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Saturday 3 August 2019

Rustic Rainbow Ratatouille ... so tasty and so colourful !

Rustic rainbow ratatouille is really simple yet wonderfully colourful. Tuck in quick - before it's all gone!


Serves Four
225g cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
1 medium aubergine (eggplant)
1 yellow pepper
2 red peppers
2 courgettes (zucchini)
1 fennel bulb, small
90ml olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled and roughly chopped
10g fresh basil, torn

1 pinch salt 
1 pinch black pepper 

1. Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark 4, 220°C, fan 200°C.
2. Peel the onions, cut into quarters and then cut each quarter lengthways again. Roughly chop the remaining vegetables to a similar size and place into a large bowl with the onions.
3. Pour over the olive oil, add the garlic and use your hands to mix thoroughly. Spread out the vegetables in a roasting tray and season with salt and pepper.
4. Place the roasting tray in the oven. Once the vegetables have started to colour, around 10-15 minutes, add the tomato and basil.
5. Mix well and return to the oven for a further 20 minutes, or until the vegetables are well coloured but remain reasonably crunchy in texture.
6. Remove from the oven, season to taste and serve.

Nutrition Per Serving:
Carbohydrate 13.6g Protein 4.1g Fat 11g Fibre 6.5g
From an original idea here

Aubergines (eggplants) are an excellent source of dietary fibre. They are also a good source of Vitamins B1 and B6 and potassium. In addition they are also high in the minerals copper, magnesium and manganese. Aubergines have been recommended for those managing type 2 diabetes or managing weight concerns. Initial studies indicate that phenolic-enriched extracts of aubergine/eggplant may help in controlling glucose absorption, beneficial for managing type 2 diabetes and reducing associated high blood pressure (hypertension). Aubergines may also help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. These positive effects are likely to be down to nasunin and other phytochemicals in aubergines. Read more about aubergines here

You will find a variety of articles/recipe ideas within this blog, but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


My name is Erika. said...

I can't wait for my garden veggies to finish up so I can make some ratatouille. This recipe sounds excellent. I've printed it off so I'll have it ready. Thanks so much!

carol l mckenna said...

Love ratatouille ~ thanks for the recipe ~ ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

CJ Kennedy said...

This looks so pretty

Jo said...

It looks very tempting. Colourful food always looks so appetising.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Would love to learn more about fennel.
Coffee is on

Rain said...

Oh my gosh that looks SO delicious! I really feel that presentation makes a dish so much more delicious!! :)

Lowcarb team member said...

peppylady (Dora) said...
Would love to learn more about fennel.
Coffee is on

Hello, and thanks for your comment.
You may like to read more about fennel in this post called:
'Fennel is Fabulous' find it here

Happy reading and enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Yummmm! I love the vegetarian menus especially. This looks so good.

Sandi said...

Yum...everyone is posting such good food today!

Buba said...

I follow you on gfc 199 :) follow back?

HappyK said...

That looks tasty and colorful too.

William Kendall said...

That sounds like quite a dish.

Miss Val's Creations said...

What a colorful dish! Right up my alley too!

Our photos said...

Hmm, looks good !

Elephant's Child said...


Maria Rodrigues said...

It looks delicious!
Have a nice Sunday

CherryPie said...

Thank you for dropping by and leaving comments on my blog.

This dish looks delicious :-)

kathyinozarks said...

Looks and sounds delicious

Sandra said...

Oh my gosh, this looks luscious. I've already eaten but it makes me hungry all over again:)

Tom said... sure is colorful.

Cath said...

That Ratatouille looks delish...I have never made it by roasting....would like to try. Thanks for popping into Cath@Home for a visit and leaving me a comment

Evi Erlinda said...

A colorful and yummy dish !

Happy weekend!

handmade by amalia said...

We love ratatouille and I make it a lot. I see that your method is a little different than mine, I'd love to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing, dear Jan.

eileeninmd said...


It is delicious! I have often made my veggies this way, even my hubby loves this dish! Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

What a wonderful recipe, Jan!
I cook something a little bit similar often - not in the oven though - and I don't call it ratatouille, if not joking. :) It's perhaps a type of dish I love most.
Happy Sunday! xx

DMS said...

This is a dish I have to make. It sounds so delicious and I love when I have fresh veggies this time of year. Thanks for sharing. :)

Snowbird said...

Goodness, they do look

Magic Love Crow said...

Yummy!! Thank you! Big Hugs!