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Friday 21 September 2018

A cloudy and windy afternoon at Mudeford Quay Dorset

What a difference a few days make in the UK regarding the weather. On Monday glorious warm sunny weather, and by Wednesday, cold, windy and raining. Jan has said on previous posts, we retired at the end of last year. We are determined to use the time we have left, getting out and about, whatever the weather, as much as possible. 

Some of our favourite pastimes, involves mooching about sites and places of interest, loafing about in junk and book shops, and taking a few photographs as souvenirs, a sort of photographic diary. I intend to post at various intervals, details of our travels in the UK, I hope you will find something of interest. 

Good luck and health to you and yours. 

Click on images to enlarge

Hengistbury Head from Mudeford Quay

Lobster pots on the quay  

The lifeboat station Mudeford quay 


Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos, it's always good to get out as much as possible. Same weather change here. Valerie

Tom said...

...every day that you are out and about is a good.

JFM said...

Wonderful that sky!
Thank you for sharing🍁💮🍂

Jeff said...

Love the water photos.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I find overcast skies a great time to play with a wide angle lens.

Christine said...

Beautiful photos. The weather changes quickly at this time of year.

Sami said...

Lovely photos Eddie. I have a few years of work ahead still, I would love to just travel whenever I wished to. Enjoy your free time :)

riitta k said...

The weather changes so quickly - warm clothes on and go!

Blue Grumpster said...

Ah... mooching about sites and places of interest... I know exactly what you mean.

Have a wonderful weekend, come rain or shine,


Mary Kirkland said...

I love days like that. Loved the photos.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Love those shots, Jan/Eddie - really good!

Elephant's Child said...

Stunning images. Thank you.

William Kendall said...

That first shot is very dramatic.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

So lovely to see your beautiful photos no matter the weather. It's nice to hear you both are enjoying every day. A lesson for us all! ♥

HappyK said...

We have just changeable weather too here in western Maryland.
Great pictures and look forward to seeing more.

Chris Lally said...

What a treat! Love the photos, Eddie!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a fabulous way to spend your retirement, Jan and Eddie. I love the photos. I think they are atmospheric and more appealing than what you would find in bright sunlight.

Magic Love Crow said...

Great photos Eddie!!!

Bill said...

What fantastic photos! The first one is quite dramatic.

carol l mckenna said...

Such beautiful and dynamic photos!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores

Debbie said...

pretty pics...our weather has been all over the place too!!!

Phil Slade said...

Good to hear that you are having a relaxing retirement Jan and Eddie. So many fail to do so. From here in Greece I have been watching the UK weather. Hope it improves for Wednesday when we fly back.