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Thursday 20 April 2017

For a delicious lower carb meal why not take ...

 ... some Roast Chicken
see information here

add some roasted buttered cauliflower
see recipe here

some punchy buttered spring greens
see recipe here

and perhaps some red roasted carrots
see more here

to follow, a slice of lemon yogurt cheesecake
see more about this low carb dessert here

wouldn't it then be nice to relax and let the butler do the washing up!

All the best Jan


Jo said...

Yum yum, sounds delicious to me.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I would love this meal. YUM! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Tom said...

...chicken is what's for supper.

only slightly confused said...

I especially like the last suggestion....I'd eat dried cardboard if someone else cooked it and cleaned up after.

Sue (this n that) said...

Oh yes, why not indeed! Lots of yumminess here... thanks Jan, always lovely to have a meal prompt :D)

Valerie-Jael said...

Looks great, wouldn't it be good to have cook on hand to make that meal for me right now! Hugs, Valerie

sage said...

that looks very good! Where's the butler?

piccolina said...

I'm starving here, hahaha!Thank you for sharing them. Have a lovely and mealful day!:)

Carla from The River said...

As always ... thank you for sharing.
You did make me hungry. :-)

Christine said...

These dishes look so wonderful!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

This is a meal that would make me happy! And if the butler does the dishes, even better. Have a great week, Jan! ♥

Linda said...

Everything here looks delicious, Jan! And I absolutely LOVE roast chicken! :)

Mary Kirkland said...

Sounds good to me.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Looks like I have some great recipes to check out. I went to the Farmer's mkt this morning so I'm all set for organic veggies and fruits. I even got fresh Swiss Chard...just now in season! We're having that tonight! Hugs!

Rue said...

YUM! I'll be happy to have all of that and the butler to clean it up ;)


Lorrie said...

A delicious meal, but alas, the butler is highly unreliable, so we'll do the washing up ourselves.

HappyK said...

Oh my now I'm hungry again. : )

The Happy Whisk said...

Great food pictures.

Anonymous said...

It all looks good, especially the cauliflower.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely selection Jan, thank you :)

Martha said...

I think I would enjoy this very much!

Donna Heber said...

Looks good!

River said...

Mmmm, yum, says the girl who got too tired and just ate a peanut butter sandwich for dinner.
I'll put Chicken on the menu for tomorrow.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yes to all of above suggestions Jan, and the butler would be a most welcome bonus ☺

Magic Love Crow said...

Jan, I have to stop reading your yummy recipes at night time! I always want to eat! LOL! Big Hugs!