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Friday 20 December 2019

Scallops Pan-Seared With Cauliflower : Low Carb : Keto

We do enjoy scallops, but they can be quite expensive. However, once in a while we do include them in our LCHF menu plans. I think when you "say the word scallops you know that a truly fabulous meal is about to be served. They are considered a “power food”, as they are more than 80% protein, plus they are a decent source of magnesium and potassium – if you haven’t tried eating them yet, you should! Did you know there are several kinds of scallops coming from the sea? Of course, there is the common sea scallop, there are also Weathervane, Japanese, Bay, Pink, Spiny, Calico, Queen and Icelandic scallops. 

How to choose the best scallops for dinner? First off, always choose wild scallops versus farmed ones. Secondly, look at freshness and whether they are wet- or dry-packed. Go for the dry-packed ones, always. Wet-packed scallops are often soaked in a phosphate whitening solution, allowing the scallop to absorb more liquid – what you are buying is a waterlogged scallop with possibly a faint chemical aftertaste. Plus, they don’t sear well with all the extra water. If you can’t find them dry-packed, or not at all, the next best option is to purchase them frozen. Simply thaw them in the refrigerator overnight and proceed as planned. 

Scallops and cauliflower fit in nicely with the Low Carb/Keto lifestyle by their very nature of being, why not complement that with a Keto salad? A cucumber and radish salad comes in with just a few grams of carbs, while adding a delicate pop of colour to the plate."

cucumber, radish and dill ready to prepare

Serves Four
3 tbsp. olive oil
1 small head cauliflower, cut into florets
1 lb. fresh sea scallops
2 tbsp. grass-fed butter or ghee
1 green onion, chopped
1/2 cup white wine
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste

8 fresh basil leaves, minced
Nutritional Details
Per Serving : Protein 24g  Carbs 10g  Fat 17g
Need help with weight measurement conversion
this may help - see here
can be seen here

I hope you may enjoy this recipe suggestion soon.

A variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter.

All the best Jan


sage said...

Have you used scallop substitutes? I have had skate (a bottom fish similar to a string ray) prepared as scallops which was quite good.

Tom said...

...scallops are a favorite of mine!

Jeanie said...

I love scallops -- this would be delish!

Jo said...

I only recently tried scallops for the first time and I really enjoyed them.

Chris Lally said...

An unusual combination of flavors, but it sounds good! And thanks for the tip re: buying wild dry-packed scallops. I won't forget that! The addition of the radish-cuke salad also sounds wonderful. Thanks, Jan!

Elephant's Child said...

Not for me. Scallops are less popular here (I think) than most other seafoood. I wonder why?

Lowcarb team member said...

sage said...
Have you used scallop substitutes? I have had skate (a bottom fish similar to a string ray) prepared as scallops which was quite good.

Hello there and many thanks for your comment and question.

I personally haven't used skate as a substitute, but yes, it may be used as a substitute for scallops. Skate fish have a mildly pronounced flavour, firm flesh and a high collagen content which gives it a unique texture when cooked. The flesh is light beige to pinkish in colour but becomes off-white when cooked. Their taste is similar to scallops. Important, do not over cook Skate or Ray as the flesh will break along the separations...
Read more here:-

This is a great low carb recipe, and I hope you may enjoy it soon - with either scallops or skate :)

All the best Jan

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds good as a special treat. Valerie

Lowcarb team member said...

Elephant's Child said...
Not for me. Scallops are less popular here (I think) than most other seafood. I wonder why?

Hello there, and many thanks for your comment and question.

Now I know you are in Australia! So you have got me wondering what are generally considered to be Australia's best eating saltwater fish. I had a look around the internet and came across this article (which I will link to below). "The most complete set of edibility ratings I've struck are in Roger Swainston's guides to temperate and tropical fish of Australia, where all our species are ranked from no stars to 4 stars, where a 4 equates to "excellent eating".
Only 24 get the 4 stars. Ten are temperate species: WA jewfish, pearl perch, King George whiting, sand whiting, snapper, Tasmanian trumpeter, black sole, and john, silver and mirror dory. Eight are tropical: barramundi, coral trout, barramundi cod, rosy snapper, and sweetlip, grass, blue-lined and yellow-tailed emperor. Six species overlap: spangled emperor, narrow barred Spanish mackerel, mangrove jacks, baldchin groper, blackspot pigfish and tripletails."
More to read here:-

Interestingly - well I thought so! When it comes to New Zealand, "a local favourite, scallops are a must to try when in New Zealand. The season for fresh scallops runs from October through to March. If you are in the Coromandel in September you can sample a variety of tasty scallop delicacies at the annual Scallop Festival."
More to read here:-

For Eddie and I when we visit Dorset, we often go to Mudeford and buy some fresh scallops from the fish stall there …
Read more about this here:-

Thanks again for your comment both here and on other posts.

Happy Weekend Wishes to you

All the best Jan

Natalia said...

Such a beautiful dish, yum!

Christine said...

I love scallops!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Sounds and looks absolutely delicious !
What a colorful dish.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year !
Best wishes always dear friend,

Margaret D said...

We love scallops, always buy in season and we have Tasmanian scallops not Japanese ones which are available in season too.
Merry Christmas

DeniseinVA said...

Ah scallops, my favorite seafood! Looks like a great recipe, thanks Jan :)

My name is Erika. said...

Yum scallops. This looks delicious. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

HappyK said...

Like cauliflower but not scallops.

sandy said...

Reading the recipe these sound so good!

Lorrie said...

We do love scallops. They are indeed an expensive treat. We enjoyed two each along with a salmon filet just last week. The cucumber radish salad appeals to me just now - so fresh and vibrant.

Rose said...

This looks delicious...

Lynda said...

Merry Christmas to you all!! Thanks for all the wonderful information you give throughout the year.

Lynda :)

NanaDiana said...

That sounds delicious! For some reason I have had a hankering for lobster for the last two weeks and there is none around here (that is decent anyway). I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas. xo Diana

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's been forever since I had scallops. I'm not as fond of them as I am other seafood, but I love cauliflower.

Magic Love Crow said...

Sounds amazing, but I am allergic to scallops, actually my mom is too. I have to find something different for this recipe!