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Monday 30 October 2017

Halloween, A Bit About Britain & Low Carb Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Did you know that "Halloween is a mish-mash of myths and legends from all over, a cocktail of beliefs and rituals which have been exported to other lands, particularly the USA, and re-imported. US servicemen stationed in Europe during World War II brought their hybrid traditions with them, ideas spread further, and gradually evolved, via films and TV. Growing up in England – oh, a very long time ago – Halloween was a night for staying under the blankets; bonfires and masks were reserved for 5th November, Guy Fawkes’ Night. Nobody went trick or treating in any big way until the 1980s (but they did in Scotland, where it is still often called guising) and, for many, the more recent celebration of the failure to blow up Parliament in 1605 is still more popular than its creepier calendar competitor – though you wouldn’t think so judging by the amount of Halloween-related material on sale.

Anyway, when the kids come knocking on the door yelling, “Trick or treat?”, you could remind them that they are taking part in the latest manifestation of rituals that go back to a time out of mind. Or you could say that they are the victims of someone’s marketing plan and greet them, wearing a ghoulish mask. Of course, it’s just a bit of harmless fun…isn’t it?"

The above words are from Mike - who some readers may know! He has a blog/site called 'A Bit About Britain'. It is a personal, independent, project of his that seeks to inspire, inform and entertain. He has many and varied articles on the site and because of the time of year the one about Halloween caught my eye, just a snippet of which I copied above ... but Mike gives you much more information to read, just click on the link here

and at Halloween these are always popular 
Pumpkin Spice Muffins... made the low carb way
see more details here

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...pumpkin is such a great favor.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Hey, Jan - thank you so much for the lovely plug - and the lovely recipe (as always!) x

Valerie-Jael said...

Fun post, I like the sound of the pumpkin spice muffins, too. Hugs, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the muffin sounds yummy. Happy Halloween!

Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Mac n' Janet said...

Love Halloween, wish I still had a little one to take Trick or Treating

Jo said...

They look delicious. A perfect treat for Halloween.

Christine said...

The muffins look good! Thanks for the Halloween info.

William Kendall said...

I do follow Mike's blog, and enjoy it. I picked up some pumpkin tarts at a farmer's market here yesterday.

HappyK said...

Oh those muffins so do look good.
Thanks for the Halloween info.

Elephant's Child said...

We still don't really celebrate Halloween here, though the shops are pushing us heavily.
Pumpkin on the other hand I do celebrate.

sandy said...

i will check out both links, Mike's blog and that muffin recipe, yum. I loved reading about Halloween in Britain,, etc...

Crafty Green Poet said...

Here in Scotland the halowe'en lanterns were oroginally carved from turnips.

Those pumpkin muffins looks wonderful..... (can't imagine turnip muffins being so appetising!)

Martha said...

That was a fun read, Jan! I always enjoy learning about stuff like this. And of course, I always enjoy a good recipe like this one :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Jan,

We don't really celebrate Halloween here in NZ but the shops are slowly starting to change this. I make a spiced carrot muffin and will have to try this with the pumpkin.
Have a happy week

Margaret D said...

So much is written about Halloween one doesn't know what to believe exactly.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

The pumpkin muffins look delicious! I love anything with pumpkin! Happy Halloween! xx Karen

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pumpkin is one of my all-time favorite Fall foods.... I love Pumpkin -Anything!!!!! ha.... Recently we bought some Pumpkin Fudge .... Not good for me --but oh so good.... I only eat a teeny piece (like a bite) once a day.....

Thanks for the recipe... I may have to try that one.


Snowbird said...

Love the Halloween info and really fancy one of those

Mary Kirkland said...

I love pumpkin flavored muffins.

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Carla from The River said...

Thank you for sharing the Halloween info. ;-) I enjoy reading Mike's blog.
And yummy recipe. Thank You!!

Linda said...

I've always felt it was an odd thing to celebrate.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thanks for the information and the muffins! Great post! Big Hugs!