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Saturday 24 August 2019

August Bank Holiday Weekend 2019

Did you know that here in the UK many of us are enjoying a three day August Bank Holiday weekend. The August Bank Holiday was instituted by the Bank Holidays Act of 1871 to give bank clerks and shop people a day of relaxation not connected to holy days such as Christmas. Today, this holiday gives many workers a three-day weekend before the traditional time for summer holidays end and employees must return to the workplace and students to their schools.

I think for many here in the UK when you mention events connected to the August Bank Holiday they think of The Notting Hill Carnival, London, or perhaps the August Festival, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Eddie and I are not planning on going far, in fact family are visiting us … and we are looking forward to that. We may also venture out to the New Forest

Places like
Highland Water which is near Bolderwood,
where we may also be lucky to spot some deer.

or to The Beaulieu River at Longwater Lawn,
always plenty of New Forest Ponies to see

and wherever you are ponies on the road are a common sight,
drivers need to take care

the New Forest heathlands in late-summer glow pink and purple,
brought to life by the flowering of the heathers
it's a wonderful place ...

However you plan to spend your Bank Holiday weekend (or ordinary weekend) do have a good one

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

Enjoy your weekend. As I am sure you will do.

CherryPie said...

Happy Bank Holiday to you :-)

Our weekend is taken up with a Family Wedding. I am fond of the lovely couple :-)

Tom said...

...gorgeous choices for this holiday that was unknown to me!

CJ Kennedy said...

Looks like a lovely area. Enjoy your holiday weekend

peppylady (Dora) said...

I don't believe we have any holiday that we us American get off. Our next one is labor day first Monday in September. And some time when it on the first of September then we will get the last two days in Sept off.

Coffee is on

Valerie-Jael said...

Have a great weekend, enjoy your visitors, and enjoy the beauty all around you. Valerie

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots! Enjoy the long weekend.

Jo said...

We're so lucky to have so many beautiful places to visit here in the UK. I hope you enjoy the weekend however you decide to spend it.

Jules said...

Enjoy the weekend. Ours starts tomorrow so I haven't made any plans just yet, although I suspect they will involve a hill or two. X

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your photos are gorgeous, Jan. Nature at its finest.

I've noticed you have two bank holidays that closely correspond to our Federal holidays: Memorial Day the last Monday in May and Labor Day, the first Monday in September.

Have a super holiday and enjoy your time with family.

roughterrain crane said...

I love the sound of a stream. Happy Sunday!

Christine said...

Enjoy your weekend looks like it will be fun.

Pam said...

Pretty sure we don't get that holiday here since I have never heard of it. BEAUTIFUL the horses in the road.

Chrissie said...

We used to enjoy visiting the New Forest, haven´t been for years though. It seems the Reading festival is well under way too, apparently the area is heaving at the moment. Your forecast seems to be for fair weather so I hope you enjoy your family visits and the weekend xcx

mxtodis123 said...

Enjoy your long weekend. Great shots.

Sue said...

Hope you and the family have a lovely Bank Holiday Jan 😀 xx

William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!

Jeff said...

Enjoy your long weekend! I could hang out by that stream for a long time.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have an abundance of great places to visit. I hope you enjoy your time outdoors.

HappyK said...

Beautiful photos.
Enjoy your weekend.
Next weekend here is Labor Day and sounds like your Bank Holiday this weekend.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful nature, the field with horses is wonderful.

Marco Luijken said...

What a nice pictures.
Funny to see these horses on the road. Great moment.

Greetings, Marco said...

Beautiful places. It's probably best not to go far on a Bank holiday, the roads are so busy.

Mascha said...

Beautiful photos and: I've never heard about August Bank Holiday - I hope, you have a good time.
Greetings from Germany :)

sandy said...

ahh love those beautiful horse photos. Hope you enjoyed your holiday!!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, looks a fun getaway! I love the horses! Pretty scenery too!

Jeanie said...

The highland water looks just beautiful -- I think I'd be headed there, although those horses are calling me, too! Have a wonderful holiday -- or if it's over already, I hope it was great!

carol l mckenna said...

What a beautiful place to spend some time ~ Gorgeous photos!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Conniecrafter said...

oh I remember that from when we lived in England, we liked to visit castles

Teresa said...

Son unos paisajes preciosos. Besitos.

Snowbird said...

Oh...those pics have me wanting to go straight back there. Hope you had a lovely bank holiday

Magic Love Crow said...

I hope you had a great weekend Jan! Gorgeous images! Big Hugs!