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Saturday 6 June 2020

Saturday : Memories and Music !

Time does fly by … it was back in 2018 we last visited our beloved Lake District and we had hoped to re-visit this Spring! Of course with the present situation regarding Coronavirus (Covid 19) our plans were thwarted! Let's hope we may still be able to visit much later this year … time will tell. In the meantime we have our memories ... yes many happy memories and some photographs of previous visits. Do please click on the pictures to enlarge.

We were a little off the beaten track, but what a view
Eddie always describes it as a fantastic and mystical place, I agree

Lake Windermere

The Swan a lovely boat for cruising down lake Windermere on a sunny day.

Now time for some Saturday Night Music Memories and I share the English Crooner Matt Monro singing On Days Like These. Matt Monro, was known as 'the man with the golden voice'. I can't believe that it was back in 1969 that this song featured in the film 'The Italian Job'. The film was released in June 1969, so if my 'Maths' are correct that is over fifty years ago!!! The film starred actors Michael Caine and Noël Coward (and a host of others), and I have always liked this song track ... I hope you enjoy the song and the video as we take a ride in a Lamborghini Miura! Enjoy your weekend. All the best Jan


DUTA said...

Matt Monroe -what a golden voice, indeed!
On Days Like These - a song to remember! Its lyrics match your memories of blue skies and green fields in the Lake District.

Debbie said...

this is the perfect time to reflect back on easier times!! the swan is such a beauty, i like cruses like this!!!

Jeanie said...

I do hope you get back to the Lake District. It's a spot I've never been but I'm told it is glorious! Perhaps things will let up for a bit of travel soon.

Tom said...

...ands, a new one for me!

Mary Kirkland said...

The pictures are beautiful.

DVArtist said...

Wow what a beautiful place.

eileeninmd said...


Love views of the lake and mountains. Happy weekend to you!

Christine said...

What a lovely area!

Our photos said...

Wow, that is nice !

HappyK said...

Beautiful place. We were there back in 2005 on a walking vacation. One of my favorite vacations of all time.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Very peaceful looking

Sondra said...

The photos are lovely such a pretty spot...I really enjoy the old classics when it comes to music...

Margaret D said...

Looks a really lovely place.
We have a town here called Windermere.

DIMI said...

Hello Eddie!
Such beautiful pictures of the lake and the mountains!
Everything looks so peaceful.Lovely song too!
Thank you for sharing! Have a relaxing day!

Phil Slade said...

I hope you get up this way soon you guys. It's strange but we hardly ever get to the Lakes, even though we are 35/40 miles from Kendal. On a clear day we can see the Lakeland Fells, Barrow and Grange over Sands from Knott End, where we sit next to Lowry's statue with an ice cream.

Don't worry too much. The Lakes will be there for you soon.

Jo said...

We don't live that far from the Lake District yet it's somewhere we've never visited. We had hoped to have a weekend away there this spring but our plans were thwarted too. I'm sure we'll manage to visit at some point in the future.

Ygraine said...

WOW, a mystical place indeed!!
Sadly, I have never been there, have only passed by on my way to the Scottish Highlands a few times. I would so love to go there, hopefully, when all this is finally over...
And I love the song!😊😊
Thank you so much for sharing this!

Have a great Sunday...and stay safe!

Hugs xxx

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos. I love the Lake District, many years since I've visited though

Rain said...

Hi Jan :) What lovely photos! I hope you both get to visit again, it definitely looks like a mystical place! I love "old" movies, I guess The Italian Job fits into that category now though I was born in 1968, does that make me "old" too lol? ;) I'm a big Michael Caine fan too! :)

DMS said...

Beautiful photos! I hope you can get back there before too long. Looks like a lovely place to visit.

Thanks for the song. He really does have a great voice. I have never seen the movie or heard the song. Intrigued about both now. :)

NanaDiana said...

What wonderful images and I did not know this artist before this. Loved the song and will look for the old movie. xo Diana

NanaDiana said...

I just looked and I can watch The Italian Job (1969 version) on Prime Video for free. It was also remade as a movie in 2003. Thanks for the title. xo Diana

This N That said...

So beautiful..I would visit there often..I remember "The Italian Job"..Enjoy your coming week..

carol l mckenna said...

What a place and great photos ~ very beautiful ^_^

Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Shari Burke said...

What a beautiful place! I hope you will be able to visit later in the year. We were going to spend a few days away about a month ago and are hoping we'll be able to go later in the year. Businesses that rely on tourism will need 'locals' this year more than ever!

Jules said...

I do hope you get to visit again soon. It might be on my doorstep, but it still feels out of bounds for me too at the moment. Stay well. X

Sue said...

What beautiful photographs, we were meant to be in the Lakes this week but obviously we're not- though in view of the weather maybe that's not a bad thing lol. Take care xx

Bill said...

What beautiful photos of a beautiful place. I love the first photo, it's stunning.

Teresa said...

Se ve precioso. La canción me encanta. Besitos y salud.

Conniecrafter said...

It looks like such a beautiful place, I can see why you like to visit often, I sure hope you are still able to do so this year sometime

Creations By Cindy said...

Popped over to visit and thanks for visiting me. Wonderful pictures. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

sandy said...

I am listening right now to the video - beautiful - ...and love your memories and photos.