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Thursday 13 July 2017

Chicken with baked chicory in a sage and Dijon mustard sauce

A lovely creamy chicken dish that can be enjoyed anytime, but also makes a nice dinner party meal, green beans are a perfect accompaniment ... 

Serves Four
3 head of white chicory

1 tbsp. olive oil

3 tbsp. dry white wine, chicken stock or water
4 skinless boneless chicken breasts

25g butter
1 shallot
, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
For the sauce:
25g butter

1 tbsp. plain flour
300ml milk

150ml crème fraîche or soured cream
4-6 sage l
eaves, chopped
2-3 tsp smooth Dijon mustard

2-3 tsp grainy Dijon mustard

50g grated
Gruyère or Cheshire cheese

1. Preheat your oven to fan 180C/conventional 200C/gas 6. Trim away the stalk ends of the chicory, discard any limp or tired outer leaves, then cut the vegetable length-ways into quarters. Pour the oil over the bottom of a large shallow baking dish and arrange the sections of chicory, cut-side up, in a single layer. Pour over the wine, stock or water and cover with foil. Bake for 10 minutes while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

2. Slice the chicken into strips 1cm thick. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a large frying pan until foaming, add sliced chicken and cook for 4-5 minutes or until the chicken is just turning golden brown. Stir in the shallot and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Remove the dish from the oven and add the chicken mixture to the chicory. Replace the foil and set the dish aside while you make the sauce.

3. Melt the butter for the sauce in the frying pan (no need to wash it) then stir in the flour. Gradually pour in the milk, stirring all the time until the mixture thickens. Remove from the heat and stir in the crème fraîche or soured cream and sage with 2 tsp each of both mustards. Taste and add extra mustard plus salt and pepper if you think they’re needed

4. Pour the sauce over the chicory and chicken and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake, uncovered, for a further 25-30 minutes until the sauce is bubbling and the top is golden.

Nutrition Per Serving:
32g Fat 11g Carb 42g Protein

From an original idea here

Chicory is also known as endive, and is a forced crop, grown in complete darkness, which accounts for its blanched white, yellow-tipped leaves. It has a distinctive, cigar-like shape, about 12cm long, and the crisp leaves have a mildly bitter flavour. You can read more about it, on this post, here

A variety of recipe ideas and articles are found within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...I like chicken, but this seems a bit too fancy for me.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, looks delicious. I am always looking for new chicken recipes. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Jo said...

Oh yum, this looks fabulous. I can understand why you say it's a good dinner party meal, something a little out of the ordinary but I'm sure most people would enjoy it, and it's a good one for everyone to dig in.

Lorrie said...

I think of chicory as a roadside weed and was wondering how it would fare in this dish. So glad for the explanation at the end. Belgian Endive is what it's known as here, and I love it. The sauce sounds delicious and I'm thinking about adapting this recipe to use kale in place of endive, as kale is exploding in my garden just now!
Have a great day!

Blogoratti said...

Wonderful step by step guide on a delicious meal.

Rue said...

That looks delicious! And who can't use another chicken dish :)

I hope you're having a lovely week, my friend.


Adam said...

looks nice

HappyK said...

This looks really good.

Christine said...

Looks delicious!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) I just need the gruyere cheese to make this dish. It's going on my shopping list tomorrow. Thank you!:)

Mary Kirkland said...

I've never had chicory but this sounds really good.

Lee said...

This looks so delicious! I think I might just have to make it - soon! Until I just read this...I wasn't I've got to sign off and make myself some lunch! :)

baili said...

Wow what an inviting dish dear Jan!!!
it looks unique but delicious

Nikki (Sarah) said...

In the summer I don't cook a lot. This looks great for a winter dish. Hope you guys are enjoying the summer.

sage said...

Looks good but where do you find white chicory... In northern parts of this country, you have blue chicory flowers along the side of the road this time of the year.

Lowcarb team member said...

Sage said:
"Looks good but where do you find white chicory... In northern parts of this country, you have blue chicory flowers along the side of the road this time of the year."

Hi Sage-
In the UK, chicory can be eaten raw or cooked and comes in red and white varieties. Although called chicory in the UK, it is more commonly known as chicon or witloof (meaning white leaf) in Belgium and is called endive in the US... I believe it is also known as Belgian Endive ... so you may find it in your shops/Farmer's Markets called by this name.
I hope you have success in finding some.

A point of interest from Lorrie above, she is considering using kale instead of chicory ... it could work!

Happy Cooking and Happy Eating

All the best Jan

Kezzie said...

We absolutely love endives in our house! This sounds an absolute corker!

Linda said...

A unique dish that looks so tasty!

Conniecrafter said...

Oh my does that look good, I have not tried chicory yet myself, you would be so proud of me Jan we went out with the kids tonight and I tried about 3 new items tonight and that is just not me, I usually go safe, I liked 2 of them :)
Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend!!

Prunella Pepperpot said...

A recipe that I cook cook and it looks delicious. Thank you for sharing with us Jan.
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Phil Slade said...

Mmmm. Not sure if we've eaten chicory except perhaps in Camp Coffee - remember that?

Sounds a nice recipe. A creamy chicken dish always works for us (and the grandkids).

Have a fruitful week you guys.

This N That said...

Yum..I need to have some friends over for dinner...Good idea..

Lowcarb team member said...

Phil said:
"Mmmm. Not sure if we've eaten chicory except perhaps in Camp Coffee - remember that?

Sounds a nice recipe. A creamy chicken dish always works for us (and the grandkids).

Have a fruitful week you guys."

Hi Phil, yes ... I can remember Camp Coffee, and there's more about it here, if any readers would like to know more!

Yes, our grand-kids absolutely love chicken dishes, especially with broccoli!

We will do our best to have a fruitful week ... I've bought some strawberries and double cream! Will that count? LOL!

Good wishes to you and yours

All the best Jan

Lisa said...

I have never eaten, cooked or bought chicory. I'm not sure I ever will be to honest!
Lisa x

Magic Love Crow said...

I couldn't eat this one, because of the chicory and sage, but it looks so good!