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Saturday 7 April 2018

Happy Weekend To You !

Whatever your weekend plans are, I wish you a good one

maybe a walk

maybe some cooking - this is nice
oven baked paprika chicken - from article here

so is this
omelette with a goats cheese twist - from article here

or how about a mousse?
orange mousse - from article here

I'll leave you with some flowers ...
All the best Jan


Tom said...

...have a yummy weekend.

Carol Blackburn said...

Dear Jan, I hope you have a special weekend. Thank you so much for your wonderful blog posts. Always a pleasure to visit you. It's a very good day here, the sun is shining and the 3" of snow we had yesterday is melting quickly.

Christine said...

Delicious food and flowers, happy weekend Jan!

Martha said...

Happy weekend, Jan! I hope it's a good one for you. Thank you for all the lovely recipes.

JFM said...

Beautiful photos and tasty food...a yummy post either way!

Have a lovely weekend~

Out on the prairie said...

I am freezing today, the bottle of water left in my car was solid ice.Have a good weekend, it sounds like a tasty one for you.

Practical Parsimony said...

I cannot take a walk, but I would love to be in the location of the picture.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Oh my, all of those pictures looked so good! I made an omelet for breakfast this morning with sweet bell pepper, tomato, spinach, and cheese. It was a perfect way to start the morning! I cooked breakfast after my husband and I had walked 2 miles together. Now, it is raining outside, and I am catching up on some blog reading... hope you have a lovely weekend too Jan! Love that bouquet of flowers!

Jo said...

The paprika chicken looks delicious. I may do that while Eleanor's home as I think it's something she'd enjoy.

William Kendall said...

Now I'm hungry! Have a good weekend.

Mary Kirkland said...

Happy weekend to you too. All of that looked delicious. The flowers are beautiful.

Valerie-Jael said...

You have a great weekend too. Hugs, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

Hello, yummy food images.The first scene is pretty, lovely spot for a walk.
Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

The omelette looks just delish to me right now - perhaps tomorrow morning or and omelette for dinner tonight!

Elephant's Child said...

Have an excellent weekend. And thank you for the flowers.

only slightly confused said...

And the same to you...a happy happy weekend.

HappyK said...

What a beautiful picture. I'd love to take a walk down there.

It's me said...

Mmmmmmmm...delicious ...have a Great weekend Ria x ❤️

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely photos and delish!

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

that oven baked chicken,, yes please lol,,, have a great weekend !!

Breathing In Grace said...

It all looks so yummy. Thanks for stopping by for a visit and commenting on my birdie fotos. Hope you're having a great weekend! 💜

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

It looks like a wonderful spot for a walk and great food is on the menu, Jan. I hope your weekend is full of joy! ♥

Lady Fi said...

Lovely! I''ve had long walks in the snow!

Phil Slade said...

If I want to make a plain omelette more interesting I mix some small cubes of feta in the eggs before the frying pan. Happy weekend Jan And Eddie.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers.


Sandy said...

I have had my walk, now I will try that chicken recipe! The best to you this weekend.

Carla from The River said...

I went for two walks. It is cold here. We still have not had Spring come to stay. Snow and cold all week.
Thank you for the sweet bouquet.
Love, Carla

Gloria Baker said...

all looks delicious and I love omelettes !! xo

Snowbird said...

You have me craving a walk and some roast potatoes!xxx

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Hummm coisas deliciosas.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

baili said...

tHANK you for first photo specially Jan!
this has healing energy!
and what cool looking food ,mouthwatering indeed!

Magic Love Crow said...

A great post Jan! Thank you! I hope you had an excellent weekend! Big Hugs!