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Tuesday 14 July 2020

Tuesday Already ... and hoping you are feeling fine !

Do you often feel Tuesday's can be a funny day? The day after Monday and the day before mid-week, what do we do with Tuesday's?

Whereas, Thursday's feels completely different, it is after all ... almost the end of the working week!

... but anyway I woke up this morning feeling fine ... and didn't get too disappointed when I saw some grey clouds ... perhaps the sun may come out soon, we shall see ... but on a positive note I'm wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday...

I hope you may be feeling 'sparkling' as the image shows but if not, I hope you feel better as the day goes on ... and perhaps you may wish to consider this tasty dish for dinner tonight!

Chicken with Mushrooms and Peas
a recipe that suits my LCHF lifestyle

It's a quick and easy chicken dish with bacon, peas and a parsley sauce - use chicken thighs for extra flavour and juiciness - very tasty.

Serves Four
2 tbsp. olive oil
500g boneless, skinless chicken thighs
a little flour, for dusting
50g cubetti di pancetta
300g small button mushrooms
2 large shallots, chopped
250ml chicken stock
1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
50g frozen peas
small handful parsley, finely chopped

1. Heat 1 tbsp. oil in a frying pan. Season and dust the chicken with flour, brown on all sides. Remove. Fry the pancetta and mushrooms until softened, then remove.

2. Add the final tbsp. oil and cook shallots for 5 minutes. Add the stock and vinegar, bubble for 1-2 minutes. Return the chicken, pancetta and mushrooms and cook for 15 minutes. Add the peas and parsley and cook for 2 mins more, then serve.

Nutrition Per serving:
3g carbs 13g fat 32g protein

Tastes great served with a mix of cauliflower and broccoli florets, or some buttery mashed swede.

Chicken can make a tasty meal and is usually very reasonably priced, it's also one of the most popular meats around. It has a high level of good quality protein, as well as B vitamins, iron, copper and selenium, I hope you may enjoy this dish soon.

Original recipe idea is here

Some helpful posts
You can read our 'Introduction to low-carb for beginners' post here
You can read 'Why low carb' post here
You can read 'What is LCHF Anyway' post here

Dear reader, this blog brings a variety of articles and recipe ideas, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter.

All the best Jan


R's Rue said...


Valerie-Jael said...

Yummy recipe, would make any day better. Valerie

Jeanie said...

Happy Tuesday and glad you're feeling fine! That looks good!

Ella said...

Tuesday is always a funny day!
Yours recipe looks good!

Connie said...

This dish looks delicious! Happy Tuesday to you too!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

YUM.... That chicken dish looks delicious.... I love frozen green peas --but don't eat them much since I mostly stick with cauliflower and broccoli... Another veggie I love is Lima Beans --but don't eat it much these days.... Got any good recipes using a few Lima Beans?????

Thanks for a beautiful blog. I read it every day --and have used a bunch of your recipes (since we are low carb people and can eat many of yours)....

Have a great week.

Debbie said...

chicken is such a favorite her and this looks delicious!! i really like meals like this, mashed potatoes (i know not for you) would be so nice with this!!

Tom said...

...time goes fast when you're having fun!

Elephant's Child said...

It is early Wednesday here. A day I struggle with (for no reason I can nail) more than Tuesdays.
I hope your day and week goes well.

Sue said...

This looks lovely! xx


Es muy parecisdo a como y los pongo, tan sólo que en lugar de poner cebolla, le incorporo ajos. Tampoco le pongo panceta. Lo condimento con una poquita de sal, pimienta y hierbabuena y su vaso de vino, que tan buen sabor le da.


Lorrie said...

I'm feeling fine this Tuesday morning - the sun is shining and it's getting a bit warmer. Frozen peas are such a useful thing to have in the freezer. This looks like another yummy dish.

Lowcarb team member said...

Betsy Banks Adams said...
YUM.... That chicken dish looks delicious.... I love frozen green peas --but don't eat them much since I mostly stick with cauliflower and broccoli... Another veggie I love is Lima Beans --but don't eat it much these days.... Got any good recipes using a few Lima Beans?????

Thanks for a beautiful blog. I read it every day --and have used a bunch of your recipes (since we are low carb people and can eat many of yours)....

