look here

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
Yes, another week has whizzed past ... the recipe dish you mention will make a lovely weekend style breakfast / brunch dish - enjoy it!

If any readers wish to have a look it's here

All the best Jan

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I have been known to eat cereal in the morning. It is so quick and easy, I try to choose one that has less sugar. I know I am bad! Hubby eats eggs every morning. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.

Martha said...

There are only a handful of cereals that are actually decent. It is so important to ready the nutritional labels and the ingredients! Years ago, my brother gifted me a subscription to a nutritional magazine (more of a multi-paged newsletter) and on the last few pages, they would list best and worst and middle ground choices for foods. Each month was a different list. One month there was a list of cereals and I swear to you that they had approved about 3 or 4 cereals out of dozens! We really need to be careful what we bring home. Personally, my favourite breakfast choice is oatmeal and fresh fruit. And not that instant oatmeal in packages. That is horrible and full of bad ingredients. Oatmeal that you cook on the stovetop is nutritious and delicious!

a writing place said...

I am more likely to skip breakfast, and have soup for "brunch". :-)

But I know, we should have protein at every meal. At least, I think that...


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I'm afraid I would fail the best breakfast person for the list includes many things I often eat. At least I have oatmeal in the winter and do like plain Shreddies cold cereal because of the iron supplied.

Kezzie said...

I love porridge for breakfast-my favourite, glad I'm allowed it. Most days I scrape in with some branflakes and milk so I'm not doing well-I have to eat something quickly during my staff meeting at 9am!

HappyK said...

This was very informative and I was surprised by some of the foods that aren't good for breakfast.
I mostly eat raisin bran and a glass of milk for breakfast but today I had pancakes.

What would be an ideal breakfast?

Bob Bushell said...

Too long, I wish there was a real answer!!!!!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
There are many like you who grab a packet of cereal in the morning, in fact some even have cereal at tea time and supper time! Yes, it is quick and easy but are you doing your health any good? Next time you shop and 'grab hold' of a packet just look at the ingredients ...
Of a 30g serving 29g are carbohydrate.
My figures taken from here

Your digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar)

So a bowl of cereal can/does contain an extremely high amount of sugar.

Perhaps if you are not allergic to eggs, why not join your husband and enjoy an egg each day for breakfast? But obviously the choice is yours ...

Wishing you a good weekend, these weeks fly by don't they.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
I do agree with you when shopping it is so important to read the labels. This is not always easy but with perseverance it can become second nature. I do always cast my eye on the ingredients ... so important if you are a diabetic or living with someone who is a diabetic. If the carb / sugar content is too high it does not go in my shopping basket.

There are alternative 'cereals' available ... but speaking personally I prefer the home-made like this one here
It only has 0.8 g carb per serving somewhat different to the 29g carb in a UK bought cereal which I highlighted in my reply to Eileen above ...

With it soon being the weekend - have a good one.

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
I know many who do skip breakfast, and perhaps just have a cup of coffee with cream first thing in the morning!
I like the sound of soup for lunch ... there are some great soup recipes around, this Creamy Broccoli and Leek Soup is one of our favourites

Hope you've had an enjoyable Friday

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
Iron is important for us all, and is available in many whole fresh foods.
How about this rather nice recipe here ... the 'posh' breakfast

Or indeed the one I featured recently "Poached eggs with avocado, beetroot and spinach"

Happy weekend wishes

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
Porridge seems to be quite a favourite ...
Coffee with cream is also popular ...

My favourite go to breakfast is an egg ... well sometimes two! LOL!

Have a lovely Friday evening

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Karen (Happyone)
Thank you for your comment.
An ideal breakfast is "one that contains protein, healthy fat and fiber from unprocessed, whole foods." not my words but Franziska's.
How about this one here

or this one here

Enjoy Friday evening and have a happy weekend

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
Breakfasts, and good choices, have many of us scratching our heads and wondering what may be best! My personal view is eat a plate containing whole fresh foods not processed. I think Franziska would agree!
How about a simple soft boiled egg like the one featured in this article

Have a lovely weekend

All the best Jan

Sandi said...

