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Wednesday 4 April 2018

MIce ... and they are after the Cheese ! Well it is all LCHF !

Who says eating Low Carb High Fat food is boring! Not me ...
There are so many ways you can serve your food and a great variety too - just have a look at the recipes within this blog!

Now ... I've got to say these mice are just so cute, and tasty! The grandkids can have fun making them too, and they make a great lunch or tea time treat. But these mice are always popular at family gatherings too. Place them on a platter by some chunks of cheese, not only do they make a lovely table piece, but quite a talking point too ...

Here are the ingredients you will need to make 12 Mice:
6 eggs
4 radishes
12 fresh chives
24 black peppercorns, whole
15 oz. / 400g cheddar cheese, or any other cheese

Nutritional Details:
portion = 1 mouse
Net carbs: 1 g
Fibre: 0 g
Fat: 13 g
Protein: 10 g

Find out how to make them here

The chives make a lovely tail for these mice and are a great herb - the smallest and most delicate member of the onion family, chives are a popular herb used in European cookery. They have long, thin green blades that are hollow inside. They have a mild, grassy flavour similar to baby spring onions or young leeks. There is also an Asian variety of chive called Chinese chives, garlic chives or kuchai.

Buyer's guide:
Chives are in season in spring and summer. Fresh chives are widely available from supermarkets and garden centres. Do not substitute fresh chives for dried, as the finished dish will taste musty.

Keep fresh chives refrigerated for up to three days.

Snip chives with scissors instead of chopping them, and do not subject them to much cooking as they are delicate. Instead, use chives in garnishes, salads, egg mayonnaise sandwiches, vegetable stocks, soups, creamy sauces, potato dishes and omelettes, adding the herb to the dish just before serving. Purple-blue chive flowers are also eaten and used as a garnish.

Safe Aware:
If cooking with young children they should always be supervised - more details here

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

Happy Eating!

All the best Jan


only slightly confused said...

Love the mice

Anonymous said...

oh they are so cute!!!

Carla from The River said...

Cute!!! I love the idea. Thank you for sharing.

Tom said...


Lorrie said...

These are so cute! The grandchildren would love them!

Margaret D said...

Just love radishes and when in season I sure eat plenty

Zaa said...

OMG These are so darn cute and looking perfect for my eating palette... Thanks for the kind visit to my blog ‘ the “ Grand Lady” ..please do come again soon... You’ve inspired me to have a low carb tea post ( ha ha) ...Hugs

Elephant's Child said...

Super cute. I was a bit surprised at the fat content though. Surely that comes from the cheese rather than the mice?

Christine said...

This is so cute!

Linda said...

So cute! Great idea.

Valerie-Jael said...

Love those mice, what a fantastic idea. Hugs, Valerie

Jo said...

That's so cute. A wonderful idea.

Iris Flavia said...

Awww, very, very cute!

Lisa said...

Very cute! Some people are very creative with their food!
Lisa x

Debbie said...

I love cute, fun food. These are adorable, what a great idea!

William Kendall said...

A neat idea!

Lisabella Russo said...

Oh my goodness, those are so cute! I love them.

Martha said...

How adorable! This is such a fun idea.

Chris Lally said...

I join the choir - so cute!!

Amy Purdy said...

That is so adorable! I'm going to make it with my son.

Conniecrafter said...

Oh my goodness is that ever too cute, this would be neat at a party!

handmade by amalia said...

What a sweet idea, Jan, I'm absolutely giving it a try.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Blogger (Google) likes to mess with us at times and I am glad your comments are now showing again.

These are the cutest edible decorations I have seen in a LONG time. I really, really must try making some for my next get together. They are just TOO cute!

Sandi said...

Mice are very low carb!

HappyK said...

The mice and cheese are so cute. What a great idea to serve at a party or a get together.

Carol Blackburn said... sweet! Or should I say cute? Sweetness really isn't what we go for, is it? LOL These little ones make me want to be silly, I guess. Have a great weekend.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh soooo cute and creative plus yummy,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Magic Love Crow said...

So cute! I love this! Big Hugs!

Practical Parsimony said...

These are so cute. But, I cannot figure out why these look sort of deflated and not cut in half.