Have a great week.

Hello Betsy,
Many thanks for your comment, question and very kind words.

You asked about lima beans, which here in the UK we often call butter beans !!

This article may help and a few recipe suggestion links follow, but I may do a separate post about these in a few days time; so watch this space :)

Marissa asked ... "I came across a recipe recently that called for “butter beans.” I’m not exactly familiar with butter beans. In the photograph that accompanied the recipe, the butter bean looked pretty much exactly like a lima bean, but was beige instead of green. Are these two beans related? I don’t really care for lima beans so I sort of hope they aren’t."

Grant at the kitchn site replied ..." Lima beans are more than just related to butter beans, they are the same thing! In the South, lima beans are often called butter beans and in the UK they almost exclusively refer to them as butter beans. It seems like a lot of people don’t like lima beans. I blame those unpleasant school lunch vegetable medleys, although I admit that lima beans can have a sort of starchy flavour that tastes sort of uncooked. Lima beans can be consumed in both their immature stage (fresh and green) as well as their mature (dried and beige). Americans tend to eat them in the immature stage mostly, but if you aren’t a lima lover, you might want to try them cooked from the dry stage, rather than the fresh. You can cook them yourself, which like all dried beans can take a long time of soaking and simmering, or you can get them canned. I find that the texture is creamier and the flavour is rich and buttery. You might surprise yourself and become a convert."


Suggested recipes:
Spiced squash, butter bean and purple sprouting broccoli stew

Sausages with tomato, leek and butter bean mash

Italian Bean Stew : A Vegetarian Dish

Vegetarian bean and artichoke crown

Leek and Lima Bean Soup with Bacon

Kentucky Burgoo (uses lima beans)

I do hope this long winded reply helps, but I must just add ...
It is important to note that not all these recipe suggestions may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use a reliable meter.

Happy Cooking and Bon Appetit !

All the best Jan

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I haven't bought chicken thighs in awhile and they are so tasty in so many dishes! Enjoy your day!

Christine said...

This sounds delicious!

CraveCute said...

This sounds so good. I need to pick up chicken thighs next time I'm at the store. I've been using the riced cauliflower in place of rice or potatoes and find it's satisfactory. I had to look up mashed swede (rutabaga), I might try mashed turnips too. As always great recipe!

peppylady (Dora) said...

It does look good

HappyK said...

Hard to tell one day from another around here lately. They all seem to blend together.

DVArtist said...

OMGosh this looks so good.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love how you lead into the recipe, Jan. Tuesday is just another day at my house. But I love each and every day, regardless.

Margaret D said...

Looks a lovely meal.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wishing you and yours a Happy Tuesday and a happy every day.

God bless.

Jo said...

What a delicious looking recipe. Yes, I think we do feel different on certain days. I'm always pleased when Friday rolls around again.

baili said...

oh this one looks absolutely compelling dear Jan
i am not mushroom fan yet i want to try it once
more blessings to your beautiful blessed world my friend!
hope sun comes out :)

Ygraine said...

Right! This is definitely dinner tonight in this house!!
A bit late for Tuesday, but it will be the perfect meal for midweek...and I adore chicken, mushrooms and peas. All huge favourites of mine, so many, many thanks!😊😊

Have a super day!

Hugs xxx

Icy BC said...

This recipe has everything I like in it and sounds wonderful!

(Just stopping by to let you know I am at now)

carol l mckenna said...

Yummy recipe ~ ^_^

Be Safe, Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

ps. thanks for your support for my losing my treasure yorkie, Zoe

John's Island said...

Hi Jan, Love this post. Definitely going to give the Chicken with Mushrooms and Peas a try. Looks delicious AND healthy. Just wanted to say thank you so much for the kind comment you left on my blog yesterday. You write some of the kindest comments and I always appreciate hearing from you. I am happy to hear you and Eddie are OK and starting to venture out. Keep up the great work with your blog, take care, and stay well my friend. Best regards, John

Sharon said...

Hi there! First time visit to your blog and will enjoy reading. I am not diabetic, but definitely lowcarb! The chicken recipe looks delicious.

This N That said...

Tasty indeed..looks delicious..will try this one..

NatureFootstep said...

when you are retired Tuesdays are just another day :)