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Monday 22 March 2021

Extra Virgin Olive Oil : Why Is It The Healthiest Fat On Earth !

Do you use extra virgin olive oil? Is it included on your shopping list? My answer is yes to both questions. Most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy - read on and find out more.

Kris Gunnars BSc writes:
"Why Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is the Healthiest Fat on Earth
Dietary fats are highly controversial, with debates about animal fats, seed oils, and everything in between in full force.

That said, most people agree that extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy.

Part of the Mediterranean diet, this traditional oil has been a dietary staple for some of the world's healthiest populations.

Studies show that the fatty acids and antioxidants in olive oil can offer some powerful health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease.

This article reviews why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest fats.

What is olive oil and how is it made?
True extra virgin olive oil is 100% natural and very high in antioxidants. Many of the lower quality olive oils have been processed and adulterated with cheaper oils.

Nutrient composition of extra virgin olive oil
Olive oil is very high in monounsaturated fats and contains a modest amount of vitamins E and K. True extra virgin olive oil is loaded with antioxidants, some of which have powerful health benefits.

Extra virgin olive oil contains anti-inflammatory substances
Olive oil contains oleic acid and oleocanthal, two nutrients that can fight inflammation. This may be the main reason for olive oil's health benefits.

Extra virgin olive oil and cardiovascular disease
Olive oil may be one of the healthiest foods you can eat for heart health. It reduces blood pressure and inflammation, protects LDL particles from oxidation, and may help prevent unwanted blood clotting.

Other health benefits of extra virgin olive oil
Preliminary evidence suggests that olive oil can help fight cancer and Alzheimer's disease, although human studies need to confirm this.

Can you cook with it?
Overall, olive oil seems to be very safe even for cooking at a fairly high heat.

The bottom line
Olive oil is super healthy. For those who have heart disease or are at a high risk of developing it, olive oil is most definitely a superfood. However, be sure to purchase extra virgin olive oil that hasn't been diluted with cheaper oils. The benefits of this wonderful fat are among the few things that most people in nutrition agree upon."
The above words are just a snippet from Kris Gunnars original article, which can be seen in full with all information and research links here

Do you like to use extra virgin olive oil?
Is it included in your shopping list?

Dear reader, a variety of articles, and recipe ideas, are within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Diane said...

Wonderful post Jan, good information.

Hugs diane

Martha said...

Extra virgin olive oil is used in my home daily. :)

Tom said...

...its name has always puzzled me.

Elephant's Child said...

We do use it. And love it. The jury seems to be out about high heat cooking though. I have heard both that it is safe to use and that it isn't.

DVArtist said...

I know all the benefits of EVOL but I just can't stand the taste of it. Something from my childhood. LOL

J.P. Alexander said...

Sabia algunas cosas gracias por esta entrada tan completa. Te mando un beso

R's Rue said...


Phil Slade said...

Thank you for that reminder Jan. Must admit, we tend to cook with the cheaper oils and use the EV on salads. We will look at going to all EV now.

Margaret D said...

I use extra virgin olive oil daily for several things.

Himawan Sant said...

Amazing benefits of virgin olive oil ..., lots of good benefits.
Thanks for this great review, Jan.
All the best.

Sami said...

I always use Olive oil for salads, for grilling and for light frying only.
For deep frying which I hardly do I use Rice bran oil.

Maria Rodrigues said...

I use extra virgin olive oil as a usual part of my cooking and salads.
Excellent and informative post

linda said...

I use it for everything, it's the only oil I buy, great post. 🙂

Ananka said...

I use this a lot these days :-D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info!

This N That said...

I use extra virgin olive oil to cook..Occasionally a little butter will sneak in there with it!! Enjoy your day..

Bill said...

We have some always in the kitchen.


Estoy bien concienciada que es el aceite lo mejor para coconar. Vivo en Andalucía , en donde hay infinidad de olovos que proporcionan un aceite de gran calidad.


Lea said...

Yes, we do in our household however, Evol can not be used to such as a high cooking method or high heat as it turned to no good. Grapes oil however is good for high heat cooking. We used both evol for the low heat cooking method, grapes oil for the high heat cooking method.

Sue said...

It's my favourite oil to use x

Christine said...

I use it regularly.

HappyK said...

Yes, we use that oil a lot!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's such good information. I used some yesterday in a side dish with a medley of fresh veggies! It's such a blessing to get to eat good, isn't it?

William Kendall said...

Quite informative!

mamasmercantile said...

It is an oil I use but mainly for making salad dressings bot for cooking. So yes it is on my shopping list to experiment with using it a little more in place of sunflower oil.

Teresa said...

Lo uso siempre, para cocinar y para todo. Extremadura donde vivo es una gran productora de aceite y de muy buena calidad, con varios premios de la mejor del mundo. Besos.

Jeanie said...

I've heard that before many times, but never really heard the reasons why, so thanks for posting this one, Jan!

Snowbird said...

I always cook with extra virgin olive oil so it's good to hear of all the health

sheila 77 said...

This is very informative and reassuring as this is the oil we use.
Have a happy day!

Bob Bushell said...

Charming images of beautiful nature, I love extra virgin olive oil.