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Friday 30 August 2019

SPIDERS, do you find them spooky? Do you want to know about some natural ways to keep spiders out of your house? How about a low carb Spider Web Cake! It's all in this post!

Some do not mind spiders, (the one here looks quite friendly) but many of us do not like spiders in the house! If you would like to find out how to get rid of spiders in the house and how to prevent spiders from coming in, keep on reading!

The below are all natural ways to get rid of spiders that won't cause them, or you, any harm. 

Most species of spider are harmless to humans but if you're one of the many people who doesn't like to share their home with any eight-legged friends – but don't want to resort to causing spiders any harm – follow these top tips for keeping arachnids at bay.

As days get shorter, leaves change colour we may begin to dream of heart-warming soups... there's little doubt that autumn is upon us. However, with this change of season comes an element that many of us find less desirable – the annual migration of spiders from our gardens to our homes.

As the spiders flee dropping temperatures and travel further afield in search of a mate, autumn represents the time of year you're most likely to encounter an eight-legged visitor scuttling around your home. 

Spider Catcher
The spider catcher is a battery-operated vacuum which gently picks up the spider and allows you to take it outside without hurting it.

Essential oils
Spiders are repelled by strong scents that, happily, many of us already use as home fragrances. Peppermint oil is a particularly popular remedy, just add 15 to 20 drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spritz around the house. Other good options for this include tea-tree, lavender, rose and cinnamon. Changing the oil that you use regularly can help to ensure that the remedy continues to be effective.

Should the essential oils not work, this is another version of the same remedy. Fill a spray bottle with half white vinegar and half water and spray in corners, cracks and crevices to ward off spiders. Be careful to avoid varnished surfaces as vinegar can be somewhat harsh on their appearance.

Get cleaning

Spiders like to have places to hide and one of the best ways to prevent this is by keeping your house neat and tidy through regular tidying, cleansing and de-cluttering. Opt for plastic storage containers rather than cardboard boxes as these are harder for spiders to crawl into. Also dust and vacuum regularly to rid your house of unwanted webs.

Protect the exterior of your house
Make sure spiders don't get into your house in the first place by moving anything that they would be likely to hide in away from any exterior walls. This could include leaves, grass clippings, vegetation, compost or woodpiles. Check door openings and window sills for any cracks that spiders could crawl through and seal these with caulk. Also fix torn window screens and cover vents and chimneys with fine mesh.

Plant a eucalyptus tree in the garden
As well as being low maintenance and smelling wonderful, the strong medicinal scent will repel spiders. If you don't have room for a eucalyptus tree, you could plant mint or lavender underneath or near windows, as again the strong smell will drive spiders away.

Spiders supposedly hate all citrus scents, so rub citrus peel along skirting boards, window sills and bookshelves. Use lemon-scented cleaners and furniture polish, and burn citronella candles both inside and outside of your home ( be safe, always take care with candles, especially if there are young children around)

Turn off your lights
While light itself doesn't attract spiders, it does attract the insects that spiders feast on so turn off the outside lights to prevent spiders coming near the house. Stop indoor lights from shining through outdoors by using opaque blinds and shades. If you do need to keep the lights on, use yellow sodium vapour lights as these are less likely to attract insects.

Old wives' tales have it that spiders are repelled by chestnuts. While not scientifically proven to work – like a peppermint spray is – scattering a few conkers on windowsills and in the corners of rooms certainly won't do any harm and many people swear by it as a spider deterrent.
Warning! Conkers can be poisonous so please consult your vet before putting these in your home if you have pets.

Another scent that spiders are said to detest is cedar. Hauling a cedar plant into your home isn't exactly practical, however, there are many products on offer to give this one a try. Many stores offer a range of (cedar) options to hang in wardrobes or put in drawers or corners. Sand them down every now and then to refresh the scent, what's more the woody aroma is said to repel clothes moths too.


Known for its vampire-repelling properties, turns out spiders don't like the smell of this pungent bulb either. Depending on how strong a scent you yourself can cope with, either put whole cloves or crushed cloves into a spray bottle filled with water and use to scent the corners, floors and skirting boards of any room prone to receiving unwanted guests.

