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Saturday 17 March 2018

Garden Centre's - aren't they great !

It's the weekend and they are forecasting snow for many areas of the UK, so please keep warm and safe. In fact many other countries have snow so the same goes wherever you live ...

Last weekend, I enjoyed a stroll around a local garden centre with the grand-children!
We had a great time and jokingly called it the three 'G's ...
Grand-children, Grandma and Garden! LOL!

I wasn't going to post a recipe today but then thought readers may like to see this one,
it's delicious, although celeriac is an odd looking vegetable!
Great Grub Celeriac - find it here

Enjoy your weekend

All the best Jan


Valerie-Jael said...

I love celeriac, and always have a root in my veggie compartment. It's snowing hard here in Germany, and I have decided to stay home and keep warm. Have a nice weekend, hugs, Valerie

Jo said...

I called at the garden centre yesterday for a mooch around, they're great places to have a look around even if there's nothing you actually want. We've had snow flurries during the night and throughout the morning but they haven't been heavy. We're forecast more snow over the weekend, I just hope it doesn't hang around.

Bill said...

Garden centres will be getting crowded this time of year. Got to get your veggie plants ready for the spring planting. :) Nice photo with your grandchildren, a priceless moment.

Tom said... these scenes would be under 2 feet of snow, enjoy those wonderful grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures. Garden centres are a good place to visit.

Will take a look at the recipe.


roughterrain crane said...

Keep warm and have a nice Sunday.

Iris Flavia said...

Great pictures, Jan - nice to have a face to the name, too :-)
We got snow, too, but it starts melting.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Gosto bastante de visitar estes centros de jardinagem.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Sami said...

I love garden centres too, there's always something interesting.
I've done a couple of recipes with celeriac since I saw some recipes you posted. I had never tried it before then, but it's not too easy to find them in the supermarkets here in Perth.

Catarina said...

They are great!! :)

Lisa said...

Lovely photos!
We've had a couple of flurries but nothing has settled.
Have a great warming weekend!
Lisa x

Christine said...

What a lovely outing that was! Thanks for the recipe.

Martha said...

Lovely shots of you and your grandkids! Garden centres are indeed the best. I'm looking forward to visiting some this spring!

only slightly confused said...

At this time of year when everything is brown and drab a garden center is THE place to be.

Conniecrafter said...

It has been a very cold winter and even now we have below normal temps also, The flowers looked beautiful, I surely can't wait for spring and all the lovely flowers to start blooming! Sure hope this will be the last of the snow for you. They are still saying we may get a few flurries this week but no sticking hopefully, have a great weekend!
Was so neat seeing you with the grandkids!
thanks for the birthday wishes :)

sandy said...

Love this pic of you and your grandkids -so cute! Makes me miss my own. I love walking through garden centers and always take my camera to photographs usually the succulants and cactus ...

William Kendall said...

Ah, so that's you!

Carol Blackburn said...

So wonderful to spend time with the Grandchildren. Enjoy the weekend.

DMS said...

I love my local garden centers. Such lovely and fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, and all kinds of goodies. :)

Elephant's Child said...

I do love garden centres.
And hope you can stay warm and safe this weekend. And every weekend.


En los jardines, disfrutan los niños y las personas mayores, aunque es en la primavera donde manifiesta su máximo esplendor.


Lynda said...

I had to go to several garden centres last week - I needed to replant my front garden that had died in the summer drought. Yes, they are lovely places but oh my goodness, expensive!!! Never mind, the garden is all done now so I'm happy.

HappyK said...

I really enjoy walking around garden centers too. Nice you are able to enjoy it with your grandchildren.
It is snowing here again as I type this.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love this time of year. New life.

Margaret D said...

People used to tell me they enjoyed visiting the garden centre - my husbands profession of degrees.

Mary Kirkland said...

Aww those are great pictures. Always nice to spend time with the grandkids.

orvokki said...

Maybe would be nice to go to garden, if you have a lots of snow (as we have..).
Now the climate is messy because snow is there where it is not usually.

Debbie said...

nice to see a pic of you with the grands. i love all the markets in our area and we have a lot!!!!

Jenn Jilks said...

The weather has been wacko!
We're at -17 C. this morning!!!
(ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

♥♥♥ Such lovely photos of you three spending some good time together!
Yes, garden centres are great. Together with book shops, they are the only places where spending money is meaningful. :)
Have a happy new week! xx

Carla from The River said...

It is always fun to see you. We hit 50 yesterday. We were so excited. We too have snow in the forecast.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh how wonderful! Looks like Spring and the children are adorable!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Garden centres, grandchildren and grandmas are excellent three g's Jan, oh and grandpas too 😀

Magic Love Crow said...

Beautiful photos! Love the 3 G's!!

Kezzie said...

Ooh, is that you in the pictures!?! So nice to see what you look like and the lovely grands!!