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Sunday 13 September 2020

Looking Back At Wonderful September Days

We are very fortunate to have enjoyed many visits to the New Forest, Hampshire, and plan to go again very soon. Whenever we go I so enjoy being able to take your time, take in the views and perhaps meander a little (I'm good at that! LOL!) come on Jan, I hear Eddie say. I was reminiscing about previous September days spent there and thought I'd do a post about it, well why not! So these are old photographs (the first three courtesy of Mr Google) but always nice to see, well I think so!

You often see thatched cottages like these

New Forest Cattle

New Forest Ponies

The New Forest Heathland is lovely

and walking through the very straight trees so enjoyable

You just can't beat it!
In these rather strange days of Covid 19
I think it's even more important to take time out and enjoy a little nature.
It's something we hope to do again soon.

Thanks for reading
All the best Jan


HappyK said...

What a beautiful place. Love the look of the thatched cottage!!

Elderberry-Rob said...

what a beautiful place, you're right, in these uncertain times we must make the most of what we have closer to home and appreciate the beauty of our island.

Tom said...

...I would LOVE to see thatched cottages like these!!!

sandy said...

I enjoyed the post and the photos. How I could love to walk there~!

Sandi said...

Love that roof! How on Earth do they do that??

Martha said...

It looks like a lovely place to visit. I enjoyed seeing all the photos. Have a happy Sunday :)

DVArtist said...

This is truly a beautiful place. The roof top is so much fun.

Jules said...

Beautiful scenery. And those ponies are adorable. X

Lowcarb team member said...

Sandi said...
Love that roof! How on Earth do they do that??

Hello Sandi,
Many thanks for your comment and question.
Read more about Thatching here

There are also quite a few videos on the internet/web showing how it's done.
You may like this one 'How to Thatch a Roof'

All the best Jan

Christine said...

I like the thatched cottages.

Elephant's Child said...

Just beautiful. I hope you can get back there again soon.
Nature and ambling are big in my world too.

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos, the thatched cottages make me homesick for England. Valerie

My name is Erika. said...

It is beautiful to see some snippets of Hampshire. Especially true since I like in New Hampshire. That makes it really interesting.

CJ Kennedy said...

That cottage is awesome and looks like something out of Midsomer Murders

Margaret D said...

I just love those thatched roofs which are not seen here.
It's a pretty area.

Linda said...

Charming cottages and that forest looks marvelous!

Jo said...

Somewhere I've never been, it looks beautiful.

eileeninmd said...


I just love the cottage, such a pretty scene. The cattle are cute too. The forest view is lovely too, I am a tree hugger. Take care, enjoy your new week!

Debbie said...

ooooh i would love to meander there. i would enjoy it all but those cottages, what beautiful little treasures!!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

I love the house... Very nice pictures ... Happy week and September...

Sussi said...

Looks lovely!

Jenn Jilks said...

Thanks for visiting!
What a beautiful cottage!
I love our drives around, but we haven't done so recently. We just are happier hunkering down.

RO said...

Looks so peaceful and lovely! Hugs, RO

Fun60 said...

It is a favourite of mine. I like the Autumn with the changing colours and glorious fungi. I enjoyed your photos of a very special area.

mamasmercantile said...

It is a place that we have not visited for many years but as a lovely reminder of how much we enjoyed our visits there, stunning.

Bill said...

The thatched cottages are beautiful.

R's Rue said...


Sami said...

The thatched cottage is so pretty.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love that thatched cottage. What a neat place to go to get away from all of the problems around us these days.... Getting out in nature --and enjoying our flowers is MY way of coping with the horrible things going on in our country....


Divers and Sundry said...

Peaceful scenes :)

Shari Burke said...

Looks like a lovely spot!


Me ha encantado la cabaña de la primera foto. Nunca había visto una similar a esta. la arquitectura cambia según la climatología de la zona.

Espero que tengas una Feliz semana.

Sue said...

What lovely photographs, we had a very happy week in the New Forrest a few years ago. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue x

Lorrie said...

There are so many beautiful places in the UK - thanks for sharing the New Forest with us!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

So beautiful! I am sure you are wise to do this during these strange times. Nature is a wonderful healer! Keep safe and be well!

baili said...

marvelous place to spend serene times dear Jan

each image speaks for the enchanting beauty indeed
how nice you can enjoy this through old captures :)

nature is best friend :)

Snowbird said...

What a wonderful post. I simply adore the New Forest and loved every minute we've spent there. The landscapes, roaming animals and cottages are delightful. Lucky you being that close. Loved these pictures, you have me pining for the

Anita said...

The house is beautiful❤

Lee said...

Beautiful photos. :)

Jeanie said...

It looks idyllic, Jan. The charming cottage seems from a fairy story or days long ago -- and I love the cows. It sounds like a wonderful spot filled with many memories.

Teresa said...

Muy bonito para disfrutar. Saludos.

Rose said...

I sure could use a little time there....

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful trip and I love your new background, too (hope it´s new or I was just so concentrated on reading I didn´t notice?)...

Phil Slade said...

The New Forest has a number of speciality birds too Jan. Hope you saw the Dartford Warblers and a Hobby or two.