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Wednesday 21 October 2020

The Health Benefits of Oranges

Oranges are bursting with vitamins and minerals, but can they really ward off colds? Take a closer look at how these citrus fruits can aid your wellbeing.

Oranges are a round, segmented citrus fruit with a pitted peel. The taste can vary from juicy and sweet to bitter, depending on the variety – more common ones include Valencia, Seville and Hamlin. Most oranges are available year-round, except for varieties such as blood oranges, which have a shorter season.

Nutritional benefits of oranges
Oranges are known for their vitamin C content, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. One medium orange will provide the NRV (nutrient reference value) of vitamin C for adults.

They also contain health-promoting compounds known as flavanones. Research suggests that these citrus phytochemicals help support the body and protect us from conditions such as heart disease and cancer – they’re also thought to have some anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial benefits.

Oranges are also a good source of fibre, B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium and potassium.

Orange peel actually contains higher amounts of certain nutrients than the flesh, so using recipes that incorporate the zest of an orange will give your diet an extra boost.

Can oranges help reduce symptoms of a cold?
There has been an ongoing debate since the 70s as to whether oranges and the vitamin C they contain can help prevent a cold or reduce the symptoms and duration. A recent review of a number of studies found that taking a vitamin C supplement has no effect on colds if you’re already suffering with one.

Can oranges help to reduce blood pressure?
Research suggests that an antioxidant compound found in oranges called hesperidin may help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. This research also suggests that consuming citrus fruits as part of a healthy diet may reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Words above taken from an article, which you can read in full here
You may also like to read this related post 'O is for Orange', find it here

you may like to try this recipe
Halloumi, Carrot and Orange Salad
see it here

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Sami said...

I love juicy oranges :)

Christine said...

I always have oranges on hand, nice recipe thanks.

JFM said...

Great info on oranges and the part they play 8n our healthy life style.
Thank you Jan 🍊

Tom said... they taste good.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I will definitely try this Jan, we are heading into summer weather so this will be perfect đź’›

Fun60 said...

Whether they prevent a cold or not, they make a very tasty snack.

Catarina said...

Good suggestions. We need to be reminded from time to time. : )

Lady Fi said...

Oh, I love the fragrance and smell or oranges! That salad looks delicious.

NanaDiana said...

Oranges are SOOO good for you. Would you believe I can't eat citrus? sigh...I SO miss oranges. Diana

Jeanie said...

I adore oranges and soon the season will be here. Oranges and clementines. They help get me through winter till berries and tomatoes taste like berries and tomatoes!

sandy said...

Oranges can do a lot ..little heroes.

R's Rue said...


Elephant's Child said...

Thank you.
Sadly food intolerances make oranges difficult for me. I miss them.

Sue said...

I love oranges, one of my favourite fruits x

Bill said...

I love oranges, they are one of my favorite fruits.

Valerie-Jael said...

Oranges are one of my fave fruits. Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

Oranges are always good :)

HappyK said...

Oranges - good for you and delicious too.

My name is Erika. said...

I love oranges but tend to not eat them over the summer with all the other fresh fruit. But I just bought a bag and I guess I need to start eating them!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I just really am craving an orange right now Jan! Thank you for all the interesting tidbits about them. I know that they are vitamin C powerhouses, and I love using the orange zest in recipes too, gives the perfect among of zing! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful facts about oranges :)

baili said...

orange is most refreshing fruit dear Jan ,i love it thoroughly
thank you for great helpful sharing

Margaret D said...

Oranges are nice if you can get juicy ones.

Jenny Woolf said...

I love oranges and usually have them in, but it seems to be the end of season now, the last ones I had were so dry and tasteless (and there's a tendency to only offering huge ones too which are too much in one go) So I've decided to wait for the new crop.

Iris Flavia said...

Just having a mandarin right now.

N A S S A H said...

I love orange juice

CJ Kennedy said...

Oranges. Sunshine you can hold in your hand

Stevenson Q said...

I am not very much into fruits which is very bad! Hahaha But Oranges are one of my favorites! Even just looking at it refreshes me

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had an orange yesterday. Looks like I helped myself a bit.

Rain said...

Oh I love oranges. I have OJ each morning. And I use orange essential oil in my aromatherapy to help rejuvenate myself! :)

DVArtist said...

I really love oranges but the produce is so bad where I live that buying oranges is hit and miss on their goodness.

Hootin Anni said...

It is also known to counter-act high sodium foods (at least my nutritionist told Me). Salty food consumed? Eat an orange (or banana). Also a few citrus fruits are lethal when mixed in diet if on heart careful. Read everything, talk to cardiologist.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...had to look it up on my heart meds's grapefruit that shouldn't be consumed with heart meds. Sorry.

Rose said...

You have got me wanting a nice, juicy orange...they are so good.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hootin' Anni said...
It is also known to counter-act high sodium foods (at least my nutritionist told Me). Salty food consumed? Eat an orange (or banana). Also a few citrus fruits are lethal when mixed in diet if on heart careful. Read everything, talk to cardiologist

Hootin' Anni said...
Ps...had to look it up on my heart meds's grapefruit that shouldn't be consumed with heart meds. Sorry.

Many thanks for both your comments here.
I think it is important to highlight, that it is always recommended for any readers who may be taking medication to be aware of any contraindications. Read everything and talk to your medical team if needed.

All the best Jan

Bob Bushell said...

You have the best of my diet, lovely vegetarian.

Phil Slade said...

I am a great fan of oranges. It's quite an art getting to know which countries send us the best oranges and at what time of the year.

This N That said...

I have trouble finding decent oranges in our grocery stores right now..I picked some up this week and put them back down..They weighed nothing and didn't look that great..Will try again...I love a good orange and fresh squeezed OJ!!

Martha said...

We've been enjoying some juicy oranges this week! So delicious.