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Monday 6 August 2018

Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Magnesium !

James Colquhoun writes:
7 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Magnesium

Have you got cravings for chocolate so intense that you can’t think about anything else? What about those muscle cramps that keep you up at night? Or your trips to the bathroom are a bit of a struggle? Chances are you’re deficient in magnesium!
Magnesium is essential for over 300 different enzymatic processes to help your body function properly. It’s a common mineral to be deficient in, yet most people have no idea they’re lacking this vital nutrient!

Here are seven key signs that you may be deficient without even realizing:

1. Chocolate Cravings
Your body knows best. When you truly listen closely to your body, it will tell you what it needs. Dark chocolate is actually a good source of magnesium, containing 24% of your daily needs in just one square. If your body is desperately calling out for a chocolate fix, it may be just what you need!

2. Muscle Cramps
Involuntary muscle spasms can be incredibly painful! Magnesium helps to relax your muscles, so when you’re running low on this mineral, you’re likely to find your muscles contracting involuntarily, causing you painful spasms!

3. Anxiety
Feeling anxious? A deficiency in magnesium can have your central nervous system sending you early warning signs by increased anxiety. Supplementation with 200mg of magnesium may help keep your adrenal hormones under control when anxiety kicks in.

4. High Blood Pressure

Have you been eating well and exercising regularly yet still getting high blood pressure? It could be a lack of magnesium and electrolytes. Magnesium helps to dilate and relax your blood vessels, so when you’re low on this critical mineral, your blood vessels tend to constrict more, resulting in higher blood pressure. When your electrolyte levels are also unbalanced due to a lack of magnesium, this can create high blood pressure too! 

5. Constipation
If your digestive system isn’t quite working as well as usual it may be because of magnesium. Your intestines tend to contract more when you’re low in magnesium, making it harder for waste to pass through. Ensuring you have enough magnesium is important for your bowels for two key reasons. One, it helps to relax your bowels, and two, it pulls water into your bowels creating an osmotic effect that makes passing waste easier.

6. Sleep Troubles
Did you know magnesium levels drop in your body at night? That means if you’re low in magnesium you may have trouble sleeping! So many of us have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. A deficiency in magnesium may be a contributing factor as it plays such a key role in the function of your central nervous system.

7. Irregular Heartbeat
If you have a magnesium deficiency, the muscles in your body can’t function optimally. Your heart is also a muscle! Without adequate magnesium it may struggle to contract properly with low levels of magnesium, leading to irregular heartbeats.

If you’ve got one or more of the symptoms listed then you may like to try increasing your magnesium intake.

What Zaps My Magnesium Levels?
These factors are key influencers on your magnesium levels:
Food and drink high in salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol should be limited.
Stress also plays a role, so try implementing relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga as much as possible.
Check with your doctor to see if your medication is causing magnesium loss - many high blood pressure medications may be contributing to your problems rather than helping!

How Can I Get More Magnesium?
Foods that are high in magnesium include:
Leafy greens
Beans and lentils
Nuts and seeds
Quinoa and other unrefined grains
Dark chocolate (min 70% cocoa)
Try consuming more of these foods to help reduce symptoms of magnesium deficiency. You may be surprised to find out that it’s all you needed to feel better!

You can find these words, picture, and more - including all related research links in an article here

We bring a variety of articles, studies, recipes etc. to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

Thanks. I do have several of these symptoms. Sadly it isn't a magnesium deficit.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to read, thanks.


Christine said...

Thanks for this important list of magnesium containing foods.

Tom said...

...Muscle Cramps are often a problem for me!

Anonymous said...

great tip!

only slightly confused said...

Hah!!! Good to know.

Dianna said...

Thank you so much, Jan, for sharing this. I've heard about it before, but at the time, I wasn't really experiencing any of these signs. I am now, so will increase some of these foods in my diet and see if there is an improvement.

Lady Fi said...

Good information! Must eat more leafy greens.

Valerie-Jael said...

We really need balanced diets to give us all vitamins and minerals. Hugs, Valerie

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

That's really interesting - and useful. I KNOW I could eat smarter.

Cheryl said...

Thank you so much for that Jan.
My husband has most of those symptoms and I had been thinking magnesium.
You have just confirmed my thoughts, thank you.
I will definitely be incorporating more of those foods in his diet.

Nas said...

Balanced diet is so important. Especially for us as we age. Thanks for this great post.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

#1, 2 and 6 ... I better hit the chocolate

Helen said...

Yep, any time chocolate is recommended I jump on it! The higher the content the better. Happy Tuesday.

Ygraine said...

Gosh, I have four of these issues...I wonder if I have a magnesium deficiency?
Thank you so much for bringing my attention to this. I will check it out.

Teresa said...

Muy interesante y me viene muy bien. Besitos.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, thanks for this post and info. It is great seeing the list of foods containing magnesium. Have a happy day and week ahead.

Kay said...

This is so interesting. I’ve got some dark chocolate just waiting for me in my suitcase. :-)

wisps of words said...

Another good reminder...

Dewena said...

I think I new most of these but reading the symptoms made me realize I've let up on a few of them. Printed it out for a reminder, thank you!

riitta k said...

I take magnesium citrate as 'sleeping pill' in the evening.

Sami said...

Both my parents take medication for high blood pressure, and it's certainly not weight related. They never mentioned their Dr checked for magnesium deficiency, so I'll let them know they should be upping their magnesium to see if it helps.
Thanks Jan

HappyK said...

Didn't know all that about magnesium. Very useful information. Thanks.

William Kendall said...

Sleeplessness is an issue for me at present, but that's been more about hot, humid nights than anything else.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you very much Jan! Excellent post! Big Hugs!

Linda said...

I eat plenty of nuts but I still crave chocolate!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Interesting post and anything that says 'eat more dark chocolate' gets my vote

Snowbird said...

This is interesting and something I shall keep an eye

Chris Lally said...

Muscle cramps, sleep troubles, irregular heartbeat - all went away when I began supplementing with magnesium.
Good post, Jan!

Lee said...

All that is listed are regulars in my cupboards, fridge and on my menu...(the foods, that is).

Amy Purdy said...

I try to get enough magnesium but I do have some of these ailments.

Phil Slade said...

All good advice again. Although I think I'm OK, to be sure I'm going to buy some 70% chocolate tomorrow!

carol l mckenna said...

very informative post ~ Magnesium!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)