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Sunday 6 August 2017

Scandinavian-style smoked gammon with parsley sauce

How about trying this Scandinavian-style smoked gammon served with a mustard, dill and parsley sauce. Any leftover meat could be enjoyed later in a pea soup ... or perhaps with some low carb seedy bread ...

Serves Six
1 bay leaf
2 sprigs flat leaf parsley
2 sprigs thyme
1.3kg (2 1/2lb) smoked gammon joint
1/2tsp black peppercorns
1 small onion, halved

For the sauce:
40g (1 1/2oz) unsalted butter
40g (1 1/2oz) flour
large handful dill, finely chopped
small handful parsley, finely chopped
30ml (2tbsp) French mustard
5ml (1tsp) clear honey

1. Tie together the bay leaf and parsley and thyme sprigs with butcher's string. Place the joint of gammon in a large pan and cover with cold water. Add the peppercorns, bundle of herbs and onion. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 1 hour 20 minutes.
2. Remove the meat from the stock, wrap in foil and keep warm. Measure out 500ml (17fl oz.) of the cooking stock from the ham (you can reserve any remaining stock to use for a gammon and pea soup).
3. In a small pan, melt the butter. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually add the ham stock to the paste, stirring continually until combined and then cook for 5 minutes; the mixture should be the consistency of double cream. Add the herbs, mustard and honey and stir well, cook for a minute, then taste and season (reserve 3 tbsp. of the sauce to make the gammon and pea soup).
4. Slice the gammon and serve with the sauce and how about some cauliflower mash, stir-fried cabbage and carrots, to accompany ... 
5. Set aside the leftover meat and sauce until cool. Wrap the meat in foil or place in a lidded airtight plastic box; transfer the sauce to a small bowl and cover with cling-film; store the meat and sauce in the fridge. Use within 2 days.

Each serving:
Carbohydrate 7.2g Protein 37.6g Fat 22g Fibre 0.4g
Taken from an original Tesco Real Food idea Here

image from here

All the best Jan


Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Um delicioso e bem apresentado prato.
Um abraço e bom Domingo.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds wonderful, now I need to look for something for my lunch! Enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Valerie

Catarina said...

I could have this for breakfast!!
: )

Christine said...


Jo said...

It looks lovely. I do enjoy a bit of gammon from time to time.

only slightly confused said...

This is sad but I'm going to own up to it anyway.....I had to look gammon up.....I had no clue.

Lowcarb team member said...

Don't worry about having to look it up!
Just in case others may be curious, have a read here

All the best Jan

Elephant's Child said...

Not for us, but I hope you enjoy it.

HappyK said...

I didn't know what it was either. I'm off to check out the link.
The picture of the vase of flowers is lovely.

Mary Kirkland said...

I had to Google what gammon was but this sounds good.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I also had to google gammon and I would have to leave the area I live in, to find it.
Coffee is on

Bill said...

That looks so delicious.

Connie said...

Add me to the list of people who had to look up gammon to see what it was. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Looks good! Have a nice week.

Tom said...

...gammon is new to me!

baili said...

deliciously inviting!!!

loved the flowers ,you are generous my dear Jan!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Thank you for visiting my blog recently. This recipe looks delicious - as a weight-trainer, I'm always looking for recipes with high protein content. In fact, scrolling down, all these recipes look amazing. Swedish meatballs... mmmm!

Nas said...

Thanks for sharing this recipe. I'm looking up the ingredients on Google :)

Terry said...

It looks very tasty, but I want to become vegetarian in the near future.

Barbara said...

Hello Jan, I just might try that, it looks and sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Have a lovely week.

Debbie said...

I don't know what gammon is, the sauce sounds delicious!!

Elephant's Child said...

Jan - I have left a comment on Delores blog but notice she has removed her comment moderation. Try again. I hope it will work. Hugs.

Lowcarb team member said...

EC said:
Jan - I have left a comment on Delores blog but notice she has removed her comment moderation. Try again. I hope it will work. Hugs

Many thanks for your help here ... yes, it did work.
Isn't our blogging community great ...

Many thanks

All the best Jan

Magic Love Crow said...

Never heard of gammon before! Sounds yummy!

Lisa said...

Not something I buy all that often but we do enjoy it when I do.
Lisa x