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Tuesday 12 February 2019

Can you eat rice pudding on a low carb / keto diet ?

I'm often asked, can you eat rice pudding on a low carb / keto diet ?
Well, yes you can, please read on and discover why !

Did you know that in a fairly typical 'old fashioned rice pudding' there are 59.9g carbohydrate (carbs) per one cup serving. If you are a diabetic eating this amount of carbs would result in your blood sugar readings going 'high' ... as your meter would show! Many Type 2 (and Type 1) diabetics exclude rice from their menu plans because of this reason ... elevated blood sugar readings are the last thing a well controlled diabetic would want. So if you are diabetic, or indeed like me a non-diabetic but choose to live the LCHF lifestyle - what do you do?

Well, for many of the higher carb foods there are excellent alternatives, and you can swap many foods e.g. pasta for courgette, tacos for lettuce etc.

If you may be looking for a low carb (alternative) version of 'rice pudding' then look no further. Anne Aobadia at Diet Doctor site has come up with this super 'Creamy Cottage Cheese Pudding' …  'this is a low-carb version of the classic rice pudding - and you can serve (and enjoy) it all year round'

Serves Six

just 4g carb per serving 

300 g cottage cheese
300 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

60 g fresh raspberries or other berries of your liking 

Delicious serves with red berries of your choice, or why not try a few wedges of a clementine ...

Just look at the difference in carb count:
4g per serving in the low carb version

59.9g per serving in the 'old fashioned' version 

Please see original recipe and instructions here
I do hope you may enjoy a serving soon …

We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

If you would like to read more about eating lower carb foods, and the LCHF lifestyle, why not see our post 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' here

All the best Jan


mxtodis123 said...

I love rice pudding. Don't have it often, though. This is a great recipe. Thank you. And thank you for all the info this morning. I checked out that site and learned a lot.

Tom said...

...rice is a killer.

Catarina said...

I prepare this rice pudding from time to time! Love it!
Once the huge snow storm is over (maybe by tomorrow) I will go to the supermarket to buy cottage cheese.
: )

Jo said...

I don't like rice pudding, I was put off it at school. This looks very appetising though.

Miss Val's Creations said...

This recipe is intriguing. It sounds like a healthy treat to give a try!

Martha said...

What a delicious recipe!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds like a great recipe. Valerie

Lorrie said...

I haven't had rice pudding for ages. It's so delicious! This looks like a delicious dessert, too, but I doubt it can be eaten warm.

Christine said...

Thanks for this great idea!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love love love that Creamy Cottage Cheese Pudding recipe.... Since I love cottage cheese and never have cared much for rice, this is a 'no brainer'.... thanks so much!


JFM said...

Like Mary I Love Rice Pudding!!!
Thank you so much for this recipe Jan!!!

HappyK said...

Haven't had rice pudding in years, but I think I'll be having it in the near future. :)

Out on the prairie said...

this sounds good I wonder if ricotta would work in it.

Elephant's Child said...

It does sound, and look, tasty. Thank you.

Gloria Baker said...

Love rice pudding and this sounds delicious !

Lee said...

It's ages...years, actually...since I've had or made a rice pudding. I don't make puddings for myself...and as I no host dinner parties...I no longer make them for anyone else, either. :)

kathyinozarks said...

one thing that concerns me about cottage cheese is the very high sodium content-I have not eaten cottage cheese any more because of that-even the low fat is high salt content. many diabetics also have heart disease so need to watch salt intake-always something I know

William Kendall said...

It's been a long time since I had rice pudding.

CJ Kennedy said...

The hard part about Keto is no real "desserts" especially for a sweet-tooth. This sounds pretty good so I clipped it in my recipe folder. Thanks!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks to you all for sharing your thoughts and comments …

In answer to the queries raised:
'Lorrie', no this dessert cannot be eaten warm … but is equally delicious as a cold one :)

'Out on the prairie', I haven't tried ricotta cheese in this dish, but I know for many recipes which state use cottage cheese, ricotta can prove a good alternative. If you should try this please come back and share the results.

'Kathyinozarks', My husband Eddie is a Type 2 Diabetic and closely watches what he eats. Cottage Cheese is something we do enjoy in our menu plans, but certainly do not eat it every day. Of course salt is an important part of the diet and its components play essential roles in our body. But, yes, for some people, too much salt may be associated with conditions like an increased risk of stomach cancer and high blood pressure. Nevertheless, salt affects people differently and may not lead to adverse health effects for everyone. However, if you (or other readers) have been advised by your health care team / doctor to reduce your salt intake, then you should continue to do so. I believe that for most, sodium intake around the recommended one teaspoon (6 grams) per day is ideal. These details and more from article here

As I always say - this blog brings a variety of recipe ideas, but it is important to note that not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

Once again. many thanks to everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts and comments, it is appreciated.

All the best Jan

Lady Caer Morganna said...

This is excellent! Great news ... YES!

Margaret D said...

Something I haven't had for many years..

sandy said...

It's been a long time since I've had rice pudding and now reading about it - I want some. The recipe sounds really good.

eileeninmd said...


I used to love rice pudding, but I have not had it in years. The recipe sounds great, thanks for sharing. Wishing you a happy day!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh this takes me back to my Mum's rice puddings - Yummy. Just like yours looks!
Wren x

Ygraine said...

Rice pudding is one food I really dislike...but yours here does look really pretty. Almost wish I did like it!*smiles*

Have a great day!😊😊

Sami said...

I love rice pudding, will have to try this version that looks delicious.
Thanks Jan.

Conniecrafter said...

that sounds interesting, you know I have never cared for rice pudding, maybe that is a good thing :) I don't think it would really bother me if I couldn't have rice ever again, we have switched to brown rice, don't know if it is really any better for us

Stephanie said...

Ooooh, what a tasty and healthy treat, my friend. And it certainly looks pretty :)

Hugs to you, dear Jan!

Laurel Wood said...

My late mother absolutely loved rice pudding. Thanks for the recipe and for sweet memories. Have a great day.

Marissa said...

Love rice pudding especially with cinnamon..

Magic Love Crow said...

This sounds so good! Thank you!