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Friday 24 November 2017

Sneeze !

Sneeze - photo credit - M Engelmann

Did you know that:
Galapagos Marine Iguanas sneeze to expel excess salt water after they feed in the ocean.See more of National Geographic's 2017 Nature Photographer of the Year here

All the best Jan


William Kendall said...

I did not know that!

Tom said... I know!

Mac n' Janet said...

Looks like my friend Godzilla

HappyK said...

No, I didn't know that. Wouldn't want to be around him when he sneezed! : )

Prunella Pepperpot said...

An amazing photo Jan!!!
Have a wonderful weekend :)

sage said...

A cute little dude!

Jo said...

What a fabulous photo, a real case of being in the right place at the right time for that one. I love the one of the seal too.

Elephant's Child said...

Who can blame him...?

Lisabella Russo said...

I did not know that, very interesting indeed.

Martha said...

I didn't know that. Such a fun fact!

Revrunner said...

I feel sorry for that crab. Yuck!

Christine said...

That's too funny!

Linda said...

Wow! That's a scary critter!

baili said...

Was not aware ,interesting move ,wish man can do this either

Valerie-Jael said...

No, I didn't know this, great photos, too. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

Ygraine said...

Brilliant photo...and really informative.
I didn't know this either.:)

Have a great weekend!

Hugs :))

Carol Blackburn said...

Real "saline nasal spray". No Neti Pot required. Such a great catch.

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, I didn´t know this - looks kinda cute!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Those photographs are amazing! In my next life, I'd like to be a National Geographic photographer... just think of the adventures they must experience in pursuit of those amazing photos!

DMS said...

I had no idea. Love learning fun facts. Thanks for sharing. ;)

Snowbird said...

Goodness me! Who knew, that is certainly fascinating!xxx

sandy said...

following the link - i LOVE anything nature - ...this photo is great and i learned something new.

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Nope didn't know that!

Lisa said...

Everyday's a school day!
Lisa x