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Monday 2 January 2017

The Alternative 'Rice Pudding' : Made the Low Carb Way

In a fairly typical 'old fashioned rice pudding' there are 59.9g carbohydrate (carbs) per one cup serving. If you are a diabetic eating this amount of carbs would result in your blood sugar readings going 'high' ... as your meter would show! Many Type 2 (and Type 1) diabetics exclude rice from their menu plans because of this reason ... elevated blood sugar readings are the last thing a well controlled diabetic would want. So if you are diabetic, or indeed like me a non-diabetic but choose to live the LCHF lifestyle - what do you do?

Well, for many of the higher carb foods there are excellent alternatives, and you can swap many foods  e.g pasta for courgette, tacos for lettuce etc.

If you may be looking for a low carb (alternative) version of 'rice pudding' then look no further. Anne Aobadia at Diet Doctor site has come up with this super 'Creamy Cottage Cheese Pudding' ... she says 'this is a low-carb version of the classic rice pudding - and you can serve (and enjoy) it all year round'

Serves Six

just 3g carb per serving

300 g cottage cheese
300 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
60 g fresh raspberries or other berries of your liking

Delicious serves with red berries of your choice, or why not try a few wedges of a clementine ...

Just look at the difference in carb count:
3g per serving in the low carb version
59.9g per serving in the 'old fashioned' version

Please see original recipe and instructions here

Did you know ... Cinnamon is a popular spice often associated with baked treats, cereals and smoothies. However, you may not have considered that the teaspoon of cinnamon that you add to your baked treats may be doing you more good than you realized. Studies have shown that cinnamon could assist with boosting brain function, fighting cancer, aiding in digestion, supporting weight loss and fighting diabetes.

image from here

Incorporate cinnamon into your life by:
Adding a cinnamon quill into your morning tea, sprinkling half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon onto your homemade granola or adding a sprinkle of cinnamon into your next bowl of breakfast oatmeal.

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

If you would like to read more about eating lower carb foods, and the LCHF lifestyle, why not see our post 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' here

All the best Jan


Tom said...

I should try this. I love rice pudding, but it doesn't love me.

Christine said...

Wow here's to a low carb rice pudding!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, cottage cheese instead of rice? Now, that is a different way of making Rice Pudding.
I would try it, I do enjoy the cottage cheese. Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, enjoy your day!

Martha said...

This is such a delicious and simple recipe!

Lisa said...

Sounds interesting. And I do love a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Lisa x

Jo said...

I don't like milk puddings but I like the sound of this pudding made with cottage cheese, much more my taste.

Phil Slade said...

Hi Jan. An interesting post indeed, especially so as I don't know of anyone nowadys who eats rice pudding. Even less, do know I anyone who would makes it from scratch rather than buy a tin of Bird's. Can't remeber the last time I ate a rice pudding made in one of those white and blue enamel dishes with the yellow skin burned and black around the edges? I hated the skin but loved the underneath.

Happy New Year.

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh that looks yummy and I love cinnamon. Thanks for the information about it.

Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse said...

Oh, it's so interesting to see how we all manage to keep baking/cooking even when we have to change our diet. I also had to adapt rice pudding as I can't have milk!
I do use cinammom a lot as it helps me keep my weird digestive uses in control... well, sort of!
Happy new year!

Margaret D said...

They look delicious - cream, oh gosh don't eat much of that.

Dewena said...

Rice pudding is such a comfort food but it's been years since I made it. This is certainly worth a try!

Haddock said...

Any pudding is OK with me.

HappyK said...

Oh I do like cinnamon and use it often. Nice to know it is good for you too. : )

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

This looks delicious, the most I've ever done with cottage cheese is throw in some chopped up fruit.

Sue (this n that) said...

Hi Jan, I like the idea of those ingredients because of the calcium content. Cinnamon I have daily, so it sounds like a good dessert recipe. Cheers and thank you :D)

Debbie said...

it seems everything can be alternative and yummy!! i think love is the most important ingredient when cooking or baking!!!

Debby Ray said...

I have made this before, minus the raspberries...but they would be a great addition! I was on a diet years ago that had a recipe using cottage cheese and sprinkling sweetener and cinnamon it. I actually really liked it and it does seem like you are eating a rich dessert! Thanks for the reminder! I will be getting me some cottage cheese soon and have this...and I'll be sure to add the berries! Happy New Year!

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you! This looks so good!