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Wednesday 12 August 2020

Together again ...

Like many other Grandparents, Covid 19 had kept us apart,
so it was wonderful to once again be able to meet up with two of our five grandchildren

it's always fun feeding the ducks

especially when Grandma joins us

peek-a-boo Grandad we can see you!

So thankful for these photographs and more lovely memories,
Anyone for a low carb raspberry sponge finger?
more details here

The best things in life
are the people we love,
the places we've been,
and the memories we've made 
along the way.

All the best Jan


Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds like a good time you had together, it must be wonderful to have family. Valerie

Tom said...

...we meet from a distance.

Phil Slade said...

As much as we love our own kids, grandsons and granddaughters are rather special aren't they Jan. Good to se you having fun.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm happy for you to finally see some of your grandchildren. And those photos look like you had a super time together too!

Alicia said...

Beautiful photos! Yes, make those memories ever opportunity you can!

eileeninmd said...


Cute photos! It is nice you can make new memories with your grandchildren.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jules said...

So good to be back together again. It looks like you’re all having a great time. X

DUTA said...

Lovely ducks and super lovely kids!
A wonderful day for Grandma and her grandchildren!

Sami said...

A great day out with the grandkids Jan :)

Jo said...

I'm so pleased you've been able to meet with your grandchildren again, it's been such a hard time for families who have been kept apart.

Margaret D said...

Oh, how wonderful and great photos.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

I am so glad you could get together with your grandchildren again! Happy times. I am really lucky that my four grandchildren and my three grown up children all live close by. We have always been able to get together with social distancing.

sandy said...

ahh, love the photos - it's great to see grandma with the kids...and feeding the ducks - one of life's fun nature things to do.

Angie said...

Jan - we have so many photos of our kids with their Nana and Granda, feeding geese and ducks. Terrific, cherished memories. Glad you were able to reunite with some of your grands!

Lorrie said...

It's so wonderful that you were able to visit with two of your grandchildren. These can be lonely times for families that have to stay apart. There is always technology to keep us connected, but it's not quite the same, I find.

Elephant's Child said...

WONDERFUL news. For you all.

Shari Burke said...

What a special reunion!

Pom Pom said...

Hi Jan! Aw! How cute! Yes, it's so wonderful to be with family!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful! Lovely photos!!!

Christine said...

Aww so happy for you Jan!

Snowbird said...

Oh, how absolutely fantastic! What a pleasure it must have been to get together

Jeanie said...

This makes me smile -- SO BIG!

Louca por porcelana said...

Oh Jan! So sweet!Hugs!

JFM said...

Beautiful to see family together.
Lovely photos...touches the heart ❤
Keep Safe 🌷

HappyK said...

How nice that you got to spend time with your grandkids. Lovely photos.

Sue (this n that) said...

Those smiles on all three of you tell the story! How lovely you can share that time together Jan xx 💐

It's me said...

We live in such a strange hugging and kissing eachother is so difficult ...staying on distance....but we have no choice...I an so afraid of what is happening in the future....please stay Ria 💕🍀🙏🍀💕

CJ Kennedy said...

Nice moment

DVArtist said...

These are just lovely photos with the grandkids. So glad you were able to do this.

Angela said...

Your grandchildren are beautiful!! The ducks are so cute to watch, they do provide entertainment! These are sweet moments that the kids will for sure keep in their memories and you also.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Darling photos of the reunion of you and your grands! I'm so happy for you. It's really strange not seeing our loved ones. Take care and stay safe.

Linda said...

Aww, I'm happy for you!

Elderberry-Rob said...

Making memories like this is the best, your grandchildren will look back on these happy times.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful, nice to see you - happy times!

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Jan,
The time with your grandchidren is so nice.
Of course you enjoy it. Nice pictures!!

Greetings, Marco

Sue said...

So happy for you all it's really good to get back together 💕😁x

R's Rue said...

Sweet reunion.


Nos ha cambiado mucho la vida, con esta nueva enfermedad. Hay un peligro real, que hay que evitar.

Este año, no me ha parecido prudente viajar a la playa y aquí estoy sin playa y sin ordenador. Le tienen que cambiar la pantalla al portàtil y ahora la mayoría de las empresas tienen los trabajadores de vacaciones. Ahora entro en tu blog desde el móvil.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Oh, how gorgeous - we have really missed contact with our family too this year. Lovely that you could enjoy a beautiful summers day out!
Wren x

Sandra Cox said...

So glad you got to see the Grands:)

Mary Kirkland said...

Lovely pictures. I love the surroundings.

Bill said...

How wonderful, I'm happy for you!

Lowcarb team member said...

Nos ha cambiado mucho la vida, con esta nueva enfermedad. Hay un peligro real, que hay que evitar.

Este año, no me ha parecido prudente viajar a la playa y aquí estoy sin playa y sin ordenador. Le tienen que cambiar la pantalla al portàtil y ahora la mayoría de las empresas tienen los trabajadores de vacaciones. Ahora entro en tu blog desde el móvil.

Google translate:
It's changed our lives a lot, with this new disease. There is a real danger, to be avoided.

This year, I didn't find it wise to travel to the beach and here I am without a beach and without a computer. They have to change the screen to the port and now most companies have the holiday workers. Now I enter your blog from your mobile.

Practical Parsimony said...

I love the pictures!

Lee said...

Beautiful! Happiness and love personified! :)

Rose said...

I know that was fun...grandkids are the best medicine. For anything.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Yes, it's so wonderful to be with grandkids! We have a special bond with them.

Conniecrafter said...

Oh I am so very happy for you that you were finally able to see some of your grandkids, I bet that was a a fabulous day and yes so good to have pictures of it too!!
Have a great weekend!

Teresa said...

Me alegra que estés feliz. Besos.

Divers and Sundry said...

How sweet. Memories in the making :)