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Thursday 1 June 2017

An enjoyable short trip ...

We've just enjoyed a short trip to Hampshire, a County on the Southern Coast of England in the UK, seeing some of the family. Whether it was relaxing over a natter and a cup of tea, to enjoying a glass of wine sitting in the pub garden it's good to have time away.

Of course seeing that we were so close to the sea, we just had to enjoy some fish

Salmon with Basil Cream Sauce
see recipe

Can you believe it's the 1st June ... hope your day is a good one

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...what a beautiful spot.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos and yummy salmon, what can be better? Hugs, Valerie

The Happy Whisk said...

Great to see this kind of personal post. Love the pictures.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a pretty town. The view of the water is gorgeous. The salmon looks delicious too.
So glad you had a nice trip! Great photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

JFM said...

So this is what heaven looks like... peaceful and beautiful 💕
Thank you so much for sharing~

Sandra Cox said...

What a wondrous place. I'd love to visit there.

Sami said...

A charming place, lovely pictures.
I love salmon, I'll have to try it with that sauce. Thanks

Jo said...

It looks lovely, and I think you had the weather for it.

Martha said...

Oh, how wonderful! Looks like an amazing place to visit. And yummy salmon! I'd be getting that, too :)

Christine said...

Beautiful photos including the salmon! Glad you had a lovely time.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm thinking about having Salmon for lunch tomarow.
Coffee is on

only slightly confused said...

Lovely shots....and salmon favourite.

Mary Kirkland said...

Loved the pictures and that recipe sounds great.

Lisabella Russo said...

It sounds like a lovely short trip! I enjoyed the pictures, thank you.

Lisa said...

You've been to our neck of the woods, we were in Brockenhurst on Monday!!
Hope you had a lovely time with your family.
Enjoy the weekend.
Lisa x

Elephant's Child said...

It looks like a really lovely, restorative time away.

Marcie said...

Your photos of Hampshire are just lovely! I love my corner of the world, but seeing your post makes me long to travel!

Anonymous said...

So happy you had this wonderful time with family. Beautiful pictures/scenery. My late dad loved salmon better than anyone!

HappyK said...

Oh what a lovely town. Beautiful photos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Fresh fish is always the best! And being in a beautiful place like that makes it even better. What a difference it is to our little Florida towns here. Makes me want to travel! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane (and thank you for your sweet comments. They really made my day today!)

Dewena said...

And your photos are exactly why I watch English movies! And to think that you saw it in person, live it in person. I'm jealous!

The salmon looks wonderful, I love salmon, I love cream and basil!

Margaret D said...

The fish does look so nice :)
What a quaint place is that!

Lady Fi said...

Such pretty shots. And June already? How did that happen...

Linda said...

What a lovely place, Jan! I absolutely love all your photos, and I SO enjoy seeing views and store fronts from different parts of the world. And I do love salmon! Thank you so much for sharing.

Snowbird said...

Oh, what a glorious place, so full of character, I would love it there. Lovely seeing what you are up

DeniseinVA said...

It looks gorgeous Jan, a holiday by he sea, wonderful! Now to see the recipe :)

Debbie said...

nice images from your trip - looks like a beautiful spot!!!

Magic Love Crow said...

What a beautiful place!!! Thanks for the salmon recipe! I love salmon! Big Hugs!