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Thursday 20 February 2020

Daffodils - Caring For Cut Daffodils

As regular readers know, this blog brings a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! It is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. Our main focus is about the Low Carb Higher (Healthy) Fat lifestyle, LCHF for short, and you can read/find out more about that in this post here

But for something different, today's post is about:-
Daffodils, for many they are the first sign that spring is on its way. Even on a grey day, daffodils make you feel like everything is right with the world.

Narcissus, the botanical name for daffodils, can be a little tricky to care for.

Here's What You Need to Know About Caring for Cut Daffodils:

1) Buy your daffodils when they're still a bit closed. They will begin to open after being in the water for a while. 

2) Daffodils give off a sap that can be deadly to other flowers. So it's best to arrange them with other daffodils only. Feeling adventurous? Want to include them in a mixed flower arrangement anyway? Then let the daffodils stems soak overnight in cool water to release some of that sap. 

3) Partially fill a clean vase with room temperature water. Half way should be good. Daffodils prefer shallow water. 

4) Add some of the floral preservative from the little packet. A few shakes, not the whole thing. 

5) Stand the daffodils next to the vase to see how long or short you want them to be. 

6) Cut each daffodil stem on an angle with a sharp knife or flower shears. When in doubt, cut them longer than you think you actually want them. You can always re-cut them later. If you cut them too short the first time though... 

7) Gently remove the protective husks or you can leave them on. 

8) Repeat steps 3 - 6 every other day to help the daffodils last longer. 

Do you like daffodils?
Words above from original post here

Similar Post
Tulips : How To Make Them Last Longer - see here 

... and with yellow/lemon being the theme! How about these?

Lemon 'Sponge' Cake Bars : Low Carb and Sugar Free
more details here

Thanks for reading
Enjoy your day

All the best Jan


Tom said...

...and enjoying fresh flowers is a part of healthy living.

Valerie-Jael said...

Daffodils and lemon bars - wonderful! Valerie

Sue said...

I love Daffodils they are so cheerful and brave the cold weather. I also love cake, so what a great post! Have a great day, Sue x

R's Rue said...

Lemon bars.

Kay said...

I love daffodils too. I didn't know about that sap. I miss seeing them bloom in everybody's garden in spring on the mainland. Daffodils are only potted flowers sold in stores here in Hawaii.

Elephant's Child said...

Daffodils are sunshine on stalks and I love them.

mamasmercantile said...

I am a great fan of daffodils, they bring such cheer at what is usually a dreary time of year.

Evi Erlinda said...

Yes, I like daffodils! Nice yellow flowers!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm glad you shared this. I hope to have some daffs bloom in my garden in a few weeks. I know how to take care of tulips, but learned a lot about daffs. Thanks for this info, Jan.

CJ Kennedy said...

I think you convinced me to buy a bunch of daffs the next time I go shopping. Still wet and cold here. Won't see the daffs outside for another month or two.

HappyK said...

Pretty yellow daffodils always say spring. We still have a couple more months till we see them popping up.

Christine said...

Love daffodils, thanks for sharing this information.

Margaret D said...

Just love daffodils.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Few my bulbs are up by house

Lady Fi said...

Daffs and lemon bars - heavenly!

Linda said...

I did not know that about the sap. Perhaps that is why deer don't eat them.

Jo said...

I love daffodils, they're like sunshine in a vase. I love lemon sponge too.

eileeninmd said...


Love the daffies, we are seeing them starting to come up now. The meon bars sound yummy! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

Jules said...

I love daffodils and they are an inexpensive way of bringing some much needed colour into the home at this time of year. X

RO said...

I can't say I'm a daffodil fan, although I love the color, but I absolutely adore lemon bars!(lol) Hugs, RO

Phil Slade said...

Our daffs aren't out just yet Oop T'North. We're getting there eventually.

Ygraine said...

I absolutely adore soon as they appear in our garden, I begin to feel positively spring-like!!
Thank you so much for this advice, most of which I didn't know...most importantly, that daffodils are poisonous to other flowers!
I will jot these useful points down.:))

Have a lovely weekend!

Hugs xxx

NanaDiana said...

I love daffodils. We son't see any until towards the end of April--sometimes not until May. That sweet scent makes me think SPRING is here. xo Diana

Jeanie said...

This is so timely! Thank you -- I expect that soon we'll be seeing daffodils in the markets and I can never resist buying a lot of them. I always just snipped the ends and put them in water, maybe with the flower feed and hope for the best! I will follow these faithfully!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I love daffodils! Especially because there are so many deer in our area that I can't grow tulips, but they don't care for daffs. There were several facts in your article which I had not known, so thank you!

Divers and Sundry said...

We used to have daffodils aplenty and brought them in for a centerpiece regularly. Such good advice on care :)

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous daffodils and great post ^_^

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Fun60 said...

I love to fill the house with daffodils. A sure sign spring is almost here.

Snowbird said...

Daffodils are a joy this time of the year. I din't realize they could poison other flowers in a

Anonymous said...

I bought some daffodils today and they look so nice in the vase.


Karen said...


My name is Erika. said...

Daffodils are my favorite spring bouquet, and I always wondered why you only see them in groups by themselves. Now I know why. Thanks for this informative article. Hugs-Erika

Bob Bushell said...

One of the best flowers, I love Daffodils.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm so waiting for spring1!!

Martha said...

I'm so eager for spring's arrival, which is coming soon!

And the Lemon 'Sponge' Cake Bars sound delicious.

pam nash said...

Step 8. Keep your cats away from the vase (which means, in my case, close the cut flowers up in a room where the door is secure).

Teresa said...

Los narcisos son preciosos. Besos.

William Kendall said...

They are pretty. We won't see them until May.