I can't imagine drinking a glass of juice in the morning. Ugh! I think I would pass out.

I used to tolerate sugar better when I was younger, or I thought I did. These days I just can not get away with it. And I am not even diabetic!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
Yes, as Franziska said "Despite a reputation for being healthy, fruit juice is very hign in sugar. It actually contains a similar amount as sugary soda."

Perhaps if you want to start your day with fruit ... a handful of berries would be better, as mentioned here
Some low carb. fruits are Strawberries 6 grams. Blackberries 5.1 grams. Raspberries 4.6 grams. per 100 grams.

Hope the weekend ahead is a good one for you.

All the best Jan

Lisa said...

Oh dear my Weetabix and orange juice aren't such a option then!
I must say I don't buy those toaster things, would never occur to me to do so.
I do like porridge, maybe I should try and introduce a bit moew of that into my breakfast menus.
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Lisa x

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
In place of juices perhaps consider fresh fruit such as strawberries, raspberries and blackberries ...
Would you consider starting the day with an egg? Eggs are so nutritious - have a look here

My weekend has been good so far, thank you.
I hope you enjoy yours.

All the best Jan

chris c said...

For decades I dutifully ate my "low fat" breakfast cereal without any understanding that it spiked my blood glucose, which spiked my insulin, which left me ravenous again a couple of hours later, and if I didn't eat I could actually collapse.

Now I eat a buttered oatcake with smoked salmon, or some similar low carb moderate fat high protein thing, even a lamb chop or bacon, and routinely go 5 - 8 hours and often ten hours or more before I even think of eating again. I only eat one full meal - low carb, moderate protein, high fat - per day, between late afternoon and late evening, and another snack at night. My glucose has been mostly normal for eleven years now, my blood pressure stopped going up, my HDL doubled, my trigs dropped to 1/10 of what they were and my physical energy remains even, plus I lost the 15 kg the dietician made me gain.

The only downside is that I am eleven years older, but I doubt a high carb low fat diet would have helped that.

When I started I was limited to about 15g carbs at breakfast and 30g by evening. Now it's 10g or less at breakfast but 50 - 80g by evening (I don't do this regularly but I can on occasion) yet The Authorities say I must eat 45 - 60g carbs per meal interspersed with three snacks of 15 - 30g, and I was recently told I "should" be on "at least two" drugs by now. I truly fail to understand the cognitive disconnect here. Oh wait, I do, profit . . .

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for your comment.
For years our family eat the bowl of cereal, glass of orange juice and slice of toast. At the weekend it would be the special treat of the great British fry up ... eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, tomato. We almost felt guilty at eating and enjoying our great tasting cooked breakfast.
Fast forward and now the cereals are definitely off the menu, as is the fruit juice and toast made with highly processed bread. They all contain too much sugar which doesn't do anybodies health any good.
It no doubt contributed to Eddie's Type 2 Diabetes and since doing further reading although I am not diabetic I just do not think eating this highly processed and carb / sugar laden foods is the best choice I can make.
Added to the fact Alzheimer's does 'run in' my family and is often called Type 3 Diabetes - too much sugar is not good for anyone's body. If anyone is interested in reading more about this do please use this link here:

Over the course of a day we eat no more than 50 carbs per day ... and often less. At first it took getting used to but you soon get to know which foods are best to eat. Our template is High Fat, Moderate Protein and Low Carbohydrate, it works well for us, and I would recommend it to people - but of course the ultimate choice is down to the individual ...

Many years ago Hippocrates once said "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food."

If anyone may wish to read about the LCHF lifestyle why not have a look at The low carb diabetic website, which can be found here:

Thanks again for your comments Chris both here and on other posts /articles, they are always appreciated.

All the best Jan