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Thursday 14 December 2017

Low Carb Christmas - Chocolate Log With Blueberries

This is a very nice low carb chocolate log, with added blueberries. It could be perfect for an alternative Christmas (or New Year) dessert.

1 cup Almond flour
3 Eggs
50g Butter
¼ cup Psyllium husk
½ cup Coconut cream
¼ cup Cocoa
1 tbsp. Natvia (or sweetener of your choice)
1 tbsp. Vanilla essence 

250g cream cheese
50g Butter - melted
1 tbsp. Natvia
1 tbsp. Vanilla essence
½ cup blueberries or sliced strawberries

Combine almond flour, psyllium husks, cocoa, and natvia. Add melted butter, beaten eggs and coconut cream. Mix well. Lay a lamington (baking) tray (30x20cm) with oiled/ greased greaseproof paper. Press mixture onto paper and bake at 180 c for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly. While still warm lift paper/cake out of tray and lay on a clean tea towel, paper side on the tea towel.

Roll gently and leave to cool completely. Mix filling ingredients. When the roll is cool, very gently unroll. Spread filling on cake and spread with blueberries/strawberries. Gently roll again pressing the paper as you do.

Serves 10.
Carbs per serving 2.9

Thanks to Julia for this recipe idea here 

If you should need help with weight/measurement conversion see here

All the best Jan


RO said...

Wow! I can't believe something that looks this yummy is actually low carb! I definitely need to try this one out for sure! Thanks for the share. Hugs...RO

Tom said...

...something to try.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, this looks delicious. It is great that it is low carb too.

Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

Christine said...

Looks yummy, a new combination for me.

Blogoratti said...

I like blueberries so this makes perfect sense to try.
Warm greetings!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've not tried natvia so I'll have to do some research on it and see if it would be good for me. I use Stevia for everything...but I don't bake with it. Holiday hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I looked it up and it IS Stevia! I'll try it! Thanks!

only slightly confused said...

Very pretty...I think we'll just stick to cheese and fruit........

DMS said...

I have never had this combination, but now I am curious! :)

Jo said...

Oh, I bet this is delicious. I like the idea of the blueberries with the chocolate.

Martha said...

Yes, please! I'll have a piece...or two. So yummy!

Valerie-Jael said...

This sounds gorgeous. Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

It looks delightful. I am trying to limit my calories so won't be making it, but am drooling looking.

HappyK said...

Boy does that look GOOD. I would never have thought to put blueberries in there.

Anonymous said...

Oh my....this looks delicious, Jan and sounds even better!!...:)JP

klahanie said...

I'm now officially in food heaven!


Bob Bushell said...

Jan, I love the roll, yummy.

carol l mckenna said...

A Very different creation ~ sounds yummy!

Happy Weekend,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh that looks amazing

Magic Love Crow said...

Jan, thank you!! If only I could have a piece right now! LOL! Big Hugs!