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Monday 11 November 2019

Stay Fit After Fifty ... well stay fit no matter what your age !

For those readers who have hit 50 (and above), we have to be honest! Once you hit 50, your body is not the same as when you were a 20-year-old! But that shouldn’t stop you from staying active and leading the best life you can.

Let’s look at some great outdoor activities for the 50+ folks.

Walking or Hiking
It’s the most simple yet efficient exercise you will find out there, and it's free! It's the best thing you can do after lunch or dinner and will keep you filling energized long after your walk or hike is over. Grab a walking buddy, (human or animal!), you will lose track of how much time, and how many steps you take! Of course many can, and do, enjoy a walk on their own. 

Sometimes you need a nudge to try something new. Sign up for a local ballroom, Latin, or salsa class. If you can’t convince your spouse, grab your friends and give it a go. You can also try Zumba or aerobic dance classes at your local gym for a way to burn some serious calories. Don’t worry about what others think, you will have a ball-of-a time!

There are many benefits of playing golf. From mental and physical fitness to weight-loss, it’s a great low-impact activity to do once a week. A full, 18-hole round of golf involves a walk of around 5-6 miles. Even if you choose to take a golf cart/buggy around the course, it’s still better then doing nothing. Along with the amount of walking involved, golf is a great full-body workout, exercising the arms, legs, back, and abdomen.

Bike Riding
Riding a bike is a classic activity that never gets old. It’s a great, low impact way to exercise your joints. Biking offers increased cardiovascular fitness, increased muscle strength and flexibility and improved joint mobility. It can even decrease stress levels and improve posture and coordination. So dust off that old bike and give it a spin!

Racquet Ball or Tennis
Playing a racquet sport such as tennis or racquetball is a great way to keep fit and agile. Both sports can be a great workout and lots of fun. Playing tennis has many health benefits including increased aerobic fitness, improving muscle tone, strength and flexibility and increased reaction times. 

Strength Training
The reason, in part, that your metabolism slows down as you age is due to a loss in muscle mass. As you age, there is more fat than muscle around the bones. You can prevent this by weight-bearing exercises like strength training. Strength training puts stress on your bones, which signals to your body to strengthen them and causes new cells to be added to your bones, according to the National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Research Centre. 

Yoga has many healing and meditative benefits. While it improves flexibility and builds muscle strength, it also helps your posture and protects your spine, and prevents cartilage and joint breakdown. It’s also great for your blood flow and overall mental well-being. At first, it may be difficult to sit through a whole 60-minute yoga class, but once you build up your tolerance, the minutes will fly by.

You are never too old for swimming. It’s an amazing cardiovascular workout with heart-healthy benefits. Swimming keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body. It helps build endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It also helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart, and lungs. All while toning muscles and building strength at the same time. 
Original article can be seen here

My favourite from these is walking, how about you? Is one of the above a favourite of yours ...

NOTE: The information is not intended to be a replacement or substitute for consultation with a qualified medical professional or for professional medical advice related to diabetes or another medical condition. Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine and any questions and concerns about your medical condition.

All the best Jan


Valerie-Jael said...

Swimming and walking always do me good. And I need to run up and down lots of stairs everyday, also a good training. Valerie

Jules said...

Walking and running are favourites of mine. I also keep meaning to start practising yoga again. X

Chris Lally said...

Here, too, Jan - walking. Great post:)

Chatty Crone said...

I agree - I bike ride.

Tom said...

...50 was a long time ago!

Christine said...

Great advice, positive post!

HappyK said...

As you know, walking is my choice!! I've been taking a morning walk for the last 31 years!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Walking is my favorite too. My husband and I enjoy doing so together. On my own, I LOVE yoga.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I prefer walking, because I don't need added equipment. I'd swim, except I'd have to pay a monthly fee for joining a swim club. Not good in winter, either. But it's great advice.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Walking is my choice of exercise, Jan. We have been walking for years and have recently upped our walks to 3.5 miles a day. It feels wonderful to still do this at our age!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Jan,
I too love to walk. I walk 3 miles everyday, in hopes to increase that to 5 miles a day soon.
Love, Carla

Lorrie said...

Walking is my go-to exercise, along with some strength training. So important.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Yep. my hand's up for this one!
Exercise is not so easy in Bkk - pollution, heat means even outdoor walking is not that easy! Good job for gyms!
Wren x

Margaret D said...

Many things for older people to do if they can.

Lady Fi said...

Great tips! I love walking and yoga.

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, I so wish we could dance! Sadly non of us has tact!
I played the piano till my Dad back then said I´m too fast and bought a metronome - and I was out.

Golf I find totally boring, LOL... plus, here it is very expensive!
But you are right, I need to convince hubby - yet again!!! - that being active is a must!
I´ll show him your article, maybe that helps!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It's good to keep fit. I don't do dancing because of my big feet. People keep tripping over them. When I stand on tip-toe my head hits the ceiling and brings the tiles down.

God bless.

J C said...

Walking. It has to be walking. Beach walking. Although I wish I had a country path/road to walk like your picture above. It looks so peaceful, away from the sidewalks with exhaust traffic going by, or zillions of tourists on the beach. Sigh...............

My name is Erika. said...

Exercise is important at any age, but so much so when you are over 50. If nothing else, just so you can eat. Smile. Give me a good daily walk, which is tough once the snow starts to fly. Happpy Tuesday. Hugs-Erika

mxtodis123 said...

I'll soon be 73 and pride myself on staying active. I'm always on the go and try to walk as much as possible.

Sue said...

We walk and swim every day (no swimming at weekends phew) goodness knows how I find time to eat the chocolate. PS just bought a mini waffle maker for the chaffles :-D xx

pam nash said...

My favorites (at age 72) are strength walking (about 2 miles per walk) and yoga. And, sometimes, I dance around the house!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Great post!! Now that I have had my knee done, I am able to move around much better and be more active than I have been for the past few years. I do my stationary bike for at least 20 minutes ( I can do 5 miles in this time) at least 5 times a week! It maintains the functionality of the new Knee joint and the other knee which will also have to be replaced in the future. Thanks so much for all your visits nd kind words!!

Angie said...

Jan - hiking, walking and running are by far my favorite activities. I know I need to do more strength training, and that's about as far as I get! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting to read. Walking is my choice.


Catarina said...

I have been dedicating more time to swimming then the gym. It is wonderful to be in the pool, look up and see the snow falling...

Jeanie said...

I don't walk in the winter like I do in summer and try to stay in. I need to find a new method for the winter.

Martha said...

Great info! It is so important to take care of yourself. I love walking. And I also enjoy cycling.

Conniecrafter said...

I think I am losing my muscle mass, I need to build that up very much.
I so love swimming but don't get to do it, so walking is my next best thing.

baili said...

yhis is incredibly wonderful sharing dear Jan
i always admire your effort to bring forth such brilliant reminders time to time ,great job indeed

i am doing bit of you suggested here already ,specially little bit yoga and walk along with slight steps of crazy dancing sometimes :)
have blessed days ahead my friend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Hiking and walking are two of my favorite activities. I would like to take a beginner yoga class. Enjoy your day!

Debbie said...

these are really good suggestions. walking/hiking...out of the question for me but i am still able to ride my bike short distances!!!

Snowbird said...

I'm a fan of walking and cycling!xxx

William Kendall said...

I walk and swim.

Phil Slade said...

Combining bird watching with walking is a very healthy and satisfying pursuit. But then I would say that!

carol l mckenna said...

Another wonderfully informative post ~ so good!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)