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Wednesday 3 October 2018

A Pleasant Afternoon walk ...

Eddie and I just can't believe what a wonderful few weeks it's been in our part of the UK. Cooler Autumnal mornings, turning into sunny days, simply perfect for getting our walking boots on and enjoying a gentle stroll. Out last weekend we spotted some mallards on the lake and walking a little further on came across some Dexter Cows … who stared at us for quite a while … well who can blame them! LOL! … then went back to doing what they do best - chewing the grass.
Hope you enjoy these photographs.

Mallards on the lake

Mallard Ducks on the bank - don't you just love their colours

The mallard is a dabbling duck that breeds throughout the temperate and subtropical Americas, Eurasia, and North Africa and has been introduced to New Zealand, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, the Falkland Islands, and South Africa.

Next we saw some Dexter Cows

Dexter cattle are a breed of cattle originating in Ireland. The smallest of the European cattle breeds, they are about half the size of a traditional Hereford and about one third the size of a Friesian milking cow. A rare breed until recently, but are now considered a recovering breed by The Livestock Conservancy.

Yes, we were pleased to once again take a little time out for a pleasant afternoons stroll, I wonder if this coming weekends weather will be as nice - time will tell.

Happy mid-week wishes

All the best Jan and Eddie


Valerie-Jael said...

Gorgeous photos. We had a nice walk today, too, autumn can be so beautiful. Hugs, Valerie

Jules said...

The weather has been very agreeable recently. Perfect for enjoying a walk or two. Lily would love those cows! X

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

It’s lovelt to be able to get out and about, breathe some good fresh air and see a bit of the countryside xx

Lois said...

I am so jealous of your cool weather! It is still too hot for me to walk here in north Florida. Love the mallards!

DIMI said...

Hello Jan!
Stunning pictures of those beautiful ducks and cows!
I’m sure you had a lovely time on your walk!
Have a relaxing evening!

mxtodis123 said...

Gorgeous photos. How I wish our weather would stay cool. It seems we have a touch of summer right now.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely pictures! Mallard is a funny bird. Their sound is awesome;-)

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It's so lovely to walk by the river and see ducks and swans. We sometimes have Canada geese visiting too.

God bless.

Snowbird said...

What lovely photos, and sunshine. Sounds like a wonderful walk!xxx

Tom said...

...Dexters are rare here, I've never heard of them.

Carol Blackburn said...

How wonderful to take a leisurely stroll like that. I want to thank you for coming by my blog and leaving your comments that for some reason aren't showing at all. Just know I do receive them via email but can't reply because of the NO REPLY issue. Maybe I'll figure out what is wrong someday. Stop by my FB page if you'd like. I'm sure you could comment there. Have a great evening.

Bill said...

It's always nice when the weather cooperates and you can get out for a walk and see what's going on. Lovely photos, thank you!

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. I really enjoyed wandering some of the way with you.

William Kendall said...

I've never heard of a dexter cow.

Sandra Cox said...

What a lovely stroll. Thanks for taking us along.

Martha said...

Looks like such a lovely day!

Miss Val's Creations said...

What a perfect day for nature! I love how the ducks glisten in the sun. It is so funny how cows stare at us when we walk by. I wonder what they think of us!

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely days.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I'm so glad you are sharing your lovely walk with us! I hope your weather continues to cooperate so you can enjoy more of the Autumn days ahead. ♥

Debbie said...

oooh i so enjoyed this!! it's such a nice time of year to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. nice captures of the ducks!!!

riitta k said...

Lovely photos of your pleasant walk <3

Jo said...

Lovely photos. It's good to have an autumn which isn't too soggy so that we can get out and about and take some lovely walks.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Great pics! The weather has been pretty beautiful here as well as of late. ENJOY!!

Iris Flavia said...

The ducks are simply called "Ente" here (as the Citroën 2CV - if you see one in green pinch someone and make a wish! But please don´t pinch real ducks ;-)...)
The cows are beautiful.

Chris Lally said...

Thanks for the breath of fresh air! Lovely photos!!

HappyK said...

Do like those ducks and you know I like the cows. : )
Great things to see on a walk!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How neat to see so many ducks! It always makes you glad you have your camera! We'll be seeing migrating birds in Florida soon! Hugs!

Teresa said...

Me han encantado las fotos. Besos.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful critter photos! Delightful post ~

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores

Magic Love Crow said...

Love the photos!! Thank you! Big Hugs!