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Friday 3 July 2020

Our Thanks To You

This blog first started back in December 2010 … and we are still here … doing our best to post a wide selection of articles.

We enjoy ... presenting articles, news items, thoughts, recipe ideas, photographs, some music and even a cartoon every now and then for all to read. It is a mix which we hope includes something for everyone to read and enjoy!

We firmly believe in the LCHF lifestyle, and how low carb choices can help diabetics.

We would like to to say a big thank you to ALL our readers, and those who do take time to stop and leave a thought or comment, you are appreciated.

Included here are just a few thank you's from the many different countries who use this blog, with some apologies, because we know there are many languages that do not appear here.

THANK YOU to all.

merci, danke, tak, terima kasih, xie xie, grazie, dziekuje, obrigado, spasibo, gracias, tack, tesekkür ederim, do jeh, Дякую, thank you.

Good Luck and Good Health To All 

Jan and Eddie


Valerie-Jael said...

You're doing a good job - thanks to you, too! Valerie

Tom said...

...your welcome and keep up the good work.

Sandi said...

Is the O made of potatoes? 🤔

Jean said...

What a great ten years! Interestingly, I started my low carb life style in March 2010 and found you very coon after.
Thank you for interesting articles, humour, news and some great recipes.

Jean X

eileeninmd said...


I enjoy visiting you blog. The recipes are great and always nice to read the health information too. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations on a great blog Eddie, I have enjoyed all your articles and Jan's recipes.

Elephant's Child said...

And our thanks to you for all the work you put into making your blog such an interesting and informative place.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Goodonyerboth! Keep going with your lovely site - sorry I don't comment as often as I'd like.

CJ Kennedy said...

Thank you for all the information and the yummy recipes

HappyK said...

and THANK YOU for your recipes, tips, and all the work you to in writing your blog!!

dellgirl said...

You're welcome, it's my pleasure. You always do a wonderful job of posting a wide selection of articles. I always learn something interesting and/or helpful here. Thank YOU!

Happy 4th of July to you and Eddie! Wishing you all the best!

Rose said...

I really enjoy your blog...sometimes I feel like I say the same thing over and over. And even though it is an honest opinion...sometimes I don't comment because I hate repeating myself.

Christine said...

Thank you!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a wonderful and colorful way to say thanks. Always love your recipes and tips you share, Jan. I am pretty fond of Eddie's music choices, too.

Jules said...

And thank you for your blog. Always interesting and informative. X

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you for providing!
You made winter a tad better, I look forward to get fresh Brussels Sprouts to make your soup again!
(Cold enough right now for that...)

Ygraine said...

Our thanks should be to you! You do an amazing job, with all your many and varied posts. I have learned so much here, so thank, so much!😊😊

Have a great weekend...and stay safe.

Hugs xxx

roughterrain crane said...

I always enjoy your posts. I feel as if you took a walk with healthy vegetables hand in hand.
Stay safe with your good friends.

Elderberry-Rob said...

Thankyou! for giving such superb posts and motivation to be healthy.

Lady Fi said...

Here's to many more years!

Rain said...

I love your blog Jan and Eddie! Thank YOU for the thank you! :)

Mary Kirkland said...

I'm glad I found your blog.

Lisabella Russo said...

I love your recipes and suggestions! You also have great information. So, thank you very much too!

betty-NZ said...

Congrats on a fabulous job and great milestone!

Bob Bushell said...

Great blog, thanks to you.

baili said...

your thank you is much accepted and loved dear Jan just like your wonderful insightful blog
i learnt lot from you and i will be i am sure
thank you for sharing your wisdom my friend!

Sami said...

Congratulations on your 10th blog anniversary, and may it go on for many, many more :)

Sussi said...

Congratulations! Thank you for an inspiring blog!

Martha said...

Well done! It's a wonderful blog!

Debbie said...

so sweet!! i like the variety you offer here!!! i started back in october of 2010!!!

Phil Slade said...

Super job Jan and Eddie. This blog has such variety - food, music, humour. health and lifestyle. Not many birds though!

Sue said...

Thank you Jan and Eddie for all the fun and info that you share here. Take are and have a great week, Sue xx

Jeanie said...

It's lovely to be thanked but we should be thanking you for the joy, the sharing of recipes and wonderful tips and information and even the Darwins. It's always a joy to visit here. So, thanks here goes both ways!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy blog anniversary! Happy to have found your blog and all your inspiration!

This N That said...

Happy Blogaversary..Here's to many more..Thank you!!!

Lorrie said...

Thanks to YOU! I very much enjoy your blog. Lots of great inspiration.

pam nash said...

A Big Thank You back to y'all! I enjoy your blog and have acquired new recipes and information and entertainment!