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Monday 8 January 2018

Low Carb 'Rice Pudding'

In a fairly typical 'old fashioned rice pudding' there are 59.9g carbohydrate (carbs) per one cup serving. If you are a diabetic eating this amount of carbs would result in your blood sugar readings going 'high' ... as your meter would show! Many Type 2 (and Type 1) diabetics exclude rice from their menu plans because of this reason ... elevated blood sugar readings are the last thing a well controlled diabetic would want. So if you are diabetic, or indeed like me a non-diabetic but choose to live the LCHF lifestyle - what do you do?

Well, for many of the higher carb foods there are excellent alternatives, and you can swap many foods e.g. pasta for courgette, tacos for lettuce etc.

If you may be looking for a low carb (alternative) version of 'rice pudding' then look no further. Anne Aobadia at Diet Doctor site has made this super 'Creamy Cottage Cheese Pudding' ... she says 'this is a low-carb version of the classic rice pudding - and you can serve (and enjoy) it all year round'

Serves Six
just 3g carb per serving

300 g cottage cheese
300 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
60 g fresh raspberries or other berries of your liking

Delicious serves with red berries of your choice, or why not try a few wedges of a clementine ...

Just look at the difference in carb count:
3g per serving in the low carb version
59.9g per serving in the 'old fashioned' version

Please see original recipe and instructions here

Did you know ... Cinnamon is a popular spice often associated with baked treats, cereals and smoothies. However, you may not have considered that the teaspoon of cinnamon that you add to your baked treats may be doing you more good than you realized. Studies have shown that cinnamon could assist with boosting brain function, fighting cancer, aiding in digestion, supporting weight loss and fighting diabetes.

Incorporate cinnamon into your life by:
Adding a cinnamon quill into your morning tea, sprinkling half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon onto your homemade granola or adding a sprinkle of cinnamon into your next bowl of breakfast oatmeal.

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

If you would like to read more about eating lower carb foods, and the LCHF lifestyle, why not see our post 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' here

All the best Jan


Anonymous said...

that sounds delicious!

Valerie-Jael said...

I will definitely give this a try, it sounds wonderful. Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

An interesting twist to a familiar pud. Thank you.

sandy said...

i've never had rice pudding - might try some soon.

NatureFootstep said...

did not have rice pudding for years. Maybe time soon.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I like cinnamon and use it frequently... I knew that it helps us health-wise.

The Rice pudding looks delicious... I am not a fan of RICE --but will eat it like this.... Thanks!


William Kendall said...

It sounds like a good alternative take.

Tom said...

...clever idea!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

I always have cottage cheese on hand and usually eat it at lunch. This is such a delicious way to serve it! Thank you for sharing. x Karen

Revrunner said...

Oh, my! Rice pudding. Love it!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Rice pudding must be one of the ultimate comfort foods - and cinnamon one of the heavenliest spices!

Catarina said...

During the holidays two friends asked me to make rice pudding for them (the Portuguese way!) with rice : ), water, milk, egg yolks and cinnamon. But from now on I will make this one just for me!!! I started consuming cottage cheese again since I found the lactose free one.

Thank you for this recipe! Thank you!!! : ))

Bill said...

Yum, it looks delicious.

Sandra Cox said...

This sounds yummy.
I'm trying to remember to add cinnamon to my coffee of a morning.
Have a great one.

John M said...

I must try this recipe. It would taste much better than rice pudding.
Thanks for the tip.

Margaret D said...

Looks good, love raspberries.

Carla from The River said...

I was just thinking of making rice pudding. ;-) Thank You!

Sami said...

I do love Rice Pudding (the Portuguese way like Catarina above mentioned, which I also made for Christmas, with 1/3 of the sugar of the recipe). But this one looks delicious too, will have to try it out.
Thanks Jan

Lady Fi said...

Looks wonderful - but a bit too much cream for me.

Debbie said...

chucks favorite - such pretty pictures!!!!

Ygraine said...

Brilliant...what a great take on a favourite comfort food!
Thank you so much...:))

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds delicious Jan, I'm a big fan of cinnamon.. anything that speeds up the metabolism 😀

RO said...

Rice pudding has been something I've probably eaten once in my life, but this version sounds like a really good one to try. Thanks for the share! Hugs...RO

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan! Happy New Year!:=) Thank you so much for your visits. I have no idea why my comment did not go through this morning. Anyway here goes!! Your modified recipe looks delicious, and I have already added it to my recipe book. Hubby drinks his coffee with cinnamon, and I drink lemon and cinnamon tea. We also both love the flavour it gives to puddings. Thank you!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love me some rice pudding. But also chia pudding and also avocado pudding and really, just any kind. Yum, yum.


Afortunadamente no tengo problemas de diabetis, pero hay que ir limitando las cantidades de azucar, ya que nos hemos pasado en estas fachadas fiestatas, con el consumo de turrones, bombones, mazapán, roscones de reyes y demás dulces naviideños.


Lisabella Russo said...

Oh that looks so very yummy! Thanks for the recipe.

Lorrie said...

That does look delicious. Little can go wrong when there's whipped cream involved!

riitta k said...

Interesting reading on cinnamon, I use it twice a year: in the autumn with oven baked apples nd during Christmas on rice pudding. I want to loose 5 kilos, so all delicious stuff forbidden for 2 months - easier so, no temptations :) said...

I love rice pudding S ounds and looks delicious !

R's Rue said...

Looks good.

HappyK said...

That sure looks good.

Conniecrafter said...

We do love our cinnamon in our house :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Yummy! Thank you Jan!

Bob Bushell said...

I'm not sure that rice pudding agrees me, it looks pretty good, but I think its a no no, sorry Jan.