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Tuesday 6 June 2017

Tomato Soup with onions, carrot and celery

Sitting at my computer keyboard today, the wind was almost howling and the rain was hitting the window pane quite loudly - and this is June - what has happened to summer!

I thought it definitely more like soup weather than salad, hence today's recipe suggestion is for tomato soup. It is a fresh and simple tomato soup recipe with the welcome addition of onions, carrot and celery. If you should grow your own tomatoes you may like to keep this recipe in mind because it is perfect for using up a glut of home-grown tomatoes...

Serves Four
2 onions
, peeled and chopped
1 carrot
, peeled and diced finely
1 clove garlic
, peeled and crushed
1 stick celery
, finely chopped
2 tbsp. olive oil

450g/1lb fresh ripe tomatoes, halved
1 litre/1¾ pints vegetable stock

1 tsp sugar (optional)
salt and freshly ground black pepper
handful fresh basil, shredded (optional, but it really adds to the taste)

1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add the onions, carrot and celery and garlic. Cover and cook gently for 10 minutes until soft.
2. Add the sugar (optional), salt, pepper and tomatoes. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
3. Add the stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Liquidise until smooth.
4. If using the basil, stir in at the end.

From an original idea here

variety of recipe ideas are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Jules said...

That looks so tasty. I was just thinking I might make some soup this week (it must be the change in the weather) so will give this recipe a try. X

Christine said...

Mmm...a lovely soup!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Soup is always good but especially when the weather is cooler. We have a cloudy day today and are hoping for rain...and we're going to have chili tonight. We haven't had it in a long time! Hugs!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love tomato soup. This sounds delicious. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

RO said...

The heat here in North Carolina is stifling, so I'd much rather curl up with this soup and my Steve Berry novel right about now. lol Hugs...

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds great, I love tomato soup. Thanks for sharing, hugs, Valerie

only slightly confused said...

Tomato soup is one of my favourites. I have never made my own though.

Dewena said...

Very pretty, Jan, and looks delicious! I have made many soups over the years but never tomato. Must try this!

Summer will return, after all it's still spring!

Blogoratti said...

Must be nice especially in this type of weather.

Debbie said...

good stuff - i LOVE soup!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Sounds like a very hearty and healthy soup... I love home-made soups like this --with fresh veggies... YUM...

Thanks for sharing.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Sounds yummy! I love tomato soup now, but I didn't know what to think of it the first time my mother served it to me. (The canned version, I'm sure.) I was a pre-schooler at the time, and when I saw my grandmother that night, I told her we had vegetable soup for dinner, but I didn't get any vegetables. :)

Elephant's Child said...

I do love tomato soup - and basil goes so well with tomato in any form. Thank you.

Mary Kirkland said...

I haven't made a homemade soup in a long time. This looks tasty.

HappyK said...

I love tomato soup and with these extra ingredients in this recipe it is sure to be delicious.

Lisabella Russo said...

That looks delicious! Thanks for another great recipe.

Lee said...

I love tomato soup. A variation on this could be to toss some pumpkin into it as well.

Seeing it's a bit chilly here today, I might just have to make some soup for my lunch! :)

Martha said...

I love this recipe, Jan! Nothing like a simple yet delicious tomato soup. I'll have to keep this in mind when tomatoes are in season.

Sandra Cox said...

OMG, I want some of that soup!

Jenn Jilks said...

It's been so wet and cold here! Lovely soup.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sounds like a good day for a nice bowl of your tomato soup. Soup can be so filling and just what we need on a cold, rainy day. Thank you for the tasty recipe. Have a lovely week. ♥

Conniecrafter said...

sounds like this was the perfect meal for a cool rainy day, it looks yummy, I will have to save it for Autumn season, we are getting very hot weather here lately. I hope your weather changes soon :)

Martha said...

I went out and picked up some tomatoes this evening. I'll be making this tomorrow... said...

love tomato soup!

Lady Fi said...

Looks so delicious!

Sami said...

I love soup! Thanks

Lynn said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! And I have been needing a good soup recipe - I'll definitely try this. Wish I had some of this right now. :) I've been known to eat soup for breakfast.

Snowbird said...

Wow....the perfect recipe for this grim weather! We too have howling winds and rain. I really must give this a shot, looks

Margaret D said...

Looks ok and reads good.

riitta k said...

This soup sounds also so delicious. I love celery - have to try this too :)

Linda said...

This looks delicious, wholesome and heartwarming, Jan! Thanks so much for all you share.

Phil Slade said...

Yes it's hard to beat a good old tomato soup. We like to add a taste of chorizo or mix with carrot or sweet potato depending who it's aimed at - kids or adults. A blob of cream and away you go. Home made tomato soup means you will never ever buy a tin of Heinz again.

Lisa said...

It definitely felt like the weather for something warming in a bowl last week. Lets' hope this week sees us back to salad weather!
Lisa x

Magic Love Crow said...

This looks so good! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Green onions provide a LOT more nutrition than white, yellow or red onions so that's all I EVER use. Not only do they have a bunch more nutrition, they also taste better and are the lowest in CARBS.

Judith G Miller said...

I use only green onions because they taste better and have the most nutrition in them

Judith G Miller said...

I use ONLY green onions because they are higher in nutrients and lower in carbs/sugars

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for your comments about Green Onions …

Some of our readers may be wondering what green onions are because they are called by different names in other countries.

Here in the UK I think most people call them spring onions ...

Green onions are immature onions that have not yet formed a bulb, or only partially. The entire plant is usually used, including the tall green shoots, and they make a wonderful garnish for soups, omelettes, tacos, as well as colour and crunch. They go by other names, including scallions and spring onions.

Green (spring) onions are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorous, folate (folic acid), and potassium. These onions are naturally low in calories, fat and sodium.


Once again many thanks to all who comment and share their thoughts, it is appreciated.

All the best Jan