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Saturday 1 July 2017

Dance to the beat ...

Our grand-daughter playing the drums.

This is not the best of photographs, it was taken on a mobile phone, but I just had to share it. So much fun, so much enjoyment ... although I think her Dad was keeping a close eye just in case, she damaged his drum kit! LOL!

Music runs in the family. Her Great-Grandad played drums in a marching band. Her Grandad (Eddie) played drums in bands for many years. Her Grandma (me) played drums in a marching band. Her Dad plays drums in a band.

Come on Grandma - sing along as I play. Now drumming is one thing, but singing and me is not a good mix, but she always tells me I sound good! I love her to bits ...

Earplugs anybody?

All the best Jan


Jo said...

Awww, what a beautiful smile. Music is a wonderful thing for children to get involved in and as it seems to run in your family, I'm sure the grandchildren will follow suit.

Tom said...

...start them young!

Valerie-Jael said...

What a little sweetie! Hugs, Valerie

only slightly confused said...

What a happy picture.

Christine said...

She is adorable!

Martha said...

She is a real cutie!

Mac n' Janet said...

I play piano, but I've always had a yen to play drums. What a cutie your granddaughter is.

Carol Blackburn said...

How sweet! It's great to see adults encouraging the young ones with music. They need to experiment with sound to find their own voice. It's part of who they are.

Alicia said...

So cute! Glad she has the love of music and obviously drums. I wish I could play. I took piano lessons but never could learn to read music.

HappyK said...

So cute. I bet those drums can be a bit loud!! 😊

Adam said...

I was never one for learning how to play music, but some are born for it

eileeninmd said...

Hello, She is a cutie, I am sure she loves music. Happy weekend to you!

Sami said...

So cute and happy Jan.
I've also got a very musical family although I don't play any instruments, but I enjoy singing along...

Mary Kirkland said...

I was never in the bands, I was always in the choir. From 8th grade through 12, I was in the school choir. It was fun. She is adorable.

Elephant's Child said...

That is SUCH a happy photo. I suspect your smile mirrored hers.

orvokki said...

How cute kid and a lot of joy.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a darling photo of your granddaughter, Jan. Her expression says she will follow in her family's love of music. ♥

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Aww, what a cutie pie! She looks like she is really enjoying herself. Music does run in the blood- maybe she will be a drummer also.

Barb said...

Adorable! Look at that smile of joy. Hugs to her and to you from CO.

Lisa said...

Wonderful photo. What a happy, happy face.
And what a musical family you all are!
Lisa x

Snowbird said...

Well it must be in her blood with so many drummers in the family! A lovely photo, she is an absolute

River said...

I have a similar photo of my grand daughter on my son's drums, her uncle not her dad.

Magic Love Crow said...

Awwww!!! Adorable!! Love!!!

Rue said...

Your granddaughter is a real doll, Jan! It must make you proud to see her carrying on a family tradition :)
