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Thursday 1 October 2020

Hello and Happy October

Well the tenth month of the year is here, O is for October, and I wish everyone a happy month. Out and about, following social distancing rules and of course wearing a facemask as Covid 19 regulations say, the shops seem full of Autumnal gifts, some Halloween goodies and lots of ideas for Christmas!

But if you are like me I also think of October foods and what is in season. Things like leafy kale and leeks, so nice to add to healthy green soups and stews. Of course bright butternut squash adds colour to easy traybakes. Don't forget that once you’ve carved your Halloween pumpkin try cooking with it too – roast in generous wedges or bake into sweet pumpkin pie. British apples and pears are also in season throughout October, more to read with lots of recipe ideas here

who can resist a pumpkin, such delight, image from here
Wishing all readers a Happy October

All the best Jan


Margaret D said...

Haven't heard much about Halloween as yet down this way.

Elephant's Child said...

Love the autumnal images and food you have featured. Happy October.

Valerie-Jael said...

I hope this will be wonderful and colourful month for us all! Enjoy! Valerie

Jules said...

I used to dread this time of year but I now look forward to the bright sunny days of October. Autumn is a beautiful season. X

eileeninmd said...


Lovely Fall images. I am seeing lots of apples, pears and pumpkins here.
Happy October to you! Take care, have a great day!

Lady Caer Morganna said...


R's Rue said...


Lee said...

G'day, Eddie. :)

This year is flying by all too quickly...I'll whisper as I say "Christmas is just around the corner!"

Christine said...

Happy October Jan. Your fall eating suggestions sound welcoming.

Martha said...

I can't wait for some good fall food, happy October!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Great pics!! Fall is my favorite Season of the year!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the squashes in season in the Fall! And it even cooled off here in Florida this week too! Happy October!

Jo said...

It's nice to see the winter veggies in the shops again. We're eating a lot of kale at the moment, I do love cavolo nero.

Debbie said...

oooh the colors and sweetness, hello october!!!

Sondra said...

Awesome fall produce and color....I planted some winter crops and they are not doing well at attacked by snails early on and I don't they will recover! All the best and hope you have a peaceful October!

mamasmercantile said...

I love this time of year and the fruit and vegetables that are available. Soups and stews are a firm favourite.

Tom said...

...I hope that this will be the start of a special month for you.

Louca por porcelana said...

Happy October!

HappyK said...

That little boy is delightful! Love his sweater!!
Happy October to you too.

This N That said...


Jenn Jilks said...

That's so sweet!

Sue said...

Ah one of my favourite months (it's my birthday lol) Sorry I've not been around much lately, it's been a funny old time here. Take care and have a very happy month xx

Chatty Crone said...

I love October and fall. That first photo is gorgeous - it is yours or can I borrow it?

Lowcarb team member said...

Chatty Crone said...
I love October and fall. That first photo is gorgeous - it is yours or can I borrow it?

Hello there,
It is a fabulous image isn't it.
I first used it back in 2015 having discovered it on google images/courtesy of fox hollow cottage blog here

All the best Jan

CJ Kennedy said...

Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit

Lowcarb team member said...

CJ Kennedy said...
Rabbit, rabbit. White rabbit

Hello CJ, many thanks for your comment.
Do you know! I'd not come across this saying before (where have I been all my years!) so I looked it up and thanks to Wikipedia I now know that:-
""Rabbit rabbit rabbit" is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words "rabbit", "rabbits" and/or "white rabbits" aloud upon waking on the first day of a month, to ensure good luck for the rest of it."
Apparently "the exact origin of the superstition is unknown, though it was recorded in Notes and Queries as being said by children in 1909"
More to read here:

All the best Jan

sandy said...

happy October to you - love all the orange in this post~

Carla from The River said...

Hi Jan,
What a fun post about October and I like the photos you used in your post.
We had an acorn squash with polish sausage and the last of the fresh green beans from the garden last night. :-) I love all winter squash, but acorn might be my favorite.

kathyinozarks said...

Welcome in October

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Happy October to you, too, Jan! I can hardly believe that it's here. This year is going quickly, all things Covid -considered.

My name is Erika. said...

Happy October Jan! Love that photo of all those delicious fall foods!

Evi Erlinda said...

Happy October!
I am ready with all of pumpkins!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I bought a small squash today

aussie aNNie said...

Great variety of colours, lovely post. xx

It's me said...

Love pumpkin 🎃...happy weekend love 🧡from me..🍜🍂🍁🌻🍄🌽🌾🍀🧡🎃

N A S S A H said...

Beautiful post

Divers and Sundry said...

A wonderful time of the year. I love your Autumn photos :)

Bill said...

Happy October to you too.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome autumn photos ~ sweet child ^_^ such innocence

Live with love each moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

Oh Jan, I always love your first of the month posts and this might be one of my favorites. I loved that photo of the child with the pumpkin. Yours? I hope so!

baili said...

wishing you a happy October filled with more joys and peace my friend

this post absolutely delightful :)

Phil Slade said...

Now we're back from Greece I'm looking forward to buying some Cox's apples. And while we were away we didn't lose too many bakers from our own tree. More apple crumble to come!

Teresa said...

Feliz octubre también para ti.