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Thursday 31 January 2019

Parsnips : Six Nutrition and Health Benefits

Parsnips are a delicious type of root vegetable that has been cultivated and enjoyed around the world for thousands of years. They are closely related to other vegetables like carrots and parsley roots, parsnips have long, cream-colored tuberous roots with a sweet, slightly nutty flavour. In addition to bringing a unique taste to your dishes, parsnips are incredibly nutritious and have been associated with many health benefits.

Here are six nutrition and health benefits of parsnips:

Packed With Important Nutrients 
Parsnips are a great source of fibre, vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate, as well as other important micronutrients. 
Rich in Antioxidants 
Parsnips are high in antioxidants including vitamin C and polyacetylenes that may prevent oxidative stress and chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. 
High in Soluble and Insoluble Fibre 
Parsnips are high in fibre, which can support regularity, improve your digestive health, regulate blood sugar levels, and enhance heart health. 
May Aid Weight Loss 
Parsnips are low in calories but contain a good amount of water and fibre, both of which may benefit weight loss. 
Support Immune Function 
Parsnips are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which may enhance your immune function and optimize health. 
Delicious and Easy to Add to Your Diet 
Parsnips have a sweet taste similar to carrots, but with a nutty, earthy undertone. They can be mashed, roasted, sautéed, boiled, baked, grilled, or fried and add a rich flavour to many dishes, working especially well in soups, stews, casseroles, gratins, and purees. They can also be easily swapped in for nearly any other root vegetable in your favourite recipes, including carrots, potatoes, turnips, and rutabagas (swede). 
Here are a few interesting ways to add parsnips to your diet:-
Combine parsnips with mushrooms and lentils for a vegetarian shepherd’s pie.
Mash parsnips and mix with lemon and herbs.
Prepare a parsnip gratin with ingredients like feta, turmeric, and cumin.
Bake sliced parsnips in the oven to make vegetable crisps.
Toss with olive oil and spices and roast alongside carrots.
The Bottom Line 
Parsnips are a type of root vegetable, closely related to carrots and parsley root They are rich in several important nutrients and antioxidants that may improve immunity, enhance digestive health, and aid weight loss. Best of all, they’re easy to prepare and have a sweet, earthy taste that works well in a variety of recipes, making them a great addition to a healthy, balanced diet.
Words and picture above taken from an article by Rachael Link MS RD, to read her article in full, with all related research links, please see here

Have you tried Parsnip & Cauliflower Soup, Recipe here

Or this Spiced Parsnip Soup with Coriander and Chilli Pesto, Recipe here

Or how about Mushroom and Parsnip Rösti pie, Recipe here

We bring a variety of articles and recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


mxtodis123 said...

Thanks for the info on parsnips. I like them, but don't eat them often. Usually only when I make my turkey soup.

Pam said...

Years ago I tried learning more about this sort of stuff and what herb and spice was good for what to cook with but somewhere along the line I lost the desire to pick all that up. Course it could have something to do with the fact I really don't cook much. When I do it is usually a one pot meal like spaghetti, or soup. Chili, that is what I need to make today since the start to my morning is setting at 17 degrees....yep, chili sounds great.

CJ Kennedy said...

I wish Himself liked cauliflower. The cauliflower and parsnip soup sounds delicious especially when the Artic Vortex has rolled in.

Christine said...

Love them as a roasted vegetable!

Ygraine said...

Thank you so, so, much for these fabulous recipes...I am absolutely addicted to parsnips. They are my all-time favourite veggies! 😊😊

Valerie-Jael said...

Parsnips are always wonderful! Valerie

Draw online said...

Helpful article... thanks again for sharing... very helpful post...

Conniecrafter said...

My hubby bought these awhile ago and I think I just boiled them up like carrots and he didn't know if he really liked them so it is nice to see other ways to use them

Sandra Cox said...

Sounds like I need to get some parsnips.
Both those recipes sound yummy.

Out on the prairie said...

a nice addition to any meal, I have grown them and love the flavor.

Tom said...

...something that I have never had.

Sami said...

Don't think I've ever cooked with parsnip, will have to try someday.
Thanks for the info Jan.

Bill said...

We have had these before, they were quite good.

Miss Val's Creations said...

We need to cook with parsnips more often. These recipes look delicious!

Mary Kirkland said...

I've been meaning to try parsnips. I'll have to try them now. I'm intrigued.

Lorrie said...

We enjoy roasted parsnips. So sweet and delicious!

DeniseinVA said...

I love parsnips, and this is a great post Jan. Thank you!

Sue said...

These soups look delicious, I'm a big fan of parsnips already so thanks for this xx

Lady Fi said...

Ooo I love parsnips so thanks for these great recipes.

sandy said...

Parsnip soup with chili pesto - oh my!!

Elephant's Child said...

Yum. I have printed the parsnip and mushroom rosti for when our weather cools down.

Lisabella Russo said...

I am definitely going to look for parsnips at the market when I go. Thank you for the information and recipes...

William Kendall said...

Admittedly I have never eaten them.

Bob Bushell said...

I love the parsnip, the taste, smells beautiful, and your recipes are scrumptious.

HappyK said...

We like parsnips here at my house. Thanks once again for all the recipes you post.

magiceye said...

All the dishes are so tempting!

Margaret D said...

Not a bad food the old parsnip baked.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You've made the parsnip sound irresistibly delicious Jan, I will be looking for them at the market tomorrow, it's been a while 😉

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Jan,
That looks so well and very tasty.
So nice and special to see what you can make for lovely food everytime.

Greetings, Marco

NCmountainwoman said...

Never thought of parsnip soup. We have them along with other winter veggies with roast chicken.

Martha said...

Parsnip soup sounds really interesting. I should try that.

Laurel Wood said...

Very interesting to read this recipes. Thanks!

Iris Flavia said...

Roesti I could die for!!! And this sounds like a great alternative!

Snowbird said...

I do like parsnips, some lovely ideas here!xxx

Kezzie said...

I confess that I am not fond of them. There's something about them that I find not very pleasant. That said, I had a wonderful parsnip soup in the The Lord Crewe Arms in Blanchland a few years ago with parsnip crisps!

Magic Love Crow said...

Excellent post Jan! Thank you!!!

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Wesley George said...

great diet tips for digestive health