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Monday 14 May 2018

Buttermilk ... a little about it ... and a recipe

Did you know - there are two types of buttermilk.

Traditional buttermilk is a thin, cloudy, slightly tart but buttery-tasting liquid that is left after cream is churned to make butter. These days, however, it is more commonly sold as a thick liquid produced commercially by adding an acidifying bacteria – and sometimes flavouring and thickening agents – to milk. This commercial product can be thought of as a gentler, thinner yogurt, with any buttery flavour likely added.

Buttermilk is traditionally a drink, but is more often used in baking now. When used with baking soda, it reacts to form carbon dioxide, thus helping mixtures such as soda bread, rolls, scones and waffles to rise.

It's also used as a marinade as the acidity can help to make meat more tender and flavourful. You'll find buttermilk used in this way in some chicken dishes.


Traditional buttermilk is rarely available. Commercially-produced buttermilk is often stocked in larger branches of most supermarkets.

Choose the best
All buttermilk will continue to ferment to some degree and thus become more acidic, so pay attention to use-by dates.

Store it
Buttermilk should be kept refrigerated and used quickly once opened.

Cook it
When using buttermilk as leavening with baking soda, it’s best to let it come to room temperature before use. This reaction happens immediately so is much faster than baking powder, which works only when heat is present. If the buttermilk is still refrigerated, the dough might set before the reaction has time to work fully and the result will be heavier.

If you cannot get buttermilk for baking, or do not have enough, plain yoghurt works just as well but will give a slightly different flavour.

Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs
Grilled with Buttermilk

Grilled chicken is an all-American summer classic that's perfect for a picnic or a scorching hot barbecue. You'll love this grilled buttermilk version as it's gluten-free and nut-free. What's more they're slowly marinated for hours making it super moist and tender... recipe details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipes within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...actually, I don't know much about buttermilk!

Anonymous said...

I have not tried any dishes with buttermilk. Buttermilk is my favorite one. I have tried many different taste in them by adding some ingredients to it:)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, thanks for the info. The chicken looks yummy.
Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Christine said...

Thanks for this info, great to know there are 2 types, too bad the traditional is not readily available.

Jo said...

I didn't know there were two types of buttermilk. The chicken looks delicious, something which would go down very well in this household.

Valerie-Jael said...

I love buttermilk! Hugs, Valerie

HappyK said...

I never buy buttermilk but when it is called for in a recipe I add vinegar to milk to make a substitute for it.
My mom used to buy buttermilk and just drink it. It always looked awful to me.

Elephant's Child said...

I really like the taste it imparts and too rarely use it. And sadly never get the 'traditional' version.

Out on the prairie said...

I like to put onion rings in to marinate before breading and frying

Anonymous said...

Chicken recipe looks so tasty.


Martha said...

That is very good information. And that is a great recipe!

Chris Lally said...

What's not to love? Thanks for sharing the info & the yummy recipe, Jan!

Margaret D said...

The chicken does look lovely.
Buttermilk, used to be given to the pigs :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

First of all, I hope you and Eddie are off on a well earned holiday right now. You deserve it.

I love buttermilk. I drink the kind that sort of sticks to the glass after you drink. I've never cooked with it, and have never checked to see what kind it is, since I drink what I get at the grocery store. Lots of friends don't care for it, but I love the tangy taste that sits on my tongue after I have finished the last dregs. I probably won't cook with it, because I like the taste too much. But thanks for the information you shared.

Anonymous said...

The chicken looks delicious. Buttermilk is also good in congealed salads.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I bought buttermilk this week for a recipe and now I want to try it in the dressing you made. Thanks for the recipes! Hugs, Diane

Sandy said...

Thanks for the information. One of my friends makes cottage cheese from the kind of buttermilk sold here.

That chicken looks tasty.

Magic Love Crow said...

Great post Jan! Thank you! Big Hugs!

William Kendall said...

Looks good!

Mike Henery said...

Thanks for this I love the buttermilk in pancakes, in chicken fried.
I tried How to make Buttermilk with any methods you can also look at.