These words above from article here 

… and I just couldn't resist sharing this Spider Web Cake! It's a low carb, sugar free cake and could be perfect for Halloween ...

more details here

As regular readers know, this blog brings a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, music and recipes! It is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. Our main focus is about the Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat lifestyle, LCHF for short, and you can read/find out more about that here and here

I do hope that within this post above you may find some helpful tips, and also be encouraged to get your cooking apron on and try the recipe … but please note, not all recipes may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Elephant's Child said...

I quite like spiders - and prefer them to the insects they consume.
That cake looks good too.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Um artigo muito interessante e aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Catarina said...

I's too early for Halloween!! : )
Good tips. T

Ela said...

I'm afraid of spiders ! and I don't want them at my house! Thanks for the great advice!
Your cake looks appetizing!

CJ Kennedy said...

I'm afraid of spiders. I've been bitten twice by them and sadly, no super powers. I like the essential oil tip to get rid of them.

Christine said...

The cake looks good! My kids hate spiders the real ones.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That cake looks fun. I'd rather have that than spiders, since I was bit by one a few years ago that made me swell up like an overstuffed sausage.

Now I know why I bring my lavender and rosemary inside in the winter. Good spider repellents.

baili said...

i don't hate spiders and let them make webs because they catch mosquitoes which grow in garden and try to hide in main bathroom in yard during winter evenings

this is excellent and useful post dear Jan

we don't like them inside house and knowledge is great to keep them away

Sandi said...

I suppose spiders are low carb...

Tom said...

...they aren't spooky, I just don't like them!

Marfi-topia said...

Spiders don't bother me in the least..if I find them indoors, I take them outside.
love the cake! it's never too early for Halloween treats!!

Ygraine said...

This post is definitely one for me!!
I am absolutely terrified of spiders, but would never dream of hurting one...and these tips are a real lifeline for me.
Oh thank you so much!! :))

Have a super weekend!

Hugs xxx

PS/ I LOVE the cake...just the thing for Halloween!

Valerie-Jael said...

I am not a friend of spiders, but as long as they leave me alone, I leave them alone. I don't mind them bungee jumping from my balcony to catch insects, but they are not wanted inside. The cake looks delectable, in spite of the spider! Valerie

Chris Lally said...

Great post, Jan! I saw a spider the size of a tarantula walking across my window sill last week. Hubby escorted it outside. Very timely information:)

Sally said...

Such good advice, Jan. My late grandson's dad was bitten by brown recluse, and nearly lost his leg. :(

Hope all is well with y'all.


JFM said...

Loved this Jan...I am going to try many of the suggestions that you gave...Thank you.
The cake is to cute to eat :) said...

I didn't know that spiders were repelled by certain odours.

Sue said...

I know I'm a bit of a weirdo, but I don't mind spiders - I'm quite happy so share the house with them. This cake looks fabulous, perfect for Halloween. Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

Diane said...

Wonderful post and ideas.

Hugs Diane

William Kendall said...

The cake looks good!

Dewena said...

The cake is really cute but we've had brown recluse spiders here ever since we moved in and so I read this post carefully. Everything is worth a try! We've just been putting the sticky spider traps around. I'll definitely try the peppermint spray.

dellgirl said...

You have really created an interesting and informative post, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It is so unique and different. You explained it so well. Thank you for sharing such an informative post. This is good to know.

I wish you a wonderful weekend!

HappyK said...

Spiders really don't bother me except for the big hairy ones and haven't found any of them in the house!
Like the spider web cake! : )

DMS said...

This cake looks adorable. I am a fan of spiders, as I believe they do a lot of good. But- I of course don't want to to have any interactions with poisonous spiders. :) Great tips!


Rose said...

I enjoyed reading this...always good to have options! I have spiders in my basement, and suppose I will always them to deal with, but I could easily try some of these down there.

Barb said...

I don't mind a spider or two, but since we live in a forest, we can get infested quickly if we're not careful. Thanks for these natural options. I especially like the citrus one. I use vinegar a lot indoors for cleaning, so that would be an option, too.

Lee said...

It's impossible for me to keep spiders out of this they and me have waved the white flag and agreed to live in watchful harmony!! :)